Thursday, April 28, 2011

Como Se Usa6036 Ritetemp


The year 1905 is an obligatory to discuss flooding in the city. A set overflow of Paraná and Salado have threatened to Santa Fe on that occasion. Whose fault was it? What happened to the evacuees? What was done with subsidies? Answers to these questions from two newspapers: one official and another opponent .

mid- June 1905 water from the Paraná River entered the city center. New Era those days took the unusual information about growing, which reached its peak with 7.83 meters, indicating a worsening of the situation " by the fact that the Salado also overflows, flooding reaching Garay Park today, the Italian Hospital and the Municipal Cemetery. Post on the steps of the governor to national legislators in order to get subsidies from the president, the mayor requests Manuel Irigoyen to get tents and barns for evacuees, among other things.

But Union Provincial , is responsible for displaying the other side, which inevitably brings to mind our recent past.

With exquisite pen Domingo Guzman Silva, June 13 is published, if you will, a "Chicano," which, however, reveals another aspect of who is considered one of the leading figures in the history of Santa Fe.

Under the long title "decree charity. Neglecting the popular contest. Philanthropy factional. Act of discourtesy. a new high, "the governor is accused Freyre the constitution of the committees in charge of distributing food to those affected by a decree:" This act of government has been to make the exercise of charity in the circle monopoly freirista (...). It held caciquesca idiosyncratic impulses and their political hatred! In the commissions, contains not a single man who is not his personal friend and political (...). Freyre is unable to stand on their passions, unable to discard the belief that he and the state is represented in the province a second Providence, it was enough just to know everything, foresee everything, organize and do everything. To avoid any popular or official entity that can do his charitable work shadow government of the province, and that all the poor people believe that aided the benefits you receive (Funded with money from the nation) were due exclusively to Freyre and his friends, the ruling in a word, the governor has ignored all foreign competition to the provincial administration (less than the weights and the vessels of the nation) and has appointed commissions that are a step or take a decision without their help and welcome . " Sound familiar?

One day later, another remarkable coincidence, Provincial Union points to the desirability of providing food to evacuees is made through a tender. " will be decided by the Executive that all supplies to be purchased for that purpose would be purchased directly from one house, one blessed with such a large order "complains.

The fate of the many donations received by the province, are also addressed the opposition newspaper. " So far we only know that good spent thousands of dollars in aid for flood victims and that although it is much to know, in our supine financial ignorance, by the way is small, and not all the people is entitled to know. We return then to ask for a little light. With ears that do merchant. Clear accounts and not to forget the people, rightly or wrongly, is more suspicious than a wrong and not get tired of repeating the adage Creole dead do not speak but ... Clear accounts, therefore, that the people have no right to conclude but that, that means a whole pear. "

also already passed the peak of the growing and as the waters retreated from the city, the newspaper directed by Silva returns to the fray with the trajectory of donations. New Era had claimed to charities that provide more attention to some flooded. Provincial Union tells you: " why not straighten his claim to the government that has real clothes and grocery stores from the charity. In the hands of Mr. Freyre (unfortunately for the flooded) the charity has put an enormous amount of articles ... and why there are no poor people who are hungry and cold ... while the Giraffe (sic) is full of clothes and food and the treasury has money for this purpose. And do not tell New Times that store these items have something else for much less have been exhausted. "
The New Era of also reveals another side where there is overlap. On June 18 reported that the assistance provided by both government agencies and by private was developing " an alarming sloth and laziness ." Laborers were not available for work, he said, because these people " drones charity" would prefer to receive assistance and sunbathing and strolling, becoming " victims" in order to obtain a ration for not were willing to work. Guilty

When find faults, analogies are also inevitable. And here we return to the top of the note: there are those who stubbornly seek a culprit, and other, opposite, with the same tenacity that seek absolute acquittal. Provincial Union

finds three guilty for water disaster of 1905, of which two and a half centuries before had chosen "this almost bathed to plant the foundations of a city ", " Indians forced it, "and finally" the unpredictability of our authorities to watch repeated large floods of the Paraná almost regularly, from year 25 to 88, have not taken any action, defenses, drainage and earthworks or backward-be astonished ! - has been lowered to 40 or 60 feet the level of many cobbled streets. And that while there are two offices that are called engineering for many years: a provincial and municipal . "

New Era, meanwhile, blame nature: the increasing rate had no responsibility; was due solely to " the huge flood of water produced by growing the Alto Paraná and Paraguay " .

History always teaches, but apparently not to the simple people of the city. He has taught the rulers to handle the tragedies dubiously, to avoid responsibility, and some journalists, to exempt blame their bosses.


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