Friday, April 18, 2008

How Does Andy Sixx Get His Haircut

or being free to love ... -Read to the end, please ...

For Schopenhauer, the world-the ultimate reality, or first, depending how you look-no means of reasons, not causes nor indeed is pure irrationality ... No creature, not the human individual is free. Only the will-as is exempt from the cause-effect-is absolutely free, has no aim to follow, no principle to obey ... The will has no limits, is an endless hope, a perpetual love ... The will is "one and the same", does not understand the plurality and difference, issues that can only be established in space and time. This will is the ultimate essence of each individual and is "one and the same" in all phenomena, ie, there is a single soul in the world and it offers immediately through intuition. Like the world, life is pure irrationality, also the ultimate basis of knowledge-the bedrock of knowledge-is pure mystery and irrationality ... There is only one object that is known to us directly, without mediation: the body itself. This may be considered by the subject as an object among objects, but inside the body is revealed as objective intentions intuitively. We as a body we live, we will that has become visible ...

For Schopenhauer the artist is not just a pure subject of knowledge as it creates by intuition, expressed and made visible in their "creatures" that desire is essential that all chains and all ... If art does not reach the total release is because by definition the aesthetic pleasure is momentary and sooner or later everyone returns to their misery ... Art "is just temporary comfort in the existence "... Every satisfaction is the starting point for a new love and every dissatisfaction causes great pain. And when there is no desire or when objects are achieved quickly, the individual feels a frightening void. Thus "life oscillates like a pendulum between pain and boredom (...) after putting in hell all the pain and all the tortures, the man has not found anything to put in the sky that boredom "...

In this view of life as pain and struggle, in which the same will be known to itself and self phagocytes, Schopenhauer draws not only his idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil, but also the perpetual becoming of the world as eternal return, wherein lies his tragic pessimism. For Schopenhauer, to live is to suffer forever, " what you prefer is not born ... and what you can expect to die soon " ... Faced with this existential abyss, Schopenhauer asks, " How, then, a man having recognized clearly what the nature of the world, may persist in asserting such existence by incessant demonstrations and will cling to life with increasing energy? "... Schopenhauer says that the man who has been able to contemplate this truth can only enter a state of voluntary renunciation, resignation, absolute stillness, outright abandonment of all love. The denial of the will would bring nothing (Ecstasy), because by denying the will deny all objectification, we deny the world of representation and we suppress ourselves (as we are not only phenomena of the will) ...

"No, my love, do not I do not be alarmed ... now achieved by the ecstasy of Nothing, but to the fullest. I do not want to get to that static state of suspended eternity, resignation and renunciation, but remain insistent every day at your side. I'm not worth even contemplating ecstasy or static, but the aesthetic pleasure of discovering the beauty objectified and visible in your body and mine melted at all times ... I know our joys are instant, temporary, then fall into deep valleys dissatisfaction and sorrow at parting, to distract us with our things every man for himself ... Sometimes we deceive ourselves, and comforted claiming it for our sake, that each of our reunions and renew the miracle rebirth of passionate love that binds us together ... Yes, I know all that ... our common shares in this simulation that justifies us as lovers exceptional play the role of indifferent with enough conviction to make you think you do not suffer in the distance, both absent ... But today I'm going to confess something that you will never hear from my lips, is a weakness that must forgive me once: I'm sick of this fictional situation ... My heart is on the verge of a stroke and could no longer stand this roller coaster of events and dropouts successive orgasms followed by deep depressions sublime as contiguous mingle with them, to touch the sky and fall into hell so often that I do not know what heaven or hell what the temperature, my heaven is in the tropics in your body in the fire in your mouth is a cold hell in your absence, I dream of love ... I hope I wish, I wish fervently break this chain of appearances of freedom and charm that mesmerizes us ... With absolute will and consciousness of what it means desire to remain together until the limit of our strength. I do not know for how long, at worst a few days, months, years ... (not always tell you it would be a vanity). That lasts as long as our common will to recreate every day ... no peaks or troughs, not interruptions ... Fades as rainbow colors ... All or nothing ... "I do not love or love rations reasonably captive ... I'd rather live and feel all at once, giving us and squandered, lavish spenders, do not save for old age love you and I know that is called "love" ... love is not given away little by little or much or little of anything ... "or worth the effort to live or love jumping between stones but running free and confident cross country ... I said, we free as long as we ... (slaves know they are masters of their bodies just love). Everything and then nothing ... Everything is Everything when the rest is nothing ...

Photo: Rainbow ", Belo Horizonte, Brazil, April 2006


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