Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pottery Barn Charleston Sofa


Rovitti Carmen de Luna was "Valente's heroin." The village woman, who in a humble canoe, saved the lives of six of the nine shipwrecks of a luxurious motor boat, off the southern neighborhood of the city. For his bravery was honored by President Perón but at the fall pursued.

The August 28, 1949 Carmen Luna Rovitti became, from a tragedy, "Valente's heroin." That Sunday

part of an aristocratic Southern family, the city decided to spend the siesta by a boat ride. In command, was the owner of the motor vessel named "The Kiki", Antonio Pacitti. He was accompanied by Mrs. Cayetana Lemos Martinez with her son Hugh, age 6; Ada Melania Cerchiaro, 3, by "a lady" servant of the father of this child, and children of Pacitti: Hector, 12 Antonio Bernardino 15, Carlos, Roberto 5 and 4 years.

When the ferry to the stream The Valente, near the Varadero Sarsotti, tripped over the roots of a willow that in those days of extraordinary ebb, led to the overturning of the boat. Panic seized the children and adults.

was a humble woman, an island called Rovitti Carmen de Luna, who observed the situation and immediately got in his canoe, "The Geez" and tried to rescue the castaways. Able to rescue six of them, three children died and their bodies were recovered later by the National Guard.

Of the two newspapers that reported the event is again The Order that is chronicling the most moving and does speak to the protagonist.

the morning is defined as: " ORDER, which is always near the village, listening to their feelings and aspirations, could not remain indifferent to this tragic fact and yesterday morning said editors and graphic reporter where it happened to be duly informed of the heroin through the event, Mrs. Carmen Rovitti de Luna, who saved six of the nine occupants of the boat that sank, with a decision and a value as many men wanted for themselves . "

Carmen, 28, says he was at his ranch when he heard piercing screams coming from the River. Saw "The Kiki" sunk almost completely and without hesitation went to "Geez."

" There, amid the confusion, no one manages to do anything to save their own. At first I could drive up to the canoe to a lady placed in the house of Luis Cerchiaro, who works in Varadero. After I helped Mr. Antonio Pacitti, who despite knowing how to swim, I was completely disoriented in the midst of his despair. One hand was kept afloat and kept the other out of the water, feeling at that moment coming up air bubbles. Such was his state of numbness that kept one of his sons were in the boat-four infants, strongly tied under the water. Very quickly took the baby and threw it into the canoe, going after Mr. Pacitti . " Carmen continued telling

to The Order, in the confusion, we noted the absence of three children, which she never saw: Melania Chirchiari Ada, Hugo Eduardo Martínez and Hector Gabino Pacitti. " Everyone was desperate and I assure you broke my heart to hear those lamentations. Mrs. Martinez, especially, had no consolation and cried for her son. In her desperation, I said why I saved? I have let my son die! As much as I live I will never forget that scene heartbreaking. "

Woman "people" had saved much of a family "wealthy." The occupants of the luxurious motor boat, "The Kiki", rescued by the driver of the modest canoe "The Geez".

He described The Order Rovitti Carmen "Women humble meat people, stretched out his arms to save generous affected by the tragedy. He is humanly possible, simply driven by the noblest of human emotions: solidarity. Alone, because at that time was neither her husband or her daughters, without further element of relief that his little canoe, fought with admirable courage against the treacherous waters of the stream, saving them from death no fewer than six people. Fate willed that the three children dead did not come to the surface because if you do not also have saved, so was the activity and dedication you put in your noble endeavor. Anything you say in praise of this extraordinary woman is small and Santa Fe is obligated, through their authorities, to pay tribute and give its support and recognition because it is struggling to come to grips with the difficulties that emerge from their modest condition. "

The news in The Order
Antonio Pacitti expressed gratitude giving away a house in the south of Carmen. On 17 October of that year President Juan Domingo Peron several people gave the "Peronist Medal, to reward acts that had served the country as an example. Rovitti Carmen was one of them. Littoral published "Carmen Rovitti de Luna, Santa Fe, received Medal of Valor for his act of heroism and love of neighbor, with whom he saved, the risk of his life-to 6 people at risk of drowning when a boat sinking in the gutter The Valente. "

The Carmen is a collection of forgotten history last year, when from the City Council decided to give female names to the streets of the port. The brochure provided at that time summarizes some data that do not appear in the newspapers.

In the fall of Perón, the Luna family was persecuted and sold Peronist Medal. The 2003 flood took the rest of the family memories of the exploits of Carmen, who died in 1990.

Carmen Rovitti on Women in Puerto


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