Friday, April 25, 2008

Sample Messages For Wedding Welcome Bags

On "romantic professionals" and its dangers ...

Have you ever met a / the romantic / professional in your life? Sure ... there are everywhere, have a special smell to sniff existential tragedies, moments of weakness ... Of course not all "romantic" are "romantic professionals, their typology is very diverse, most are harmless, even intimate: the" melancholy ", the" literary " the "aesthetic", the "love of love", etc., is the "professionals" who you have to save, they are dangerous, can hurt you much damage if you let them into your life and "Okuparte" no solution ... I will define and describe above such a romantic, that you care ...

But before I sign up something about the romance lest we confuse the words and make a mess ... one thing to have romantic impulses from time to time, idealized love living situations, like a novel - " roman" in French - and another thing to live in a permanent state ... We are all romantic romantic functional, but some are in need ... and among them some by trade ... One thing is "to be" romantic and a "being" romantic ... Being romantic is abandoned to unknown, the unconscious, the irrational. It's a mood that is experienced with total delight, without reservation or subterfuge, enjoying every moment of a sort of existential shipwreck where reality drifts and crashed into the ridge threat of life ... Usually, for a romantic does not fit the hypothesis that there may be "a today, "an immediate reality, which may be considered cause for concern or wishes to look forward. Only last-remembered bitterly and future, always uncertain, miserable and terrible senses, have the dignity and gravity enough to be taken into account, move him ... His tragedy is not confined to the narrow knowing their territories memory-chewed-and desire-volatilization, both agonizing and abysmal ... can not live real time, that is, who should share with "others." The romantic aims to resolve their distress, to be saved, not just a moral commitment that will reconcile with their time and others ... It is a selfish character and need-is-nature, isolated and timeless ...

The "professional romance "is a perversion of Romanticism, its most pathological and harmful. First is a show that requires exceptionally gifted actors to self-pity and loneliness. His characters spend all their time bemoaning the injustice, villainy, inevitable adversities of fate ... So many times have tested the loyalty and love of his victims in the end only have been by his side treachery and indifference of her lovers ... you'd better not even to these buffoons suicide of love ... so apparently owners themselves, as actors. Suicide is a pretext that is written, he admits with tears in their eyes, threatens, but has never taken seriously on the lips of these tricksters feelings. Suicide is a last resort it does requires some kind of remorse ... "rather than the romantic suicide is not willing to suffer, anything that is not strictly governed by its advantageous contract with life.

For those who believe that humanity is stupid, to be "professional romantic is your best option. No one is more ambitious and ruthless than those romantic. His apparent and well-studied self-destructive character reduced to rubble all the illusions of those who had the temerity to pity them and try their salvation. The proverbial greed to possess that betrays the spirit of these patients is matched only by his natural disposition to leave battered all those souls who have thumbed and squandered. And do not mind having lost everything, on the contrary ... this destitution, this folly, are convinced that they got it appease his anxiety, at least momentarily before equip new horrors, more subtle desecration in the naivety of his victims ...

The "romantic professional" claims for itself all the affection and tenderness that come out to meet him, not deserve. Makes them unlikely traps, illusions comfortable lies we entangle and confuse any idiot who has tried to save with his piety and ridiculous hope. With the Romantics do not play or may suffer as a joke. Your most effective strategy is to make us believe they need our love, our admiration freed from suspicion ... they say we are the only safe haven in which to deposit their solemn confessions ... much falsehood and cunning to be loved for who only aspires to hate later after his treason ... What perverse intelligence, god ... so refined And what a pleasure to conquer back the trust of someone who has left (only on a whim, without the least regard his bitterness) to multiply their suffering to the absolute limits in fear of a final and definitive abandonment ... - remember the book, film, Havoc ? The victims of a "professional romantic" survive unfortunately suffering from fear to love forever ...

The "romantic professional "lives in a continued indifference camouflaged studied fine words and caresses. There is nothing more despicable than a love poem written by such mercenary meanness, nor as painful as the memory of her orgasms. Delicious orgasms and words of a romantic seductive open scars, tears acids that leave intact with no cure time, for which no use the mock heroic revenge or forgetting. How to make love, as he writes of love, a "professional romantic!" Romantic

These predators are masters in the art of believing their lies. Nobody will ever know when they suffer or enjoy really. Their throats strung laughter and groans with the same sound ... They say oh, what a pain! as they might say "I love you" or "I'm the happiest person in the world" ... Its sentimentality is a narcotic anesthetic for the victims and prevents them from escaping while there is time. Exude a powerful drug that bittersweet sentimental, propagated by tongues and ears, numbs the senses, mostly common sense ... A whisper, just a syllable, can topple the strongest human architecture and the strongest of wills. Seduced by the voice of a passionate and romantic look is known for its unhappy sooner or later, all its own, humiliated ... No no one deserves such a sacrifice, not even who made you dream of truth for the first time ... The end of the dream is a miracle that suicide is not worth it ... do you? ... Love is something else ... right?

Drawing: the "Book of Hours " , 1991-92


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