Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Behavior Report Card Template

esoteric suicide Chronicle announced ... -A story for bloggers ... MA

take a few days thinking very seriously close your blog, that is the end of their adventure and their literary characters. I was not tired or had fled the inspiration, of course, Paul writes from more than thirty years every day, bit much, good or bad or indifferent, but writes and reads every day of your life ... so it is very difficult not impossible that one day you do not know what to write or how to do it ... I had other motives, had other reasons ... I had actually begun to evaluate this possibility after reading an e-mail sent by one of his most ardent readers, conspicuous writer each order week he wrote long and always incisive reflections on its texts, as well as lovingly scold him about his extravagance as a writer of blogs and alert fatigue or boredom that sooner or later afflict some writers in this medium. That letter was shocked ...

In its letter, Gavina -stranded so brilliant was nicknamed "Jiminy Cricket" literary "I have already attached one of those posts of worship that are transmitted by word of mouth (so to speak) by Internet forums and appear in the lists of some gurus ciberblogosfera. Paul is suspicious of flattery, you know your sweet narcotic, has enjoyed many times in your life professional ... even with all the thanks in silence, we encourage delivered more if possible. However, we "are" some words that ooze so much admiration and appreciation, same thing happens with unexpected gifts, not sure why, with what this man mastered the language, it remains silent in such situations, what Curious ... After this first statement, Gavina stranded confided a recent experience: " Not long ago, wandering through the Internet, I ended up at a blog that caught my attention and, although not comparable, I related rapidly with yours. Its author had posted a last entry in November 2007 and she was saying goodbye to readers and fans (your blog curious parallel as to the plethora of abductees). After reading there for a considerable number of entries I overcame my reluctance to post comments incomprehensible and, feeling that he had been visiting the grave of an unsung hero, I left some flowers on it. Some still visit the tomb waiting for the miracle of the resurrection "... Reading this last paragraph Paul knew with absolute certainty that he also" committed suicide "young hero in the prime of his life as a blogger, he sensed what was going to happen soon did not yet know when ...

Given its tropism for symbolic themes and ritualistic nature, immediately began to think that when indeterminate. Should correspond to some magic number, sacred, that was totally safe ... Paul thinks that certain numbers, certain images and words, are the number of the world, his secret key, to find them, to recognize, has dedicated much of his life, their free time, knowledge and memory ... "I could write a treatise on methods and checks, even a novel about the real reasons, aspects" magic "of many of their professional decisions, the hidden meaning of most of your projects ... After reviewing your list of numbers "suitable" for the sacrifice of his blog, concluded that it would have to do with the number 13. And not just because in Western culture (and its ramifications current globalizing) the fatal number thirteen is unlucky, but precisely because of its ambiguity and secret magical backdrop that Paul knows so well.

folklorist is that many Christians of the thirteenth fatality from the same thirteen diners Dinner Santa threshold of the sacrificial death of Jesus ... has been such hysteria unleashed by the thirteenth in our era that is avoided in many current series: for example in rows of seats on the aircraft, in many hotels and skyscrapers there is no floor 13, some characters refer to him as 12 +1, others avoid marrying any day thirteen (and if it's Tuesday worst). In fact there is a phobia of number thirteen-triscaidecafobia-as there is another at 666, or number of the beast, of course much more difficult to write and pronounce correctly all in one go: hexakosioihexekontahexafobia ... " Fish leads, when the river sounds "in the same Code of Hammurabi omit the number 13, the death is the number XIII of the Major Arcana of the Tarot (the only lama is not" named ")-although it is not a letter in itself "bad" as it announces transformation and change, nobody likes that death comes to visit soon, even at the time, right? ... Well, in Mexico death is another thing, is so sweet ...

However, for other cultures, other people, the number thirteen is a "key", revealing skeleton key to unlock many secrets hidden truths "sacred" to confirm transcendental character, beyond the merely physical and material-of the universe and everything in it is contained. It seems that is related to the cosmic and astrological same child Jesus received the Magi 13 days after birth, Christian legend, in fact the Zodiac signs is 13, since Gemini is twofold: thirteen "months" of twenty days constitute one year -260 days-in Calendar Sacred Maya, Mesoamerican civilization that fascinates us so much Paul and me, and Bruno Llanes, of course, also are thirteen lunar cycles of 28 days that constitute a solar year on the calendar Dreamspell, perhaps more accurate than the calendar Gregorian ... The number 13 is lunar, female, no doubt, and the 12 is solar, masculine. No wonder then that the clocks an invention as male-male as few areas have divided into twelve sectors, hours ... Women are wiser, they invented the time, watches ... Your daily cycles always have an hour more (no man knows what makes a woman your gift when it is his whim, his secret). Men tend to be specific, that is precisely reach their instantaneous, the women always arrive on time ... your time is not the same.

Jewish Kabbalah in each letter represents a number, if we add the numbers in the Hebrew word ONE as a result gives us 13 ... Freemasons For thirteen is the number of major changes and major changes somehow the symbol of eternal life. The U.S. dollar is a good example of this "mean" and "know" hidden, something obvious given the foundation of the new state and its symbols by fracmasones and intellectual occultists. In the back of dollar bill-the most viewed image, while the least read of American visual culture, we can see the white eagle "grabbing" on one side for another 13 arrows and an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 fruits, the shield of the eagle is a shield with 13 stripes on his head and recognize a halo-constellation of 13 stars, certainly composing a star of David, the two triangles formed by inverted equilateral traversing overlapping, on the other side of the eagle see the pyramid that leads to the gnostic knowledge, symbolized by the great all-seeing eye and looks away, the pyramid has 13 steps or rungs ... And central slogan: ONE-A- about thirteen ... How strange that for some, perhaps among the wisest, the thirteenth means union ( Simbolon ), is a number "key" that links ... and for others, most undifferentiated "means what Otherwise, there exists disunity ( diábolon ), negative fate ... In German, for example, thirteen said "ITS Dreizhen Dutzend des Teufels" (thirteen is a dozen of the devil) ...

Once Lee decided that the thirteenth is the number base, it was easy to guess what the final figure would be included in this series: 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91, 104, 117, 130, etc ... As long ago published his entry number 52-whose cryptic symbolism readers obviously did not understand, your best choice possible would be 104. That is, he was convinced "suicide" your blog entry to coincide with the number 104, which also should be consistent with the day 104 from creating your blog. Nothing else make this decision Paul opened his file Blogger to see its position on this calendar count-back ... would be remiss not to tell the truth if you worried more than expected to find that missing a few days and few inputs to achieve this fateful (but voluntary) figure that would end his existence as a character and author of a blog of worship ", who knows if it also forever in the blogosphere. This certainly fell into that sadness to Paul for three days and nights he could not utter a word or write a single letter, those days were no more or less a being in a coma, or worse: a being buried alive (paralyzed by fear, dumb conscious of his fate in terror) ...

before commenting that the Maya civilization had a mathematical and astrological knowledge truly exceptional and had several calendars that you expressed. Probably the most significant is the Sacred Calendar - Tzolkin or Cholquij - 260 days (thirteen cycles of twenty days each). Astrological observation and theoretical systematization led the Maya to know the movement of the planets, their annual cycles around the sun, such as Venus. It seems that the importance of the number thirteen would be given by the combination of the Venusian year (of 584 Earth days) with the ground (365 days). The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 73 -584 / 73 = 8, 365 / 73 = 5 - the sum of their products would be 13 (8 +5) ... The combination of the Mayan vigesimal this module 13 260 results , which coincides almost completely with the cycle of two crops of corn in the Mayan lands, and what is more surprising, the gestation period of a human being ... The combination of sacred years of 260 days and 365-day solar da unit resulted in 52-year cycles called "beam" or "knot" - xuihmolpilli - ... The end of each cycle of 52 years was a time of fear and foreboding, it was thought could be the end of the cosmos, the known world. Likewise, the total number of days equal to five years Venusian eight Earth years provides interesting suggestions: if you understand that the birthday of a person is his "day mark" ( tonalli ), mathematical and astrological features to attend this day-sign just exactly every 65 cycles of Venus, every 37,960 days, which is the same 104 years solar ... The most surprising is that the solar cycle of 365 days, the "Sacred" of 260 days and the Venus 584-day match having only been two "centuries" Maya, 52, is exactly every 104 years ... All of these conditions

symbolic and numerical correlation completely decided Paul to "commit suicide" your blog under the banner of 104 . With aplomb checked the calendar, counted the days since appeared Four Leaf Clover-such was his log-and set the exact day of his "assassination." Then in Wikipedia interpreted the oracles of the day "D" who confirmed it suitable for day to disappear, indeed, that day also was a multiple of 13, on the day half a year "sacred" as the Mayan calendar ... "this verification, as well as leave stunned and amazed, it was an intense chill that ran through his body with exasperating slowness ... It is a thrill death, he concluded

wrong ... Do not give more returns or seek other motives or reasons (sic) for this "suicide announcement" Four Leaf Clover -and if there are, I believe we must respect the silence and intimacy of suicide ... Yes, Paul could have taken another less radical decision: to continue such his life as a character blog to its certain death as a human being that somehow it had given its natural status of virtual death ... It was not an activity that was time consuming, possession of sufficient and with almost total freedom to pursue a good season, if not at the same pace of development, at least with remarkable consistency and quality exquisite formal ... Of course I was frustrated in their expectations: their success and enthusiasm, the great interest, even devotion, of many of its readers their texts far exceeded what I had dreamed or expected just three months before ... Maybe that feeling of acceptance and recognition from others gave him, paradoxically, the charge of conviction he needed to carry out his plan without predictable weakness or regret ... Even with so few signs in recent days confirmed he was the best I could do ... I do not know ...

small details dialectical skirmish, things apparently nothing serious but beat him now more than before: the demise and closure of some blogs I frequented, the silence of some of its most "loyal" readers or the lack of comments, in some cases seemed be a "retaliation" for his own silence and inattention to some other texts so stupidly provocative and unnecessary - would have to do with jealousy?, what strange things while ordinary happen in this world ... not quite understand how some really mediocre blogs were so frequented by intelligent people, with obvious literary criteria, which deposited always comments on them huge praise ... Paul did not understand how they could do this while excusing the failure to attend his own blog for lack of time ... There was also a bit tired of doing regular rounds of "visits" to their favorite blogs ( or others with an interest) to remind them that "still there" ... Paul was like reading well as writing, blogging always walked carefully and hoping to find texts and memorable images in these months was lucky to find real wonders that moved, providing great moments of pleasure and complicity anonymous ... But understand that it was not possible to continue and indefinitely in this coming and going "protocol" ... The worst was overconfident about the loyalty of readers, even more than a lover ... "but if Paul just wants to leave at least a" hello "greeting ... or singular adjective: Beautiful! for example ... little more ...

The days of Paul decision was sorry and gave him more enthusiastic readers penalty ... He promised not to leave them orphans for a while, write to your personal email, send any original from time to time, often in their posts even with a second pseudonym. Something like staying close to them as a good ghost or a literary guardian angel ... still not clear to a few days before his suicide. Expects to decide about gradually as your comments go see ... How hard is to say goodbye, put an end, this is awful, god ... And yet we all know that one day we will die no matter our opinion or our feelings ... that every book has his last words, all the calligraphy painting final ... Perhaps the difference is that a book writer or an artist does not need to die to complete his work, sacrifice themselves to her ... A blogger himself, Paul himself, needs to die to be reborn ... is the Phoenix, the reincarnation of Nahahuátl ... your medicine, your poison ... the victim, his tormentor ...

- If the day-sign we are born determines our destination, day-sign of our death our memory condition? What mysteries have a life and death ...

Drawing: "Book of Hours ", 1991-92


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