Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pregnancy And Pooping

Ascesis in life as in love ... "should read me until the end of disgust ... but you

reread a text of the young Mircea Eliade and find a quote from Baudelaire: "L'ironie considérée comme une form of maceration" (The irony considered as a way of mashing) ... Eliade relates to Kierkegaard, understands that "maceration" is something like a form of secular asceticism, the decomposition of the profane man ... be ironic self or others would like to dissolve some vulgarity or spiritual naivete, to "exorcise , humiliating, too human comfort ". Eliade's interpretation is that this technique is perfectly ascetic, a marinate the meat ... I do not know ... sometimes Mircea Eliade spent three villages ... Even with all admit that makes me think about a Baudelaire was macerated and humiliated with pleasure ... or Emil Cioran is a tragic example of self-maceration through of paradox and invective. " It is true that Cioran was locked in solitude built labyrinths slippery walls, walls of sarcasm patina of pure bile melancholic mood ... and there's no better antioxidant than the same surface oxide induced by our urine repulsion say it is a admirable instrument of self-defense being ... Mircea Eliade

says, and the analogy is correct, that all forms of asceticism as a tool used repulsion of contemplation: " meditation on corpses (in India, on top of them), meditation on derelict sites or cemeteries are mandatory practices. The dirt from the body, feverish parasites, rags, disgusting diseases (leprosy, lupus, smallpox, etc.) Are earnestly recommended ascetic techniques, at least as introductory exercises. The neophyte has to make the disgusting to the core of his being: to feel that everything is broken in this world of illusions and pain that everything becomes, ie, "swarm." Only after to have reached this pessimistic intuition, the ascetic can be installed in the quiet indifference, indifference and stillness that make you look just as "a piece of land or a jewel of gold, a piece of meat at the butcher or the soft thigh of a woman "as the ancient Hindu treatises pray " ...

asceticism What about love? This asceticism of which the main character spoke of the play "Victor " character who represented the same Duchamp-written by his friend and associate Henri-Pierre Roche, " Love, an asceticism. Its elimination, another ascetic. (...) We must avoid live long together. We need to know to be able to rediscover abandoned. Avoid devour the other, or wanting to be devoured "..." I know it is so, the practice from time to time. I also know you share my absolute silence and no radical, isolated from the overnight as the living dead ... do not know how hard it is to become the indifferent (not to be exact) ... Sometimes it costs too much again as if nothing ...

Photos: Il Baboon "(statue of Silenus) and" Memento Moris the architect Giovanni Battista Gisleni (Gislenus) "Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome, March 2007


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