Friday, April 29, 2011

In The Deep End Kate Cann Online Read

Specialist Zamora

For Zamora Special Libraries

Well, we finished the celebrations of World Book Day ... We have been somewhat empty now. It has taken hard work and effort but, once again, we received more than what we give.

We thank all participants in these visits, and especially Intras Asprosub and the Foundation for its vitality.

Regards and continue to plan further activities.

The Museum Library Zamora

The Ethnographic playing Tere with children

The Foundation
Rei Afonso Henriques

The library of Ethnography, the Foundation Intras

guide, Ethnographic Museum, explains why museums have libraries

In the music library with friends Ethnographic Asprosub

Tere guide, Ethnographic, with children of Jacinto Benavente

Intras Foundation visiting the library of the Museum of Zamora

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Como Se Usa6036 Ritetemp


The year 1905 is an obligatory to discuss flooding in the city. A set overflow of Paraná and Salado have threatened to Santa Fe on that occasion. Whose fault was it? What happened to the evacuees? What was done with subsidies? Answers to these questions from two newspapers: one official and another opponent .

mid- June 1905 water from the Paraná River entered the city center. New Era those days took the unusual information about growing, which reached its peak with 7.83 meters, indicating a worsening of the situation " by the fact that the Salado also overflows, flooding reaching Garay Park today, the Italian Hospital and the Municipal Cemetery. Post on the steps of the governor to national legislators in order to get subsidies from the president, the mayor requests Manuel Irigoyen to get tents and barns for evacuees, among other things.

But Union Provincial , is responsible for displaying the other side, which inevitably brings to mind our recent past.

With exquisite pen Domingo Guzman Silva, June 13 is published, if you will, a "Chicano," which, however, reveals another aspect of who is considered one of the leading figures in the history of Santa Fe.

Under the long title "decree charity. Neglecting the popular contest. Philanthropy factional. Act of discourtesy. a new high, "the governor is accused Freyre the constitution of the committees in charge of distributing food to those affected by a decree:" This act of government has been to make the exercise of charity in the circle monopoly freirista (...). It held caciquesca idiosyncratic impulses and their political hatred! In the commissions, contains not a single man who is not his personal friend and political (...). Freyre is unable to stand on their passions, unable to discard the belief that he and the state is represented in the province a second Providence, it was enough just to know everything, foresee everything, organize and do everything. To avoid any popular or official entity that can do his charitable work shadow government of the province, and that all the poor people believe that aided the benefits you receive (Funded with money from the nation) were due exclusively to Freyre and his friends, the ruling in a word, the governor has ignored all foreign competition to the provincial administration (less than the weights and the vessels of the nation) and has appointed commissions that are a step or take a decision without their help and welcome . " Sound familiar?

One day later, another remarkable coincidence, Provincial Union points to the desirability of providing food to evacuees is made through a tender. " will be decided by the Executive that all supplies to be purchased for that purpose would be purchased directly from one house, one blessed with such a large order "complains.

The fate of the many donations received by the province, are also addressed the opposition newspaper. " So far we only know that good spent thousands of dollars in aid for flood victims and that although it is much to know, in our supine financial ignorance, by the way is small, and not all the people is entitled to know. We return then to ask for a little light. With ears that do merchant. Clear accounts and not to forget the people, rightly or wrongly, is more suspicious than a wrong and not get tired of repeating the adage Creole dead do not speak but ... Clear accounts, therefore, that the people have no right to conclude but that, that means a whole pear. "

also already passed the peak of the growing and as the waters retreated from the city, the newspaper directed by Silva returns to the fray with the trajectory of donations. New Era had claimed to charities that provide more attention to some flooded. Provincial Union tells you: " why not straighten his claim to the government that has real clothes and grocery stores from the charity. In the hands of Mr. Freyre (unfortunately for the flooded) the charity has put an enormous amount of articles ... and why there are no poor people who are hungry and cold ... while the Giraffe (sic) is full of clothes and food and the treasury has money for this purpose. And do not tell New Times that store these items have something else for much less have been exhausted. "
The New Era of also reveals another side where there is overlap. On June 18 reported that the assistance provided by both government agencies and by private was developing " an alarming sloth and laziness ." Laborers were not available for work, he said, because these people " drones charity" would prefer to receive assistance and sunbathing and strolling, becoming " victims" in order to obtain a ration for not were willing to work. Guilty

When find faults, analogies are also inevitable. And here we return to the top of the note: there are those who stubbornly seek a culprit, and other, opposite, with the same tenacity that seek absolute acquittal. Provincial Union

finds three guilty for water disaster of 1905, of which two and a half centuries before had chosen "this almost bathed to plant the foundations of a city ", " Indians forced it, "and finally" the unpredictability of our authorities to watch repeated large floods of the Paraná almost regularly, from year 25 to 88, have not taken any action, defenses, drainage and earthworks or backward-be astonished ! - has been lowered to 40 or 60 feet the level of many cobbled streets. And that while there are two offices that are called engineering for many years: a provincial and municipal . "

New Era, meanwhile, blame nature: the increasing rate had no responsibility; was due solely to " the huge flood of water produced by growing the Alto Paraná and Paraguay " .

History always teaches, but apparently not to the simple people of the city. He has taught the rulers to handle the tragedies dubiously, to avoid responsibility, and some journalists, to exempt blame their bosses.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Digital Playground Movies Online]

Some images

For Zamora Special Libraries

Special Libraries Zamora began yesterday its particular Book Day celebration with the release of 25 books on the streets of the city. To our knowledge flew all!. Some even already been marked as collected, will continue his track ...

From these five special libraries want to thank everyone how well things went and give us encouragement to continue this story.

also like to thank also all the good media reception and the interest generated by this idea. Radio, television and newspapers accompanied us throughout the morning ... uffff, are not used to shed so much!.

Today we have started with visits to our libraries and luckily we are at top. Tomorrow we tell you more.

'll leave you with some pictures of some books to enjoy their freedom.

And I said, thank you very much everyone for your wonderful host to all these activities!

Ignacio Sardá reading, by the Public Library

In 'Los Pelambres' , omelette and a good book ...

For Santa Clara, in the shadow of the palm
Together the statue in tribute to the teacher, a good place, no doubt
A book can also be the most fun game

We plugged a little tourist poster, but only for a while ...

At the foot of Viriato ...
Auret In coffee, our "home"
The TV tracked down one of the lucky ones who found a book
"Releasing or finding a book?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Toothpick Bridge Blueprint For Kid

Bookcrossing Bookcrossing by Zamora in Zamora

by Special Libraries Zamora

After a short break for the Easter holidays, we return this week full of energy and the illusion that we have organized activities for Book mark the Day of your interest.
Here's the list of titles you'll ever liberated our city from tomorrow at eleven am and the place where we will leave.
can also check www.bookcrossing

1. Romanesque Zamora . Fundación Rei Afonso Henriques in the Gardens.
2. picaresque rogues and no Caminho de Santiago . River Walk by Three Trees (under the Highway Bridge )
3. Coombe catalog . La Marina (mile-of Coombe)
4. Five poems / Claudio Rodríguez . Placita University College (at the door of Hall).
5. Ribadelago: January 9, 1959. In the 50 years of breaking the barrier of Vega de Tera. .. . At the foot of Viriato
6. castle and you'll never go . In the statue of Ignacio Sarda against Public Library
7. Ready Nature, Tabara and Alba. San Martin Park (one of the benches by the playground)
8. The banker anarchist / Fernando Pessoa . Zamoranos Studies Institute Library
9. Forge: air, fire and water . Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León. Temporary Exhibition Hall. Together with its exposed forge bellows
10. enduring Footprints, footprints of dinosaurs: the heritage and resource . Plaza Zorrilla, on the sill of the garden of the Plaza de Zorrilla, Santa Clara side
11. Tunar The Art of . Auret In the cafe, next to the telephone, newspapers ...
12. Conveyor / Angel Petisme . For Navy (at the source where they celebrate football victories)
13. The school folktale . Picnic Pelambres
14. Nasa / Pedro Álvarez Gómez . Park Goma de las Viñas (next to AC).
15. routes del Duero wines . Entrance to the Iron Bridge at the beginning of the Gateway on the side of Pinilla
16. Look to strata. Square Firewood, one of the benches beneath the pergola
17. Museum Guide Zamora. Plaza de Hacienda, one of the benches in the plaza, since there was originally the Museum of Zamora ...
18. The archaeological site of The Médulas . Square la Puebla. (At the bus stop)
19. Tales / Clarín . Maestro Square, the source having the statue.
20. Madeira Guide . Museo de Zamora, at the entrance, a hole in the stone wall
21. Las Cortes de Castilla y León . In one of the shelves of the Board Museum researchers.
22. History of Castile and León . In the first bank on the left of the Mirador de San Cipriano.
23. wine region of Castilla y León . Hundred Square, at the foot of the statue
24. Museums and Collections of Castile and Leon . At the door of the bishop of the cathedral
25. The castles and fortresses of Castile and Leon . Inside the castle of Zamora.

Come on and join us!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fathers Son Gay Muscle

Argentina has to go back to what it was in early twentieth century, Light says Mario Vargas Llosa clothes. Ya, when the Bicentennial, attended this discussion, but back, back to what not to re .

There is so much to say and what this country was in the early twentieth century. For "ordinary people" would be absolutely necessary to delve into his own history. Ask grandparents what they remember from their grandparents, to review the history that is spread by word of mouth. What did your grandparents in 1910?, For example. Did they live in a country "livable"? TN is more comfortable watching or reading Clarín. And swallow without chewing that Argentina was beautiful when it entered the twentieth century, was under siege and surrendered honor to the English Infanta ( "not worth a little research to see if the truth of the established society should continue repeating ; research is to doubt and that is for bookworms or spiritual but not for timid people of success, winners fast " -Osvaldo Bayer, Severino Di Giovanni, the ideal of violence).

How was Argentina, how he longed for Santa Fe in the early years of the twentieth century? How eran, qué hacían nuestros abuelos, bisabuelos o tatarabuelos en esos años (*)?

Dependerá de la edad del lector, pero nuestros abuelos, bisabuelos o tatarabuelos (siempre que asumamos que el lector es “gente de a pie”) eran unos pobres tipos.

Hay un libro imprescindible para conocer de primera mano cómo vivían nuestros abuelos, bisabuelos o tatarabuelos. Hay que tomarse el trabajo de leerlo. Está digitalizado en la web del Ministerio de Trabajo de la Nación .

Se trata del Informe sobre el estado de las clases obreras en el interior de la República . Porque, asumo, está leyendo “gente de a pie” que, but they resent the nickname, though it cost so assumed, is, like me, working, part of a "class", the working class.

These are my grandparents, my grandparents and my grandparents. Thanks to them for getting what I should not suffer. I do not want to return to that country and the abused and that Mr. Vargas Llosa and the chorus of right idiot (because a thing is right, and another is the right idiot) would have us back:

In Rosario, for example, John Bialet Massé Refinery visited Argentina. The first thing you noticed was " the status of girls small, some were anemic, pale, skinny, with all the symptoms of overstress and breathing incomplete. " The blacksmith and carpentry shops in that city had " up abuse of children, there is a real excess of apprentices, which is operated as men." Also in Rosario, and describes the work on the phones: " the workers are tight, an air breathing necessarily bad, and the extension of service is so appalling that I do not understand how they can endure, although the status of these girls look at first glance. There on the phone twenty-six women from sixteen years later, they can not be married or widowed, and work seven continuous hours (...). The girls are too close together, touch, the room is not enough or is arranged so that the renewal of air is made by a current. It should come to the aid of these poor girls, mothers of degenerate beings, when they themselves are not binding tuberculosis. "

We come to Santa Fe, Colastiné port. Stevedores, tells Bialet Massé, worked "in an atmosphere boiling, which reaches 48 º sun." " This work can not do but the Creole, the EU did not resist but in very small number and exceptional is what the English call black work. "

Colastiné The longshoreman was usually illiterate. " Alcohol makes aggressive and quarrelsome (...). At midday only ten percent take advantage of the break, many will pass through the tobacco in hand, fighting each other, with all the brawls and riots that the game brings. At night they partied and the game is a big part, if not all of it, and go to work completely exhausted. " He adds: " If any worker is close to to advise education, morality and economics, the association and dignity, contractors look at him with his eyes distorted, and accused of anarchism and disturbing, using no matter what the gossip and intrigues, all those who believe that disrupt the operation villain they make to workers, which they consider less expensive than an animal because it costs them nothing, not even the replacement, if disables or perish. " There was constant

accidents in loading and unloading of ships. 99% were preventable, he said.

these accidents are not paid, or became so ridiculous he wrote. " Chargers and captains tease the poor workers in a criminal manner, and these results can be considered very pleased if they care and half wages until recovery. The captains are as valid in the country the means wages of European laws, although the Argentine Civil Code set the whole wages, and as the worker does not know this, get what you give and still thanks. "

mechanics was more or less well, as described by Massé Bialet " The great means to gain time, for no witnesses, and in any case difficult to test, and how they know the criteria of our courts lost respect the faults, they always say the blame is injured. With regard to the compensation for, seek and achieve almost always pay a leg or a broken arm with $ 100 and life with 200. The poor worker who knows them and knows the tricks that almost always left with nothing, when you give something you take it as a sort . "

The real evil in the Port of Colastiné were the intermediaries. Bialet Massé wrote that contractors were all foreigners and earning lots of money. He also said that to do the work needed the cunning of a cat, they were true drones from the hive and the developers of the service of the worker. He advanced the money, drank with him and he chacoteaban and it "gave" the grocer, ending with what he had to work: sell or fiarle " alcoholic poison exorbitant prices."

" is to see how the intermediary vinegar softens his face and encourages its workers to gambling, drinking and brothel, which is usually part: 'Do not look so sad, pa' that you have a good pattern; takes the better man and I miss work, I have given you a lot of money, or hang out with those scoundrels of society, who are anarchists, on any day the police will shoot. " The pawn promises grateful to what prompted the good standard. And it meets "describes Bialet Massé.

in the area, he said, there was no spirit of partnership. They had formed two companies, one of workers who had the true purpose of avoiding the middlemen and other workers and employers, " which is to say of wolves and sheep ."

work harder Bialet seen Massé was to the laundry. " Under a sun of 48 ° C at noon, without a ramada to protect them, they work ten or more hours, earning a small wage which rarely reaches 2 pesos and is generally from 1.20 to 1.30 . "

Here, then, a little of the country dream.

(*) I can not stop rereading biased in turn by the reading of "El Flaco" (José Pablo Feinmann) of speech with which Nestor Kirchner took office in 2003. As he says, but also for what it ignores: " I come to propose to recall the dreams of our founders and patriots of our immigrant grandparents and pioneers. In our generation, who put everything and left everything, thinking in a country of equal . The dreams of our grandparents, immigrants and pioneers, and our parents founders' dreams are not "the" and "the army", "the pillars of the country" .

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Belanova Song For Commercial

Apostilles The country dreamed about "a heroine" A heroine

Some data on the history of Carmen Victoria Rovitti, this time told by his daughter and one of the survivors of the shipwreck occurred in 1949, near the Varadero Sarsotti. The pursuit of "freedom" to the heroine of Valente.

The oral histories do not always coincide with those written in full, minus six decades later. And even less if they are included in the media, when clear that yesterday and today just write "a" version of history.

But beyond that, the important thing, at least for me, is the perception, what memories of these stories side left in their characters.

This post was based, as usual in this blog, in media accounts (this, as you can see, is a blog that attempts to restore journalistic discourses.)

The story was also told to "be late" (Santa Fe Radio Nacional) on Tuesday. The program decided to deepen it and transcribe here and let the audios of interviews with Robert Pacitti (One of the survivors) and Rovitti Teresa, daughter of Carmen. Roberto

was five years old when the tragedy occurred when one of his brothers died. Inevitably, his voice breaking in some sections.

My father had a boat, marine engine that, a small boat, we were four guys who were brothers, we went from 3 years to 12 or 13, my father and then the other girl's marriage was the foreman, Cerchiaro, was a baby of another couple, Martinez and his mother. We leave a ride on a boat, when we crossed the creek Santa Fe, we went to enter the Valente, the boat slammed into a pole that was not seen, had cut a tree, had left the trunk, growing had covered, hit the boat and tombs, and well, my eldest brother and I embrace the fall and get more or less stay afloat but one of my brothers struck the boat and went down, died. After Cerchiaro daughter too, baby, and Martinez's son also died.
And we survived, we got Carmen, which was 20 meters from the coast, which was a family of fishermen and came over felt the screams, came with the canoe and we took out one by one, Martinez's mother, my father, who had floated to my younger brother and both of us. After that my father gave thanks Carmen and family a house in the Centennial, where they lived many years and then the sons and daughters of them have had long relations of friendship.
Teresa, 71, remembers the pain of her mother after failing to rescue the three children who died that afternoon in 1949, and the three white crosses placed on the island and for which long The stream time Valenti was also known as the stream "Of the three crossings."

The shock caused the tragedy not only in Santa Fe but also throughout the country was documented in the newspapers of the time, and marked in the lives of all members Rovitti family. President Juan Domingo Peron Carmen decorated for his courage, helped the family of islanders to have another life and new jobs. But the arrival of the "Liberating Revolution", things changed a lot:

By this act that my mother had left very persecuted, because there was such hatred, there was no democracy. Iban, we broke everything, the police raided us. I know that my father had been imprisoned for having this relationship with Perón at the time that we were watched, were persecuted.
The medal, one was sold. Carmen and her husband died young, radically island, detached from it.

We had our field, where my mother made the bailout lot and then they bought, and had a ranch that my father seemed to have roots there and he went, he fished, had a horse, had a sheep and a pig was in the habit of coming and going, these roots are not the draw but I could tell, it started to take, very lonely, got sick, went and sold those things very valuable, more shameless is that bought them, because it could not buy one, it was called my mother and said winning the value and the signature of Juan Domingo Peron in relief, there was a medal that had three fingers and four inches by two and a half, was one and the other was Chiquitita, those that can be put in the eyelets of the bag. Whoever bought it and abused it, I was married with a bunch of kids and my financial situation could not go to rescue her, all that was a disgrace, that was lost, but in this way.

Friday, April 15, 2011

How To Know Initiation

Today a film, Manoel de Oliveira

By Foundation Library Rei Afonso Henriques

If the other day I talked about music and Julio Pereira, today I want to talk about film and cinema so Portuguese will always be related to Manuel de Oliveira. Manoel de Oliveira (1908 -) was born into a comfortable family socio-economic position in the Portuguese city of Oporto . In 1931, he directed his first short, Douro, faina fluvial , documentary film that showed clear the influence exerted on the director as Robert Flaherty documentary and Soviets. In this film describing a day's work of fishermen on the banks of the River Duero . This work has already revealed his particular sensibility and spirit akin to the European vanguard. Other documentaries are JA fabricam Automóveis in Portugal and Miramar, Praia de roses , both from 1938. His film production dedicated to fiction is characterized by a distinct theatricality and an almost constant reflection on the nature of art, entertainment and the essence of being human. In 1942 he directed Aniki Bobo, played by a bunch of children off the streets of Oporto , direct film, simple, vivid, which was a remarkable achievement, especially when you consider that preceded the Italian neorealism. In 1956 he directed The Painter and the City , movie from which its aesthetic and film language took a different path, minimizing the importance of assembling and prioritizing the long shots and more theatrical staging, sheltered by dense dialogue and carefully crafted text, which has brought him sharp criticism and enemies of his work, as well as hardcore fans.

This has led in many cases Manoel de Oliveira film sound like a far more intellectual-commercial and almost made for a small number of people. What is clear is that with 102 years no one can deny that it is one of the most universal Portuguese who has worked with leading actors on the international scene and performs a high-quality film. Here we have numerous films and even last year conducted a public screening of one of them, A talkie, in the intervening actors such as John Malkovich, Catherine Deneuve, Irene Papas, etc ...
cinema means such as to meet Portugal

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Funny Wedding Guestbook


For the Library Museum Zamora

This time we left the province, and we approach Médulas in the region of Bierzo in León province, to visit a spectacular landscape that was included by Unesco in List World Heritage in 1997 for being a particularly representative the history of mankind , categorized as cultural landscape, that is, a landscape resulting from the interaction between man and nature over time.

houses the largest gold mine in the Roman Empire, which operated about 160 years, between I and III century AD The gold that was extracted from these mines was very important to the Romans. Not provide direct benefits to those working in them and that Rome was the sole recipient of the extracted metal. Mines were considered imperial resources, therefore the benefits were intended for imperial treasury or treasure.
The reason for the interest of Roma in these mines is in the role that gold played in the monetary system established by the Emperor Augustus, who introduced a single monetary system in the Empire aureus and the denarius. The golden, a piece of gold weighing 7.8 grams , stood next to the denarius (silver piece 3.9 grams) at the head of the new system, while providing a new reference value and prestige. State control over the gold mines ensured regular supplies of metal to golden coin, giving this metal a strategic value in political terms, beyond its high intrinsic value.

For nearly two centuries of the Roman state took Médulas and other mines of the Northwest much of the gold needed for minting the currency. But in the third century coins and value changed mine stopped working.

multitude of literature exists on the archaeological site of The Médulas, at your disposal in Library Museum Zamora

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What Does A Texas Registration Look Like

A walk through the woods of Castilla y León

For the Library Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León

The year 2011 has been declared Organization of United Nations International Year of Forests. Although it might seem good news, I think this is not true, because if everything is as it should go would not need to spend on an international year of forests.
FAO provides chilling details about global deforestation so that each year 13 million hectares of forests disappear, more or less a quarter of the Iberian Peninsula . illegal logging, overfishing, land conversion to agriculture and livestock, environmental pollution, fire, infrastructure construction and many other causes are to FAO causing this.
The consequences are more or less already known by all, to highlight some point out that deforestation causes up to 20% of CO2 emissions every year become extinct plants and animals and even indigenous peoples living forests original Latin America, Asia or Oceania.

We as ordinary citizens, something we can do to mitigate this disaster, and plant a tree with our own hands, working with organizations or associations that work with forests, applying the rule of "three Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) or purchase furniture with the FSC label.

But beyond all this, know and enjoy our forests and teach youngsters to love is the best prevention for the future. So today, we recommend three options for enjoying the forests of Castilla and Leon. Obviously there are many more of these three that I recommend but hey, are not a good start ...

Let's start near here, a Forest Tejedelo . Arriving at the town sanabresa of Requejo and by a route well marked with the marks of PR (white and yellow signs) arrived in just 2 hours a forest with hundreds of yew trees, interspersed with holly, hazel, birch and willows. The yew tree is a particularly long-lived and some that are already Tejedelo can see examples of 1500 years. As lush, damp and mossy rocks and tree hugging sensation is that of being in a real Forest legend.

We now Soria and visited the Calatañazor Sabina. In just 40 kilometers away can enjoy the Wolf River Canyon of the Fuentona and Calatañazor Sabina, so the weekend is done ... The juniper was declared a Natural Reserve in 2000 and has a interpretive center nearby. The juniper or juniper is an evergreen tree and small-scale with a fruit similar in appearance to that of endrin. The peculiarity of this juniper is that their specimens are larger than others, because it has always been used as pasture for grazing and this has caused the earth is very clear of shrubs fertilized and competitors to serve these livestock feed. Strolling through the juniper and immerse yourself in your silence is a pleasure.
Centennial between beech yew Tosande
end this tour of the Mount Palentina approaching the Tejera of Tosande . From Pisuerga Cervera arrived at the bus stop Dehesa de Montejo, where you can leave your car. From there begins a trail that leads to a large field from which a path climbs uphill, with a very steep slope, which reached the Tejera. The main peculiarity of this forest is that the ancient yew are in a magnificent beech forest so dense that hardly any vegetation under the trees. Due to the action of livestock and fauna that eat the buds from which they could be future ancient yew, this weaving is in a delicate situation. Perhaps some simple measures such as temporary fencing and noted only one way to visit Tejera could help the regeneration of this impressive Tejera.

There are three proposals wooded, Castilla y León. I invite you to make your proposals forests worthwhile a visit ... because to know and enjoy our forests is the best way to protect them.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pottery Barn Charleston Sofa


Rovitti Carmen de Luna was "Valente's heroin." The village woman, who in a humble canoe, saved the lives of six of the nine shipwrecks of a luxurious motor boat, off the southern neighborhood of the city. For his bravery was honored by President Perón but at the fall pursued.

The August 28, 1949 Carmen Luna Rovitti became, from a tragedy, "Valente's heroin." That Sunday

part of an aristocratic Southern family, the city decided to spend the siesta by a boat ride. In command, was the owner of the motor vessel named "The Kiki", Antonio Pacitti. He was accompanied by Mrs. Cayetana Lemos Martinez with her son Hugh, age 6; Ada Melania Cerchiaro, 3, by "a lady" servant of the father of this child, and children of Pacitti: Hector, 12 Antonio Bernardino 15, Carlos, Roberto 5 and 4 years.

When the ferry to the stream The Valente, near the Varadero Sarsotti, tripped over the roots of a willow that in those days of extraordinary ebb, led to the overturning of the boat. Panic seized the children and adults.

was a humble woman, an island called Rovitti Carmen de Luna, who observed the situation and immediately got in his canoe, "The Geez" and tried to rescue the castaways. Able to rescue six of them, three children died and their bodies were recovered later by the National Guard.

Of the two newspapers that reported the event is again The Order that is chronicling the most moving and does speak to the protagonist.

the morning is defined as: " ORDER, which is always near the village, listening to their feelings and aspirations, could not remain indifferent to this tragic fact and yesterday morning said editors and graphic reporter where it happened to be duly informed of the heroin through the event, Mrs. Carmen Rovitti de Luna, who saved six of the nine occupants of the boat that sank, with a decision and a value as many men wanted for themselves . "

Carmen, 28, says he was at his ranch when he heard piercing screams coming from the River. Saw "The Kiki" sunk almost completely and without hesitation went to "Geez."

" There, amid the confusion, no one manages to do anything to save their own. At first I could drive up to the canoe to a lady placed in the house of Luis Cerchiaro, who works in Varadero. After I helped Mr. Antonio Pacitti, who despite knowing how to swim, I was completely disoriented in the midst of his despair. One hand was kept afloat and kept the other out of the water, feeling at that moment coming up air bubbles. Such was his state of numbness that kept one of his sons were in the boat-four infants, strongly tied under the water. Very quickly took the baby and threw it into the canoe, going after Mr. Pacitti . " Carmen continued telling

to The Order, in the confusion, we noted the absence of three children, which she never saw: Melania Chirchiari Ada, Hugo Eduardo Martínez and Hector Gabino Pacitti. " Everyone was desperate and I assure you broke my heart to hear those lamentations. Mrs. Martinez, especially, had no consolation and cried for her son. In her desperation, I said why I saved? I have let my son die! As much as I live I will never forget that scene heartbreaking. "

Woman "people" had saved much of a family "wealthy." The occupants of the luxurious motor boat, "The Kiki", rescued by the driver of the modest canoe "The Geez".

He described The Order Rovitti Carmen "Women humble meat people, stretched out his arms to save generous affected by the tragedy. He is humanly possible, simply driven by the noblest of human emotions: solidarity. Alone, because at that time was neither her husband or her daughters, without further element of relief that his little canoe, fought with admirable courage against the treacherous waters of the stream, saving them from death no fewer than six people. Fate willed that the three children dead did not come to the surface because if you do not also have saved, so was the activity and dedication you put in your noble endeavor. Anything you say in praise of this extraordinary woman is small and Santa Fe is obligated, through their authorities, to pay tribute and give its support and recognition because it is struggling to come to grips with the difficulties that emerge from their modest condition. "

The news in The Order
Antonio Pacitti expressed gratitude giving away a house in the south of Carmen. On 17 October of that year President Juan Domingo Peron several people gave the "Peronist Medal, to reward acts that had served the country as an example. Rovitti Carmen was one of them. Littoral published "Carmen Rovitti de Luna, Santa Fe, received Medal of Valor for his act of heroism and love of neighbor, with whom he saved, the risk of his life-to 6 people at risk of drowning when a boat sinking in the gutter The Valente. "

The Carmen is a collection of forgotten history last year, when from the City Council decided to give female names to the streets of the port. The brochure provided at that time summarizes some data that do not appear in the newspapers.

In the fall of Perón, the Luna family was persecuted and sold Peronist Medal. The 2003 flood took the rest of the family memories of the exploits of Carmen, who died in 1990.

Carmen Rovitti on Women in Puerto