Thursday, May 1, 2008

Rent House In Hamptons After Prom

De Babel birds and their melodious trills ... (Divine palabrrras)

I know you like my articles on" alchemy of the verb " , Rimbaud would say, the confidences I share with you about the old "langue des oiseaux " of the alchemists and teachers of Tarot. Today I want to show some strange analogies, striking matches to test new ways of reading and interpreting the world, life, their languages, which hold unexpected treasures to your eyes ... Our destiny is encryption, encryption, certain words and phrases that one day we found no accident or a stranger gives us without really knowing why ... Read your dreams I do not interpret ... After reading I can see the reality - you réel - that transfigured ...

The great twentieth-century alchemist, Fulcanelli the mysterious anonymous, on his second book - Demeures Philosophales - reveals the meaning of the language of birds: " The old masters, in drafting its treated, mostly used hermetic kabbalah, still called "language of birds" by the gods, gay science or scavo gay. " In this way they could hide from the mob the principles of his science, wrapping with a cabalistic cover. (...) But generally ignored the language of the authors borrowed terms is the archaic Greek, the mother tongue of the plurality of disciples of Hermes. This is the reason why no action was perceived some cabalistic, precisely because the French comes directly from the Greek "..." it seems that Fulcanelli does not have great knowledge of etymology and comparative language, or is it to say that French comes directly Greek is referring to other genealogies? ... We later noted that " the language of birds is a phonetic language based solely on assonance. No account is taken of the spelling, this rigor serves as a brake to the curious (...) The few authors who have spoken the language of birds attribute the first place in the origin of languages. Its antiquity would go back to Adam, who would have used to impose, according to divine order, suitable and proper names to define the characteristics of men and created things (...) Ancient writers called "general Langua" (universal language) and "language court "(the language of court), that is diplomatic language, because it contains a double meaning which corresponds to a double science, a superficial and the other deep. (...) was the secret language of "cabaliers" Kabbalists and gentlemen ... Initiates and intellectuals of antiquity knew it all "... Already in his first book - Le Mystere des Cathedrals - Fulcanelli was referring to this ancient language. According to the rules of phonics and the homophony of the language of birds, the "Gothic" of the cathedrals would be a particular language - " slang" - for those who were interested in expressing their thoughts and knowledge without being recognized or understood by others "naive" ... For Fulcanelli these " argotiers , who spoke an ancient cabal were sealed descendants of the" Argo-naut "that seeking the mythical Golden Fleece " All Initiates are in slang."

years before the appearance mysterious Fulcanelli's books, Henry Boudet, cure of Rennes-les-Bains, had published a famous book - celtique La vrais langue (1886) - in which he stated that English was the language used for giving a double meaning to the French words ... This method is the use we have seen Duchamp in some of his most notable "ready made" language-see: Alchemy Duchampian and language of the birds ... and also For those who read and translate the language of birds, or want to learn other languages \u200b\u200b... forget . Moreover, this "polyglot" esoteric is that we recognize in some of the most disturbing pages of Joyce's books, especially in its Ulysses and Finnegans Wake , and of course, in novels and essays by Umberto Eco especially in the encyclopedic watertight Foucault Pendulum ... Boudet also refers in his book to the popular word games in England, which is called "points to." Boudet it relates to the Punic language (or the people of Kabylie, Berber, North Africa), and interprets "Kabylie " has to do with "Kabbalah" (the cabal of alchemists and hermetic to make games words, etc.). Boudet Punic believes that this language would be a perfect direct derivation of the previous language of Babel, before the pride of the men were punished by the multiplication of their tongues and their confusion ... After the confusion of tongues of Babel, according to Boudreau, " new words did not have the same simplicity, were constructed and expressed their meanings through associations of primitive terms, sometimes with a little figurative statements, or describing a real or historical fact. " That is, after the confusion of languages \u200b\u200bthe words are loaded with double meanings or new meanings, is magnetized with new maps. Boudet

also saw a close proximity between the language " Kabylia (Berber) and the Basque language, intuition is even more surprising given the results today recent research that revealed multiple connections and phonetic language Euskera and Berber dialects ... And even more when, following the thesis of Father Barandiaran, we can locate and interpret the origins of Castilian in the geographical and linguistic borders of indeterminate dates Euskera the early medieval period, implying recognition of a cross between two languages \u200b\u200bradically distant from each other: on one hand the semantics of Vulgar Latin, probably contaminated with residual Celtic words, despite the Roman, from its original folk form, and on the other hand a phonetics course different, Euskera, or perhaps Berber (though certainly distorted and almost unrecognizable as such.) This would explain the different evolution of Castilian and Italian, two languages \u200b\u200bseemingly so close and with a common core, and the different processing of some of its essential language particles such as its diphthongs ...

Although only a hypothesis, it is fascinating to see the amount and "representativeness" of the Castilian words that are composed with the sound "br", in many aspects related to the phonetic transcription of the same word "Berber." To cite just a few examples: man female name, shadow, threshold, sprout, brief, shining, coal, jump, vibrate, verve, angry, rude, gross, flange, Bret, breña, breeze, arm, face down, bregma, roar, Bricomanía, twine, Branca, burnished bronze, shield, copper, bromine, witch, compass, fog joke brisca, fig, anger, rogue, brigade, Brear, tar, brush, clip, divide, beverage, curb, water, gill, struggle, pants, bruno, juniper, heather, breeze, blade, drill, brush, name, gin, snake, word, Hebrew ... and Brahma, Ebro, Brittany ... and many others that contain the phoneme "br" in its syllables, or other similar phoneme, "pr", also bilabial also: turn, learn, profit, private, near this, soon, quickly, testing, pre-... Many of these words was a recognition of ancient origin, sometimes Celtic, other "Ibero" or from "talk Pyrenees, and many others after the catastrophe of Babel, its great tower - what birds nested in the heights they still remember their original language? What do you read me in your philology fit my words?

I'm sure all the concepts, actions, feelings and sensations, the basic material elements of any primary culture, can be expressed with these words that include the phoneme "br", "pr" or similar (which is worst were altering the ebb and flow of words) ... Furthermore, I would say that this has to do with the voice of God, how we heard or performed oral old men ... God's voice is the voice of thunder, its vibration is his word (the old "brrr) ... Name is to deny ... My name is BRUNO LLANES ..." and yours as soon as the RAF which continues ...

Drawing: "Book of Hours ", 1991-92


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