Sunday, April 27, 2008

Can Ringworm Be Dormant

This evening I will write about landscapes ... "Well ... also about sex and romance (but do not be alarmed, it's just an introduction).

Sunday, Mr Pau Llanes ... It's a lovely evening: bright, blue, warm ... I write after lunch generously relaxed and excited after attending while disappointed at the final race of Formula One (for TV, of course, I'm stuck in Mallorca). I prefer to write to nap.

The first thing I want to say is that I was surprised large share (the views and comments) to my last text about romance, about the "romantic professionals" ... It was a text I decided to write stimulated by one of the first comments on my stories erotic-pornographic. The comment went something like, "Yeah, funny, but what about romance? ... So I said, why do not you? ... Want romance? Well, take romanticism ... At worst I spent ... but the result of my participation as readers, I confirmed that the "theme" is in the air and everything / as they felt involved / or recognized as / as in some way ... To close the chapter I just want to own two or three points: first, that "romantic professionals" (or "emotional vampires" or "rogue sublime") there are men and women (not just a boundary condition of males), which its objectives are the same but their strategies are different, and do not necessarily belong to the age group of maturity ... I say I found true "vampires sublime" in his twenties, with experienced "romantic professional" thirty-something, with predatory forties and fifties ... The body is old, the soul.
Second: my stories were examples of sex without love ... real as life itself. And very pleasant, right? ... There is love, sex, and love without sex ... as is sex with love or without it ... Who has not had sex, just sex nothing more than sex? So I do not understand some critical comments about it ... Or is that masturbation is an act of self-esteem? I do not think it necessary to be self-love to pleasure ... not to meet with romance ... Give the body what the body needs and what you require soul-not vice versa ... ...
Finally, to those who ask me about my romantic nature or not, I advise you read my texts grouped under the themes "love" and "love" ... Pau Llanes knows and knows firsthand all that ... He loved as much as they loved, no more and no less-is and has been a lover and lover, is in love as much as you love ... What Pau Llanes required to love is to be memorable, if not, better sex, pure sex, fun, imagination and quality (and very memorable) ... Sex with love is an act of extreme generosity, mutual care and attention, shared physically and emotionally. Have sex "just sex" is something else: a pact here and now "for pleasure and, of course, an excellent pedagogical exercise between two beings who" taught "and "Learn" while they are pleased ... To have sex is required on all willing to learn as much as wanting to teach. Sexual accomplices enjoyed the most are those who give to their game without competing, sharing their skills, enjoying both surprises and the curiosity of their respective bodies. The ideal is to seamlessly switch the roles of teacher and learner / a in the sexual game ... better than nothing would have enough "expertise, experience and know-how." The best sex is obtained by applying in each situation the most appropriate method: inductive, deductive, analytical and / or synthetic. He fucks methodically, method and technique to love ... But there is no method or experience that are worth: you love holistically, in all, pure intuition ... You love even without knowing ... Knowing is not the same as knowing ... I explained it? Do you understand?

Well ... I'll tell you more: yesterday I was in the field, walking, smelling, sharing feelings with my company, collecting landscapes ... We talk a lot of writings and landscapes painted landscapes, represented as summarized in pictures. Still warm words that we said about the thoughts that led. I would like to share with you all this, you're so far away, invisible. Now I want to write about landscapes ... In principle, suspicious of the words they want it too totalizing embrace all, show everything, say everything: Art, Culture, Nature, Scenics ... How easy it would write " Everything is landscape, but it would be stupid arrogance, an assertion with no guarantee ... We need to find some effective starting point to help us build language (literature). Borges preferably made from dictionaries and encyclopedias, because there the words are arranged at least by non-contiguous lexical meanings. Me I also like to consult dictionaries, squeeze, like Borges. And among them, I declare my special admiration and trust for the Dictionary of English Use Dona Maria Moliner, almost always find an argument in their definitions enough ... Not so in this case. Most definitions and meanings of "landscape" posed Dona Maria are very partial, makes many references to rural, the countryside. However there is one that makes me think, "field considered show" ... Yes, that's talking, of landscapes to see and feel.

It occurred to me to try a proper definition sobre el paisaje que quiero regalarte: “ Paisaje: una visión fragmentada de la naturaleza y el mundo que nos rodea e incluye ”… Es decir el paisaje como algo que se ve y por supuesto se interpreta —elegimos nuestro punto de vista, los ángulos de visión, acotamos su amplitud (“enmarcamos” nuestra mirada)… Se trata de fragmentos de realidad que ordenamos, componemos, relacionamos, comparamos… Fragmentos de la naturaleza: pero no sólo la espontánea y libre, la que se entiende como no construida ni intervenida directamente por el hombre, sino también la alterada mínimamente todavía comparable en muchos aspectos a la naturaleza salvaje, o domesticada with true love and commitment (though utilities), such as the countryside, rural ... And also fragments of the world that would be the rest is not widespread nature where it appears the built, urban, inside our home territories, our houses and courtyards, parks and gardens ... A nature and a world around us and include scenes of our steps, where we walk or we move ... the vital circle radii are our eyes and feelings and mobile center axis moves, parasite, with our body ... A world-landscape-circular and includes affects us belongs to us and we belong, as a point belongs equally to its circumference and the tangent line that touches ...

is clear that this idea about the landscape of a deep conviction: " The landscape is human, or it is not ." What I mean is that the landscape exists only insofar as it is seen, read and interpreted, on the contrary nature, the world still exist even without our views and interpretations. The landscape is a state only circumstantial, not essential in nature ... as human landscapes are inhabited, have been or will be inhabited. And inhabit a landscape view only, our eyes are a prosthesis, our machines to record and play, the physiological prosthesis prosthesis. We hope and we do everything possible to save his features sketches from life, photos, videos, those written pen flies, Intangible invent mnemonics before they disappear their ephemeral sensations, perhaps with the secret intention of restoring his magic feelings that we moved ... Oh, those memories so volatile, so distracted by anything that mingle with them, sharing their secrets with total promiscuity. If not for the pictures, those things that fill the museums, books, libraries, our life of street vendors, everything would be unsolvable chaos of confused memories, to the wishes ... more hopeful would only forgotten memories.

But make no mistake: there is no image that represents the whole world. Like the art is not a facsimile of the world nor is a landscape. I repeat: what we see and select fragments of nature and the world around us is only an interpretation, a visual representation from a particular viewpoint poor-all view has specific space and time coordinates, interim, we move too ... Maybe this fragility of reality referred to, nature "seen and interpreted" in his landscapes, shocked the art and look into this subject-subject. Art has always wanted create lasting images, including iconic signs that we chained to his memory in perpetuity. For that it had rid of insignificant details, the lengthy descriptions, analytical sciences traps and optical physics. The vision of art is more of a pure interpretation of extrasensory perception that a strict sense ... It is rather a suspicion that something invisible inside or beyond what you see ... You know, I've said on other occasions that I represent symbolically the Arts through a lattice, which reveals and obscures, and dramatize a scene of jealousy when I want to know and it hurts know ... Anyway, do not follow this path, you see where I can bring my passion for landscapes, for their performances: far, far away, up, perhaps in the clouds and fog ...

All landscape is subjective - necessity as the "I" which aims to identify with him, a pure interpretation ... " The eye is blind art," he said with obvious exaggeration Gombrich. Neither of the landscape can a purely physical. It is not possible a hypothetical mechanical look devoid of intent, pure and uncontaminated memory, memories, which is absent the power of imagination. The look of the landscape, as in art, is subjective ... often confuse what is merely a visual recognition with the pure knowledge (scientific or otherwise), which has led to multiple and persistent errors and paradoxes of reality. What we see is only a partial fragment of a more complex reality, just a poor stimulus in a given context, we discover not always naive and autonomously but rather the contrary. Usually we consider the sense of sight as the first and most immediate of our senses, we communicate more effectively with the outside world, but this is not true. Looking, seeing and knowing intermingle dangerously, sometimes contradictory when vibrate at will, unsupportive ...

Many of our ideas and beliefs backed only by the sense of sight are superficial appearances of image, mental constructs visual models from given, made and learned without reservation. It is seen that in addition to any landscape should be read: it is a visual text that requires its own code of interpretation of reality, a complex transcription system linking seemingly disparate forms and contents, including exceptions, something like a foolproof formula for order the world in all its facets and possibilities, but in its way, as their home language. Since the destruction of the Tower of Babel interprets each world as he gives his speech, which explains the cultural conventions, aesthetic, nothing universal, leading to the painted landscapes of East and West, the divergent trends particular to this era of globalization alleged differentiation and generic ...

- Go ! I've been through ... I've written too much, how long have I done wrong ... Well, another day I'll write a bit more of my favorite landscapes, those that I was collecting for my life of compulsive traveler, nomad, vagabond, before finally meet when and where ... Where are you? Please send me your favorite landscape; descríbemelo or give me one of your images, you may well find you more easily and begin to live, to inhabit, even in your absence ... I'll wait here while you rid of your baggage useless ... Do not delay. Or think that I've read all the way until the last three dots ...

Photos: The Series "Landscapes of Mallorca " January-July 2004


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