Monday, April 4, 2011

Bunion And High Heels


by Library of the Institute for Zamora

last week was staged at the Teatro Principal de Zamora work "Zamora under the Astros' only drama Thomas Segovia, poet central to the English language. Born in Valencia in 1927 and raised in Madrid, but soon known exile, first in Paris, then in Casablanca, and finally, Mexico. It was in Mexico in 1959 where he wrote this book, and here in Zamora where he has represented for the first time in Spain by the Company Theatre University of Alcalá.

The work received the 2005 award for Latin American and Caribbean literature " Juan Rulfo" and uses the events in the fall of 1072 in the English city during the Siege of Zamora, who will lead in the death of King Sancho II of Castile by Vellido Dolfos.
According to tradition, the kingdom belonged to the eldest son, but parental love putting patriotic duty, King Ferdinand I to his death divided his kingdom among his sons, giving Castilla Sancho, Leon to Alfonso, Galicia to García, and lets his two daughters, Elvira and Urraca, the cities of Toro and Zamora.

was not like sharing the eldest son Sancho, since shortly after his father died, and against the advice of the Cid, waging war against the brothers. Galicia snatched Garcia, making a prisoner, Alfonso fled to Toledo under the protection of Mamum Moorish king, and after taking Toro, laid siege to Zamora, "the well-fenced ."
After seven months of siege, and willing to continue resisting Zamora, out of the fort grounds an alien, resident in the city, called villi Dolfos, who manages to win the confidence of King Sancho, both go together one day to explore the surrounding area and see one of the gates in the wall, which tells Vellido could be taken the city, and a neglect of the King, the traitor, pretended friend through the back of the ruler with a spear, leaving him mortally wounded , and takes refuge in the city by up recently called "Portillo de Betrayal."
Los castellanos, ya sin rey, levantaron el cerco a Zamora.
El Rey Alfonso VI regresó de Toledo y después de prestar juramento ante el Cid Campeador de “no haber tenido arte ni parte en el asesinato de su hermano ” tomó posesión del reino. En extremo rencoroso y vengativo, desterró al Cid, antes había mandado atar a Vellido Dolfos a las colas de cuatro caballos muriendo de esta manera descuartizado.

Todo está en el romancero de Zamora. Ruindades e hidalguías, amores y ambiciones, templanzas y discordias; lealtades, noblezas, gallardías; y también traiciones, wrongs, crimes, revenge ... in short, life itself.
IEZ In the library we have several copies of the Ballads of Zamora, and publishing it on the occasion of this theatrical edited by the Institute.
Here I leave this romance, one of the best known of the Siege of Zamora:

Rey Don Sancho, King Don Sancho, do not say you have not notice,
in Zamora that has left a treacherous;
Vellido Dolfos call it, son Dolf Vellido,
betrayals four has done, and this will be five.
If great betrayer was the father, the more treacherous is the son.
given in real Cries - A Don Sancho have been badly hurt!
has Vellido Dolfos Dead, has committed high treason!
soon as he had killed him, metiese by a shutter,
the streets of Zamora is shouting and screaming:
- Time was, Dona Urraca deliver.


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