Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Former Gay American Idol Contestants

information journalists

these days is talk of the plight of workers Press to get together in front of his bosses, and how hard it is to manage to arrive with their complaints, handling by, the whole society. Some evidence of a conflict of Santa Fe journalists who broke the information blockade. The allies of workers and allies Littoral.

** I have beautiful photos to illustrate each fact in this post. But blogger dogged me since I burned the papers.

why journalists find it difficult to unify their claims and be a strong workforce? Not daring to extrapolate the history of unionism in the Press of Santa Fe to the rest of the country. Any reader may recognize the same parent, which I summarize here but I invite you to read in full in "The ministry of trade unionism":

  • journalism began as, confessedly, a political instrument. Also clear that it is today. Before it was explicit.
  • Owners of newspapers supported this or that candidate, believed it was the one to solve the problems of the city, province, or country and therefore no one could doubt that, from this newspaper, was providing a service to Citizenship: the oriented so that, for example, choose their leaders well.
  • When the paper away and start to proliferate-person newsroom, its members were sweetened ears: you you have a special role here, you can develop your vocation to serve the country to guide public opinion, you're very important. And the ego is a very difficult thing to deflate. But very.

Basically, but with many nuances, and the thing was conceived.

The strikes and the information blockade

newspapers were provided with graphics and journalists. The first were established as mutual association and union in 1857. The latter groups had several mutual but the first union was formed only in 1938, in Santa Fe in 1940.

Santa Fe charts followed the tradition of his union and staged several strikes in the area. The first time that journalists made a Santa Fe was the hand of the charts in 1946, against the newspaper The Order . Then against Interior in 1957. And against The Coast in 1968.

of the details of this strike and we realize, we will work in this post to tell how media workers and graphics have broken the evening.

They had an unexpected ally, obviously not in solidarity with the claims but by a business interest. It was Marco Bobbio, then owner Time magazine and head of LT9 Radio Santa Fe (until August when the grant becomes Ondafe) and Channel 13 . estranged Littoral, Bobbio gave broad, extensive coverage to the different instances of the strike.
In time, a detailed statement of the strikers:

... then do an express complaint filed with the public about the intentions of these entrepreneurs, whose only concern is to increase your income: HERE IS THE UNIVERSITY OF BREAK STAFF NEWSPAPER "THE COAST" THAT WAY TO GO FORWARD ITS RATIONALIZATION PURPOSES IN SEARCH OF PROFIT RATES HIGHER.


In Channel 13 workers were interviewed, as shown in the photo illustrating this post. And LT9 , in addition to providing space in the air, with its terrace and from there to monitor movements in the newspaper (then both media were neighbors on Calle San Martín).

Strikers also had an initiative, which will be used later Bobbio. Prensa Grafica newspaper that was for some months took to the street workers from both unions and, supplied with the lack of success Littoral. Bobbio worked economically in the last stages of this morning and it got a "study market "and writing that allowed him to make in December Nuevo Diario.

workers also handed out flyers and made statements to the horror of La Prensa and El Litoral .

Another ally of the strikers: the weekly CGT, headed by Rodolfo Walsh, opened its pages to the conflict:

- What is the balance point of this fight for you?

"The first and perhaps most important for us is that this conflict has been consolidated in a definitive way the unity of the two guilds. We confidence in our strength, and that together we are irreducible.

The second is the confirmation that something very old, but unfortunately often forgotten very often part of certain leaders, the only law of the working class is its unity and strength, is our unique but final victory.

"Action against the free press"

was a particular conflict, and broke the information blockade.

El Litoral When he returned to the street, on July 20, having dismissed most of its workers and journalists graphics, having "Convinced" and having taken some new staff, appeared with an error that was for the story: the average daily printed graphics inexperienced vice versa.

From the daily management had issued several statements, but went unnoticed in Santa Fe, and the only ones who read them were bought La Prensa or Capital. These were the allies of THE Coast. First the evening

explained: "For some time, and ultimately become more significant in the respective trade union bodies graphics and local news people are being made by an active belligerent extragremial, which aims to exceed its own proper sphere and to achieve visibility whose unspeakable intentions are known only by their promoters. In both agencies, in this, their leaders are not serving the purpose for which it expressly or impliedly authorized, and so dragged into a murky game quite a few that exhibit, many times, but noisy sporting enthusiasm for real purposes righteous. "

He added: "Not being edited" El Litoral "the city fell prey to rumors and misleading versions about the conflict, its reasons and its consequences. No press, no real information and independent journalism, won by leaflets and fliers trying to fill the void left by its daily non-stop broadcast and news libel concerned " .

And then reproduced the concepts of his friends. The most important comes from La Prensa. And with the paper in the street, fired staged a demonstration in the Plaza de las Banderas. According to the Buenos Aires daily, "committed atrocities and detonated sound bombs" and Molotov. The police broke up the act and stopped in a car, "two lawyers known communist militant and two other companions of the same affiliation " . Inside the car, reporting horririzada La Prensa, was pro-Castro propaganda, unexploded bombs and "posters" to support the strikers' " .

analysis The Press under the title Communist Action against free press, is priceless: "The case deserves to be judged from a general standpoint, it has introduced an innovation in practice our militant unionism. Without there being any grounds for conflict work itself is slanted media has used to plot the demise of a national newspaper; reinforces the fact with the avowed purpose of tapping the vacuum to form a union newspaper that eventually took his mass readership. And all this takes place in an atmosphere of mob violence, terrorism and propaganda. Do you start for so a new method to attack the free press under the 'social achievements'? This happened when I ordered the second tyranny, but nobody could have imagined since that aim to repeat the example " . Another ally

: At its annual meeting, the Association of Argentine Journalism Entities (ADEPA) told Littoral "His broad solidarity in an emergency after which it became clear the intention to muzzle an independent press through the use of the strike" .


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