Monday, December 12, 2005

How To French Kiss Diagram


.... as some of you know my mind is very wrong. Some of you know, and some of you also know the reasons.
With some of you remain in touch by email or msn, and some personally. Those who were visitors to this site, thank you very much. The blog will remain open, I will not close, because maybe I can think back and post something, but in principle is an absence for an indefinite period).

Anyway ... in parting I leave these poems that I like (of course not mine but I sure would like). That enjoyment

DIME Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)

Please tell me where you are,
corner where I can not see you,
remember where I can sleep without
and where I remember without pain.

Please tell me where I can walk without seeing your footprints
remember where I can run without
and where to rest with my sadness.

Tell me please what is the sky
does not have the warmth of your look
and cu? L is the sun that has light
and not just the feeling that you call me.

Tell me please what is the corner
where not leave your presence.
Please tell me what is underneath my pillow
has not hidden your memories.

Tell me please what
night that will not come to watch my dreams ...
I can not live because I miss you
and I can not die because I love you.

Vilariño YA NO Idea (1920 - ...) will no longer

no longer live together
not raise your child not

not sew your clothes do not
night I will not kiss you
go you never know who I
why I loved others.

not get to know why or how or never
or if it was true what you said

or who you were or what was for you
or how it would have been living together

be waiting for us. I'm no longer

you forever and you will not be for me but you
. You're not on a future day

not know where you live or whom
if you remember.
not you hold me like that night never

I will not touch.
not see you die.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Volleyball Spandex Camle


Unknown Lovers Society Flores was perhaps the most
entity's secret neighborhood. Their very nature essential to the discretion.
few years ago, whenever anyone received an unsigned love letter
the wise men did not hesitate to attribute to the Company. Was this a mistake:
hidden love have always existed, without the need to invent.
On the other hand, it is reason that the work of the unknown lover
just might have good effect on the extent to which they would not be allocated.
is estimated that in the years of his performance, the Company set more than two thousand
love stories.
The usual procedure was simple. Without further ceremonies
elegy to a person either. Most of the time it was lonely, melanco-
licos, disillusioned, bored or simply friends who wanted to promote
The immediate step was to create a fictional lover
the person chosen. A clever creative team took charge of the case. For the engineers
naughty teenagers were invented. At the street sewers
Moron nobles drew them ruined. A Sensitive Men
they made them romantic and tragic lovers, but also quite busty, which were a delight
Once established the general characteristics of fictional lover, is the first communication sent
. So, many men and women were surprising
Flores anonymous statements that filled stupor.
The following is the letter to carry the serial number 1114.
"Dear engineer Atilio D. Gallardo:
I am writing from the darkness of my solitude. Please excuse me if
usurp their precious privacy. But there, my dear engineer,
feeling inside me that I can no longer dominate.
you must know that I love engineering.
You do not know me ... or better said: you never have noticed me.
Who am I ...? do not think it worth your knowledge. Let me call
Luisa, although that's not my real name. Some say I'm young
and beautiful, but perhaps exaggerated.
Ah ... if I knew, an engineer, how many times I cried for you.
If I knew how many nights I woke up crying and saying his name:
Atilio. In my room I have a small picture of him I've cut the
journal "Issues of construction."
You may laugh at the rantings of a poor girl in love.
But I can not fight no more against my heart, engineer.
I want to propose something. Email me. Tell me about your life. Since then, still do not think
reveal my true identity, so you should contact Luisa
, PO Box 32.
A passionate kiss of Luisa. "

Then began the real story. The engineer responded, Luisa write-bia
again, the engineer called for a meeting, Luisa refused ... And among
letter and letter knowledge and interests were more and more.
Of course, the meeting was not to ever occur. And this is indeed a golden rule
lovers unknown, real or fictitious.
Any relationship must revolve around a future meeting. But it is fundamental
never find. The reasons are to come: all is perfect lover
unknown. His face you want. It is at our whim,
dark-haired, blonde, or both at once. The unknown lover
no defects, no stutters, do not bother him about everyday things. But there is a fundamental
virtue: for one is also not everyone in the world. If
commits the folly of giving a true identity , The unknown lover
shrinks, even if an angel. If it is high, and may not be pony. If
athletic, and may not be sickly. If John, and may not be Peter. Luisa
If you can no longer be Esther.

For the same reasons, the Society of Lovers Unknown
never sent pictures even if the claims of its beneficiaries.
The activity of these philanthropists was intended to combat loneliness and misery
. And it should be noted that his action would wake up in the neighbors
a healthy spirit of emulation. Upon learning of the existence of secret lovers,
many people found within it the same condition. And so, along with the illusion created
lovers by the Company, it spreads
true secret lovers.
In its heyday, Manuel Mandeb corresponded with four loves
mysterious. The thinker suspected that at least two were the work of the
Society, more than anything, the cheap paper cards. But his research led him to
check for some of the other two.
One of them turned out to be a companion to a course of guitar that I kept painfully
Mandeb. When the man came to her with letters
hand, the girl began to mourn and fled forever.
The last of the secret lovers was, it was learned much later, Beatriz
Velarde, the kid most beautiful flowers, whose-turn-Mandeb era secret love-
do another collection of letters. But he was written
Manuel and Beatrice to love ever. Admission to
unknown lover of a group of editors
humorous and malevolent provoked a series of catastrophes that marked the decline of
These professionals, pursuing only personal fun, we began
were sending letters to married ladies and concoct all sorts of intrigues droll. Thus
got that Ms. Garcia Aurora B is
Vassari present at four in the morning with a candle in the bottom of the passage
also were guilty of countless divorces, fights, players and
toletoles between marriages but refiner of Flores.
But we must mention a curious phenomenon happened to almost all members of the Society
. As he advanced
correspondence with beneficiaries, many writers
fell in love with truth. The well-known copywriter Vasallo is
Luz went crazy in love with the poet George Allen, whose case serviced during months.
To avoid this, the authorities of the agency settled a rotation
writers. But the result was disastrous. Carter lost the
consistency and plausibility, as the editors were not enough to empathize
due roles.
At the end of its activities secret lovers resorted to phone.
was not a happy experience. The language is less tolerant telephone
artistic creation and "Besides, many writers
burst out laughing in the middle of the talks, causing some perplexity in the client.
The Unknown Lover's game was definitely exciting. But even
wholeheartedly admit more or less prolonged process, after termianban extinct.
No one can resist the temptation long known. Everyone, sooner or later
, require the consummation of love letters. And so ended
all stories. Most of the time with
silence and oblivion. On some occasions, with meetings rather faded.
Ives Castagnino, musician Palermo was found after an unknown
lady had sent letters for years. When he saw the corner
, approached and said:
- Good night. I just disappointment.
Today, nobody talks about the unknown lover of flowers. But this entity nonprofit
you can let our spirits the shadow of an idea.
Why not become one in Unknown Lover? Why not help illu-sions
so many lonely souls who walk around the block?
Life is getting very boring. It would be wonderful to receive a morning
a note of these fragrant and full of kisses that come from no where.
leave worry to many writers, editors, poets and literariness that
waste their time playing billiards.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Good Things To Write On Casts

Pepe Arias founded the first virtual company. Half a century before the birth of online business and the Nasdaq, it went on sale a plot of four thousand square meters in downtown Buenos Aires. Pepe

stakeholders received the contract in hand, ready for signature. The foot got because the space was not enough to put even a chair.

- Where's the land? - Asked. "Here

- Here?

"Yes sir," clarified Peter raising his arms to heaven.

Four thousand square meters, but up. In the fall

Monday, October 10, 2005

Analog Pir Detector Circuit


98, in downtown Buenos Aires, a distracted passerby was crushed by a bus. The victim had been crossing the street while talking on a cell phone "while we talk? While he was speaking: the phone was a toy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Infant Mittens Boxing Gloves


More than ninety million customers come every week, Wal-Mart. Its over nine thousand employees are prohibited from membership in any union. When one thinks of the idea, has become another unemployed. The successful company openly refuses a human rights proclaimed by the United Nations: freedom of association. The Wal-Mart founder, Sam Walton, in 1992 he received the Medal of Freedom, one of the highest decorations of the United States.

One in four American adults, and nine out of ten children gobble up at McDonald's plastic food that makes you fat. The McDonald's workers are as disposable as the food they serve: the pike the same machine. Nor do they have the right to unionize.

In Malaysia, where labor unions still exist and act, companies Intel, Motorola, Texas Instruments and Hewlett Packard were able to avoid that hassle. The government of Malaysia declared free union, union-free, the electronics sector. Nor

had no chance of one hundred and ninety unionize the workers who were burned in Thailand in 1993, seized up in the house where they made dolls out of Sesame Street, Bart Simpson and the Muppets.

Bush and Gore agreed, during the election campaign last year, the need to continue to impose on the world the American model of industrial relations. "Our style of work," as both called it, is what is setting the pace of globalization moves forward with seven-league boots and come up in the most remote corners of the globe.

The technology, which has abolished the distance, now allows a Nike worker in Indonesia have to work a hundred thousand years to win what you earn in a year, an executive at Nike in the U.S., and that a worker ibm computers manufactured in the Philippines that he can not buy.

is the continuation of the colonial era, on a scale never known. The world's poor continue to play its traditional role: they provide cheap labor and cheap products, but now produce dolls, shoes, computers or high-tech instruments in addition to producing, as before, rubber, rice, coffee, sugar and other things cursed by the world market.

Since 1919, 183 have signed international conventions governing relations in the world. According to the International Labour of France ratified these agreements 183 115, Norway 106, Germany 76 and USA ... 14. The country leads the globalization process obeys only his own orders. This ensures sufficient impunity to large corporations, launched a hunt for cheap labor and the conquest of territories that dirty industries can pollute at will. Paradoxically, this country that recognizes no law but the law of work outside the law is now said that there will be no choice but to include "social clauses" and "environmental protection" in free trade agreements. What would become reality without the publicity which the masks?

Such clauses are simply taxes that vice pays to virtue, under the heading public relations, but the mere mention of workers' rights puts the willies the most fervent advocates of starvation wages, hours and firing rubber free . Since Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico left the presidency he joined the boards of the Union Pacific Corporation and Procter & Gamble consortium, which operates in 140 countries. He leads a United Nations commission and broadcast his thoughts on the Forbes magazine: language technocrats, is indignant against "the imposition of uniform labor standards in new trade agreements." Translated, that means: Throw a good time at the garbage all international laws that protect workers yet. The retired president slavery charges for preaching. But the chief executive of General Electric says it more clearly: "To compete, you have to squeeze the lemons." The facts are the facts.

face of complaints and protests, companies wash their hands: I was not. In the post-modern industry, the work is no longer concentrate. So everywhere, not just in private. The contractors made three-quarters of Toyota cars. In five Volkswagen workers in Brazil, only one is employed by the company. Of the 81 workers killed in accidents Petrobras work in the past three years, 66 were in the service of contractors who do not meet safety standards. Over three hundred contractors, China produces half of all Barbie dolls for girls in the world. In China itself there are unions, but obey a state in the name of socialism is concerned with the discipline of the workforce: "We fight the labor unrest and social instability, to ensure a favorable climate for investors," he recently explained Bo Xilai, secretary general of the Communist Party in one of the largest ports in the country.

The monopolized economic power is more than ever, but the countries and people compete in they can: to see who offers more for less, to see who works twice in exchange for half. At the edge of the road are the remains of the conquests torn by two centuries of workers' struggles in the world.

maquiladora plants in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, for something called sweat shops, sweatshops, growing at a rate much faster than the industry as a whole. Eight out of ten new jobs in Argentina are "black" without any legal protection. Nine out of ten new jobs in Latin America under the "informal sector", a euphemism to say that workers are left to the mercy of God. Job security and other rights of workers, will they be a little while a topic for archaeologists? No more than memories of an extinct species?

In the world upside down, press freedom: the freedom of workers' money requires prisoners from the prison of fear, which is the prison of all prisons. The market god threatens and punishes, and well knows any worker, anywhere. The fear of unemployment, which serves employers to reduce labor costs and boost productivity, is currently the most universal source of anxiety. Who is safe from the panic of being thrown into the long lines of job seekers? Who not afraid to be an "internal obstacle" to speak the words of the president of the Coca-Cola, one and a half ago said the dismissal of thousands of workers saying "we have eliminated internal obstacles? And

train of questions, the last one: with the globalization of money, which divides the world into trainers and tamed, can it be to internationalize the struggle for the dignity of work? What a challenge.

Monday, September 26, 2005

How To Replace Info.plist

Andersen's frustrations
May was a man whose ambition was to be a writer had the highest regard and to this end he wrote poems, plays, books viiajes, a novel, and about one hundred stories about those he said were trifles, trinkets, and so not exactly what I wanted to be worshiped.
These stories include "The Ugly Duckling," "The Steadfast Tin Soldier," "The Red Shoes," "The Brave Little Tailor," "The Little Mermaid," "The Emperor's New Clothes," "The Princess and the Pea ", etc.
Andersen was born in the Danish city of Odense in 1805 and grew up in a one-room house in the poorest part of town. His father was a shoemaker. First was a shoemaker, and then mad, ymurió when Hans was eleven. About the mother does not know anything. The paternal grandmother who cared for him, was a liar and grandfather was reputed to be the fool of the city.
Andersen had few friends and spent most of his time alone. To help his family went to work in a cloth factory where workers loaded it all day. It appears that Andersen had, as a kid, an extraordinary voice of soprano, and liked to sing while working. He did until the boys pulled down the pants "to see if there was a girl."
At fourteen, almost like a beggar went to Copenhagen in search of work. He found a patron in the person of an Italian opera singer who was an assistant until she started taking singing lessons at the Royal Theatre. There, the enthusiastic director ien with Andersen singing became his tutor and also a kind of father. But Andersen was devoted to singing.
By that time began to write. At seventeen, he published a short story, then came a book entitled: "Travel on foot from the Holmen Canal to the eastern tip of Amager" which was a fantastic story in the style of Hoffman. Then came the novel "The improviser" which was well received by critics but was hardly welcomed by the public.
The turning point of his career came with the publication of the first volume of his fairy tales. But that fame came to compensate, as he himself said, the misfortune that caused him appearance and shyness.
Andersen was tall and frail, his arms and legs were disproportionately long, and his feet were giganteacos. Strangers on the street stopped and pointed out "look that has legs." His bouts of depression were common had many phobias.
Terrified by the possibility that the live eterraran asked his friends to cut an artery before being placed into the cajón.Ante any illness usually leave a note on his bedside table that said: "I'm dead only appearance. " Andersen was one of the most sought-after authors, could be a friend of Dickens and was host to many royal courts. Andersen never had a sexual experience.
Once in Naples in 1834 wrote in his diary: "Tremendous feelings of sensual desire and an internal battle, but I'm still innocent blood burns, I'm sick. Happy to have a wife." Approach them fearing their presence saying that no one was worthy, Andersen was unable to start any relationship. Wrote: "I will remain alone whole life as a poor thistle and be spat on by others because I had the misfortune to have thorns."
There were three women in Andersen's life and hardly looked. The first was twenty years and was the sister of a classmate. Andersen was a year younger than she fell in love. He dedicated some poems for an answer but no more than disdain for writing. Then came the daughter of his tutor, who was 18 years. Started talking to her and then fell in love. She showed no interest. Andersen ceased to write letters of love, she said any correspondence should be revised his by his older sister, which was a very common practice at that time.
And Hans, embarrassed, inhibited by the possible public reading of his love letters, stopped writing. And then came a singer nicknamed "the Swedish nightingale," Andersen flooded poems and gifts, followed in many their presentations until they got some neighborhood. The only record of that neighborhood that captured the Swedish singer was that of friendship, and one day Andersen told how happy she was that she was marrying. Andersen was destroyed.
his old age, although full of praise and honors, was rather sordid love affairs. When he traveled to Paris sometimes visited a brothel. They chatted politely with the naked prostitute. If someone insinuated I should do something more than simply just talking was shocked, and offended.
lived his years in Copenhagen últims always alone. When he died in 1875 wore around his neck in a leather pouch. Inside had a letter from the first of the three women they fell in love (the sister of his classmate.) Some say it was the letter in which she refused his love, but they are guesses. The letter was immediately destroyed at the express wish of the deceased Andersen.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Masterbation For Woman 2010


Stay and spend is not sustainable, not is there not honor life

There are many ways to not knowing much awareness

numb. Deserving

life is not silence or consent
So many injustices repeated
is a virtue, it
dignity and identity is the attitude
clearer. That

last and gives us not pass

for bragging rights is not the same as living life

Not Stay and spend suggest

not always want to honor the life
There are so many little vanity

In our humanity blinded fool deserves life

vertical erect
Beyond evil, falls
It's like giving
And the truth to our own freedom

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Bejan Daruwala Astrologer

BUSINESS. "This war will be long", announced the president of the planet. Bad news for the civilians who are dying and will die, good news for gun manufacturers.

wars No matter what effective. What matters is that they are profitable. Since Sept. 11, shares of General Dynamics, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and other defense industry companies have gone straight into Wall Street. The stock market loves them.

As happened during the bombing of Iraq and Yugoslavia, television rarely shows the victims, is busy showing the runway of the new models of weapons. In the era of the market, war is a tragedy, but an international fair. Arms manufacturers need wars, as manufacturers need winter coats. HOLLYWOOD

. Reality imitates the movies: everything explodes, the children receive the movie Atlantis missiles Happy Meal at McDonald's, and it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between blood and ketchup.

Now the Pentagon has commissioned some writers and film special effects experts to help figure out new terrorist targets and also imagine how to defend themselves. According to Variety, one of which is that's the screenwriter of Die Hard.

CLOTHING. In one of the most widespread image, hard to kill Osama bin Laden wearing a turban but has on a coat of army fatigues United States, and the doll wears a Timex watch, made in the USA.

He is also made in the USA, like other Islamic fundamentalists that the CIA recruited and armed, from forty countries, against atheistic communism in Afghanistan. When the United States celebrated its victory in that war, the president of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, warned in vain for Bush: "You have created a monster, like Dr. Frankenstein."

And it has proven once again that the ravens tear the eyes of the young. But the sponsor's still used. Now, fans will provide a perfect excuse to make war against whomever and however and to consolidate its universal domain. And also to give explanations indisputable. During the month of September, U.S. companies left in the street to two hundred thousand workers: "Call them the numbers of bin Laden," declared Labor Secretary Elaine Chao.

A couple of weeks before the collapse of the towers was collapsing world economy, and the magazine The Economist advised its readers: "Consíganse a parachute." Since becoming what happened, who did not get a parachute can find at least a guilty made to measure.

PANIC. All humanity is feeling the Anthrax attack symptoms, chills, headache, that stain on the skin that seems to bruise ... We are all afraid of opening letters, not because they contain some priceless tax bill or light, or the fatal news that we regret that we have decided to dispense with his services.

were Ukraine's military maneuvers, when an SA-5 missile shot down a passenger plane, killing 78 people. Was it by mistake or because they knew that the smart bombs airliners are enemy weapons? Smart bombs, "attack the post office now?

WEAPONS. A U.S. aircraft carrier, the Nimitz, came to our shores for a day. The visit worried me, because in my neighborhood there is a building that has the appearance of a mosque, and the smart bombs you never know.

Fortunately, nothing happened. Or almost nothing: a few fellow politicians were invited to meet the aircraft carrier, floating city of death, and almost killed. The plane that had landed awkwardly and was left with one wing in the water.

Thanks to the visit, we learned that this carrier has cost 4,500 million dollars. According to estimates by UNICEF and other United Nations agencies, with three aircraft carrier Nimitz as could be given food and medicine for one year, all hungry and sick children of the world, who are dying at a rate of thirty six thousand per day.

WORKMANSHIP. Not only Islamic terrorism has its 'sleeping' also terrorism of State. One of those involved in Operation Condor in the years of military dictatorships in South America, Colonel Manuel Cordero, said that the dirty war "is the only way" to combat terrorism, and that are necessary abduction, torture , killings and disappearances. He has experience, and offers its workforce.

The colonel says he heard the speeches of President Bush, and that this will be the third world war that is advertising. Unfortunately, he listened well. BACKGROUND

. As the colonel, the ambassador also has experience. John Negroponte, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, threatening to bring the war "to other countries, "and knows what he speaks.

few years ago, he led war on Central America. Negroponte was the godfather of terrorism of the contras in Nicaragua and the paramilitaries in Honduras. Reagan, then president, said the same thing now say President Bush and his enemy Bin Laden: anything goes.

VICTIMS. This new war, is waged against the Taliban dictatorship or against the people affected? How many civilians murdered by the bombings?

Four Afghans working for the United Nations, were the first "collateral damage" for which it was reported. A symbol: they were engaged in digging mines.

Afghanistan is the most mined country in the world. Under the ten million land mines are ready to kill or maul to whom the step. Many were planted by the Russians, when the invasion, and many were planted against the Russians, ceded by the U.S. government to the warriors of Allah

Afghanistan has never accepted the international agreement banning antipersonnel mines. United States, either. Now the caravans of fugitives trying to escape, on foot or donkey, of missiles raining down from the sky and exploding mines from the ground.

TEARS. Rigoberta Menchu, the daughter of the Maya, a village of weavers, warns that we 'Hopes hanging by a thread. "

And it is. In a thread. In the global asylum, including a man who is believed Mohammed and another man believed to Buffalo Bill, including terrorism attacks and the war on terror, the violence we are unraveling.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Maybelline Foundation Colour Guide

Pírez Inés de Castro. The post-mortem Queen of Portugal

Pírez talk about Inés de Castro is a bit macabre story at some point. It is an episode that took place first in Spain, Portugal and then so here we position ourselves in the middle of the fourteenth century. Pírez Inés de Castro was born in Spain in 1320, was the daughter of the English nobleman Pedro Fernandez de Castro and his wife, a Portuguese woman named Beatrice, who was the favorite niece of Denis King of Portugal then I "the industrious."
tell that Agnes was very beautiful. Agnes was the best education, spoke perfect beat, the francjs, and Hebrew, and wrote poems. Agnes was besieged by countless kids who loved her as a wife, but the truth is it was not intended to be the spouse of any noble, and the knights were driven from their surroundings by his father, the aforementioned Pedro Fernandez de Castro. One day he told Agnes that she was selected to travel to Portugal as a lady's companion of her cousin Constanza de Castilla was going to marry Pedro, heir to the Portuguese throne and son of King Alfonso IV "el bravo". Denis
I Said "the laborious" had already died when Agnes was five. Chronic account before emigrating to Portugal as a gypsy lady-read the hand of Agnes, and burst into tears. The gypsy Inez begged him not to leave because he hoped und estin horrible. But Agnes, of course, Pod1 not contradict the decision of their elders nothing more than the prediction of a gypsy, and started walking. In 1340 Agnes arrived with her cousin Constanza to Portugal and there something happened that came to complicate everything. As we know Constance was going to marry Pedro, the heir, but Agnes saw Peter and fell in love. Parce was taking a soup when I saw for the first time. Peter was a tall, handsome. And she was so struck by the beauty of the future consort of his cousin, who jumped over the boiling soup. The prince offered his help, Agnes ran out of shame.
say that Constance is engaged to Peter, he realized that his cousin was in love, also noted that Peter looked at Agnes with enthusiasm, but the affection that premiums had avoided any conflict. Finally, there
marriage between Constance and Peter, had two children, but in the second parity Constance died. Prince Peter's match did not last. Just days after the deaths of Constance Pedro and Ines became lovers. With such enthusiasm that in four years had four children. But then came a conflict Pedro's father, King Alfonso "el bravo", he feared that the prince in his love depart from the succession to the children who had tebido to Constance, who were certainly legitimate children. English relatives feared that Agnes had influence over the government of Portugal when Peter became king, in order ... political concerns. Alfonso
so happened that "the brave", the father of Peter in complicity with the eldest son Peter had had with Constance, whose name was Fernando, plotted the death of Agnes. Then hired three gunmen in the year 1355. The names of the killers are these (I have no fear to the complaint): Pedro Cohelo (paronym confundirel not Paul, who is guilty but other crimes), Diego Lopez Pacheco, and Alvaro Gonzalez. These three men went to Coimbra, where he was installed Inés and stabbed to death. When Peter found the corpse of his lover went mad with grief and anger, and then confessed that he was a mere concubine that had been killed, but a lawful wife and that he said had been secretly married immediately after Constance's death. Angry
Peter, who was prince of Portugal, took up arms and organized a rebellion against his father, speaking the queen (mother of Peter) and avoided the war, got a peace rather precarious. In 1357 overwhelmed by guilt and the hatred that showed his son King Alfonso died, and Peter took the throne as Peter I. His initial steps, which were of revenge, made to be given the name of Peter "the stern" and Peter "the cruel." It happened that the murderers of Ines had taken refuge in Castile. Unfortunately for those thugs had taken refuge in Portugal a Castilian king's enemies, which coincidentally also named Peter, and he also said "the cruel." Then there was an exchange of unwanted and slaughter- Agnes came into the hands of Peter, which of course gave them a suitably horrific death.
Peter was a bitter man who missed his beloved so that cuaqndo was crowned (and here the macabre aspect of this story) had his servants exhumed the corpse of Agnes, which launched perfumes, who dressed in rich robes, he placed the royal ring, and he put a wreath to the ceremony.
says the chronicle, "the king sat on his throne, taking his right to the throne of Dona Ines, the courtiers were passing one by one before the corpse and kissed her hand. A great silence pervaded the room, not daring to look up all the noble king and swore allegiance to religious and respect for the dead queen. Peter watched the parade
guessing some movement of rejection in courtiers but fear the vengeance of Peter was of such magnitude that no one evaded the kiss to the deceased. Although Peter was delivered after a licentious life (ie after the reburial of his beloved), never managed to forget. Shortly before his death Peter asked to be buried alongside her in the monastery of Alcobaça. Today, this tomb is the object of pilgrimage for lovers. "Agnes" was the last word spoken by King Pedro who died after running ten years, when he was thirty-seven. Something about James

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Compliants Against Vein Clinics Of America

James M. Barrie.

Matthew Barrie and the games secrets. James Matthew Barrie was a Scot, born in 1860. His father was a weaver manual. His mother was Margaret Ogilvy. Barrie had nine children, Margaret's favorite, David, died at the age of thirteen because of an accident while skating on the ice. That death very depressed Margaret and Barrie did everything he could to cheer her up. He tried to resemble his brother to the point where not notice the difference, Barrie came to wear the clothes of his brother, and imitated the whistle in the hope of deceiving her mother with this disguise. The result was that deepened the horror. AA
Barrie 25 years and was a journalist in London, wrote reviews of matches cricket, I loved that sport. Had a team including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, began shortly after the books, or writing. The first books were simple and quickly achieved success. He became an immensely rich and famous man. That only children have always felt comfortable with Barrie, bullying behavior almost always the largest because it seems it was a very quiet man, was able to spend long hours in absolute silence.
With women did not have a life too stormy, he married Mary Ansell whom he met at auditions for the premiere of "Walker, London." Many years later Barie learned through the confession of his gardener had seen it all, his wife Mary was with a lawyer friend of the family. There was divorce. In an attempt to avoid upsetting his advertising career as a writer, he prepared a petition, which asked the press to try that case with discretion. The petition was signed by, among others, Henry James.
At one point in his career Barrie wrote a biography of his mare which he titled "Margaret Ogilvy", this book contains the revealing phrase of all their literature: "The horror of my childhood is that I knew I was approaching the time that should Give up my game and that seemed intolerable, I decided to continue playing in secret. " In all games, all his books, the most famous was "Peter Pan." Barrie died at age 77 in 1937.
But back to the phrase "I decided to continue playing in secret." Let me say something about "decided to continue playing in secret." The world we live tempts us with personal progress with the entry to the circuits of consumption and in full possession of the rights of adulthood. Certainly promote the admiration of precocious children we love live adult situations. Now ... What is an adult situation? It appears to have sexual desires and longings of possession. Or perhaps gain some worldly aplomb that lets you use words such as "equally" "Greetings from your home" or "very kind of you." Well, this answer that to be an idiot there is no rush. The precocity of a child pianist is admirable, the precocity of a miserable too soon learned the risks of lending books, it's garbage.
Either way the world demands to leave the game and progress, and those who are playing are scorn and derision. So there are those who, as Sir James Barrie, resolve to continue playing in secret. Some people without anyone knowing through the streets, and play. Do not step on the tiles blue angels not to kill themselves to kill the red devils or play to die if they come across a blonde in the next block, or scream in the hallways, or tread dry leaves to enjoy the crunch.

But make no mistake, we are talking about something else, not merely fun hobby. This is followed, in secret, professing a heroic moral, to continue believing. Not believe the stupidity of the commies, but with the madness of those who will never learn to settle into a world of petty bourgeois, insurance against theft, and domestic appliances such as parameters. James Barrie
would not grow up, Peter Pan would not grow. They would not grow in the worst sense, would not that mediocre resignation that some call maturity.
I have decided to continue playing in secret: a good bet that saves a verse life, pretend that love is more important than prosperity, I play a chord with me crazy, to believe that the best of life not yet happened.
course, there are reasonable people can despise me, and tell me Peter Pan, and laugh at our games and our dreams. Very well. For them it is all over the world. The adult world and the bourgeoisie, the world of television. The world of competitions or rating, care, nor is the gaming world. Because the games, the secret dream of youth, are a thing ... serious people.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What Is Best Facial Soap By Consumer Reports


If the military machine does not kill, it rusts. The president of the world the finger goes walking maps to see which country will drop the next bomb. It has been a successful war in Afghanistan, which punished the punished and killed the dead, and already need new enemies.

But they have nothing new flags: the will of God, the threat of terrorism and human rights. I have the impression that George W Bush is not exactly the kind of translator that God would choose, if I had something to say, and the terrorist threat is becoming less convincing as an excuse for the military terrorism. What human rights? Will they still be useful pretexts for those who make mash?

over half a century ago the United Nations adopted the Declaration Universal Human Rights, and there is no international document most frequently cited and praised.

is not criticizing, but at this point it seems clear that the statement will take much more than what you have. For example, there appears the most basic of rights, the right to breathe, which has become impossible in this world where the birds cough. Neither is the right to walk, which has already moved to the category of achievement now that there are only two kinds of pedestrians, the quick and the dead. Nor is the right to indignation, which is the least we can demand of human dignity when the sentence to be worthless, or the right to fight for another possible world where it has become impossible el mundo tal cual es.

En los 30 artículos de la declaración, la palabra libertad es la que más se repite. La libertad de trabajar, ganar un salario justo y fundar sindicatos, pongamos por caso, está garantizada en el artículo 23. Pero son cada vez más los trabajadores que no tienen, hoy por hoy, ni siquiera la libertad de elegir la salsa con la que serán comidos. Los empleos duran menos que un suspiro, y el miedo obliga a callar y obedecer: salarios más bajos, horarios más largos, y a olvidarse de las vacaciones pagas, la jubilación y la asistencia social y demás derechos que todos tenemos, según aseguran los artículos 22, 24 y 25. Las instituciones financieras internacionales, las Powerpuff Girls of the contemporary world are imposing the "labor flexibility", a euphemism that refers to the burial of two centuries of workers' achievements. And the big multinational companies require agreements "union free", free trade unions in countries that compete with each other by offering lower labor submissive and cheap. "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude in any form," says Article 4. Thank goodness.

listed no human right to enjoy the natural assets, land, water, air, and to defend against any threat. The bomber also no right to exterminate the wild, which by the way they exercise, and with enthusiasm, countries that have purchased the planet and are eating. The other countries foot the bill. The nineties were baptized by the United Nations to a name given by the black humor: International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. Never has the world has suffered so many calamities, floods, droughts, hurricanes, climate mad in such a short time. "Disaster" natural "? In a world that has a habit of condemning the victims, the nature is to blame for the crimes committed against her.

"Everyone has the right to travel freely," says Article 13. Enter, is another matter. The doors of the rich countries are closed in the face of the millions of fugitives pilgrims from south to north and from east to west, fleeing the destroyed crops, poisoned rivers, forests destroyed, ruined prices, wages stunted. A few die in the attempt, but others manage to sneak in under the door. Once inside, into the promised land, they are less free and less equal.

"All men are born free and equal in dignity and rights", says Article 1. Birth, can be, but a few minutes apart makes. Article 28 provides that "everyone is entitled to a just social and international order." The United Nations itself, tell us in their statistics, that the increased progress, but fair results. The distribution of the loaves and fishes is much more unfair in the United States or Britain than in Bangladesh or Rwanda. And in the international order, also the antics of the United Nations reveals that ten people have more wealth than all the wealth produced by 54 countries combined. Two-thirds of humanity survive on less than two dollars a day, and the gap between the haves and those in need has tripled since the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Inequality, and to safeguard growing military spending. Obscene wealth fuel the war fever and promote the invention of demons for good cause. Article 11 we that "everyone is innocent until proven guilty." As things go, a little while terrorism is guilty of any person who does not walk on their knees, even if proven otherwise.

The war economy multiplies the wealth of the prosperous and performs functions of intimidation and punishment. And while the world shines on a military culture that sanctifies violence against people "different", which boils down to racism subgente category. "No one shall be discriminated against because of sex, race, religion or other status," says Article 2, but the new Hollywood blockbusters, issued by the Pentagon to glorify imperial adventures preach racism resounding inheriting the worst traditions of cinema. And not just movies. These days, by chance, I came across a magazine of the United Nations November 86, English edition of the Unesco Courier. There I learned that a former cosmographer had written that the Indians of the Americas had blue skin and a square head. It was called, believe it or not, John of Hollywood.

Statement proclamation betrays reality. "No person shall remove any such rights," says Article 30, but someone might well say: "Do not you see I can?". Someone, that is: the system universal power, always accompanied by the fear that spreads and imposed resignation.

According to President Bush, enemies of humanity are Iraq, Iran and North Korea, leading candidates for his next shooting exercises. I guess he has reached that conclusion after deep thought, but I think its absolute certainty, at least, worthy of doubt. And the right to doubt is also a human right, the end of the day, but did not mention the United Nations declaration. Humanitarian

Sunday, August 7, 2005

Flaky Skin On Dogs Back

HUMANIQUE "? Universal monarchy

. Adjective
confirms the low opinion on gender human
are the other inhabitants of this planet

This is not the dictionary definition. Not yet but soon will be, while we go. Now rely on humanitarian grounds to release General Pinochet, although his health is enviable compared with the state that he left thousands of dead and tortured. No less humanitarian, truth be told, were the reasons which had brought him to London in 1998: the former general went to buy weapons and collect commissions. Rueda

the world turns the clock. Demonstrates the human world is devoting every minute, a million dollars to militants costs. Wars are called humanitarian missions, since President Clinton and the baptized. Rambo is the Erasmus of this new humanism. As told by the war correspondents, the Russian soldiers who burned down the city of Grozny, had a Rambo by model. And while the bombs rained down, General Valeri Manilov, chief of staff, demanded the surrender of Chechen clear that this was not an ultimatum. "This is a humanitarian act," he said.

A Putin did not want anyone when Tsar Boris gave up his throne. Opinion polls support him one percent of the population. Months later, when the Russian flag that was flying over Grozny, Putin is the most popular politician in Russia. Until his snake's face has been a virtue: it is the implacable and ice cream man that Russia needs. There is no better

campaign that a successful war. Chechnya has been saved from the Chechen threat. Putin has used the same humane treatment that NATO had applied, shortly before, to Yugoslavia. The therapy comes from the Vietnam War. In 1968, an American official had told the Associated Press: "We must destroy the village of Ben Tre to save it." But in the Vietnam War there were many invaders were killed and many were the victims of television showed. Since then, the great powers that share the right to kill with impunity, have made tremendous progress in the art of killing from a distance, without risk of death and technology in the service of hypocrisy, it allows executioners did not see their victims, and public opinion either. The withering military operations in Panama razed whole neighborhoods, Baghdad and Belgrade, and in Grozny have left no stone unturned, have resulted in spectacular ascents of popularity for Bush, Clinton, Blair and Putin.

"Every gun that is fired is a robbery committed against those who hunger and are not fed, and against those who are cold and are not clothes." Although it was delivered on April 16, 1953, when wars were still called just wars, the phrase is very topical in the world today and, without going any further, in Latin America, where military spending has doubled in the past decade. The author of these words knew what he was talking about. Dwight Eisenhower was not, they say, a pacifist agitator, but a professional soldier who was occupying the presidency of the United States.

"Humanitarian missions or human sacrifices? To continue running the cosmic order, the Aztecs offered human hearts to the gods. To continue working the land order, the world of today offers human sacrifices to the arms manufacturers and the warlords. Lord, the God of the Hebrews, who later became god of the Christians and Muslims, threatened a quienes no le obedecieran con azotes y plagas, sequías, hambres y derrumbamientos (Levítico, 26), y sin pestañear ejecutaba sus castigos. Pero el Antiguo Testamento queda a la altura de un frijol comparado con los truenos de la ira del Nuevo Orden Mundial. Y jamás a Jehová se le ocurrió decir que fueran humanitarias sus maldiciones y sus venganzas. El era más bien despiadado, pero no era un farsante.

Quizá las guerras son humanitarias en el sentido de que matan cada vez más humanos sin uniforme. Un artículo del New York Times (de R.W. Apple, 21 de diciembre de 1989) exaltó la invasión de Panamá como un exitoso "ritual de iniciación" del presidente Bush, que así demostraba "su voluntad de derramar sangre". En las ceremonias de cacería de nuestro tiempo, el guerrero es el cazador y el civil, la presa. A lo largo del siglo XX, que ha sido, y por lejos, el más carnicero de la historia, hubo 15 por ciento de muertos civiles en la Primera Guerra Mundial. La proporción pegó tremendo salto, hasta 65 por ciento, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Y después ha seguido subiendo, en las guerras del medio siglo siguiente, hasta llegar a las espeluznantes estadísticas actuales: nueve de cada 10 víctimas son civiles, y en su mayoría niños.

Muchos de esos niños mueren después que las guerras han terminado. Ellos estallan al contacto con las minas antipersonales sembradas en los fields - the United States continues to manufacture and sell despite the international ban - or suffer the consequences of the wars. In Iraq, for example, infant mortality has tripled in the years after the war, because of the economic blockade. "It is worthwhile," he said in 1996, Chancellor Madeleine Albright. In Yugoslavia, children and adult civilians are suffering, and after the war, cancer radiation of land contaminated by depleted uranium-coated bombs, a deadly product to discard nuclear energy. According to the Landau Center, an institute of investiga-tions made a report to the Italian government, each rocket Tomahawk can generate 600 thousand cancer patients. NATO has denied the use of uranium. Then admitted that he had used against Serb tanks. In total, the deluge of bombs destroyed 13 tanks.

United States, whose territory was never bombed anyone has bombed 19 countries throughout the second half of the twentieth century: China, Korea, Guatemala, Indonesia, Cuba, Congo, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lebanon , Grenada, Libya, Nicaragua, Panama, Iraq, Bosnia, Sudan, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. In September 1999, President Clinton said: "Unfortunately we can not respond to every humanitarian crisis occurring in the world." Less wrong.

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Cute Picnik Quotes Friends

The universal monarchy already the Iron Curtain crumbled, like puree, and military dictatorships are a nightmare that many countries have left behind. Do we live, then, in a democratic world? "Opens this century the era of democracy without borders? A bright picture, with a few dark clouds which confirmed the clear sky?

Speeches pay little attention to the dictionaries. According to the dictionaries of all languages, the word democracy means' rule by the people. " And the real world of our time seems, rather, a poderocracia: a global poderocracia.

Day after day, in every country are cutting more and more the narrow margins of maneuver of local politicians who promise generally will not do that very rarely have the honesty and courage to announce what will. It's called realism to the exercise of government as a duty of obedience: the people attending the decisions made on their behalf, governments ruled by the institutions that govern us all, on a universal scale, without elections.

Democracy is a statistical error, often said Jorge Luis Borges, because in a democracy the majority decides and the majority consists of fools. To avoid this error, the world Today's decision brings the power of the few, very few, who have purchased.

The IMF and World Bank
splendor in the era of democratic Athens, one person in ten had rights. The other nine, nothing. Twenty centuries later, it is clear that the Greeks are going hand in hand with generosity.

hundred and eighty-two countries are members of the International Monetary Fund. Of these, 177 cut no ice. The IMF, which gives orders to the world and everywhere decide human fate and the frequency of flight of flies and the wave height is in the hands of five countries that are forty percent of the vote: United States united Japan, Germany, France and Britain. The score depends on the contributions of capital, which has the most, more possible. Twenty-three African countries joined, together, 1 percent, the United States has 17 percent. Equal rights, translated into action.

The World Bank, the IMF's twin brother, is more democratic. There are five decision makers, but seven. One hundred eighty countries comprising the World Bank. Of these, 173 accepted that sent the seven owners of 45 percent of the shares of Bank: United States, Germany, Japan, Britain, France, Italy and Canada. United States also have veto power.

United veto power means, in plain language, all the power. The Organization of the United Nations is like the big family that brings us all together. At the UN, the United States shares veto power with Britain, France, Russia and China: the five largest arms manufacturers, who thank God watch over world peace. These are the five powers to make decisions when burned potatoes in the highest international institution. Other countries have the opportunity to make recommendations that will not be denied to anyone.

The World Trade Organization
rights granted are not to be used. In the World Trade Organization, all countries can vote on equal terms, but never vote. "Majority voting is possible, but has never been used in the WTO and it was very rare in the GATT, the body that preceded it," reports their official website. The resolutions of the World Trade Organization are taken by consensus behind closed doors, if I remember correctly was the system used by leaders of the Stalinist order to avoid the scandal of dissent before the victory of democracy in the world .

Thus, the WTO runs in secret, with impunity, the slaughter of hundreds of millions of small farmers around the world, on the altar of free trade. No so secret or so with impunity, though: until recently, nobody knew what it meant to the WTO, but things have changed since that fifty thousand disobedient took to the streets of the city of Seattle at the end of last year and stripped to the public one of the kings of the universal monarchy. The protesters in Seattle were called bandits, mad, confused, prehistoric and enemies of progress by major media. There must be some.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

What's The Difference Bettween Tea & Zinger


1. The heroic virtue
The rapid pace of industry of the century, the Vatican is producing saints. In the last twenty years the Pope John Paul II beatified more of 900 virtuosos and canonized almost 300.

At the top of the waiting list, a favorite among the candidates for sainthood, set the black slave Pierre Toussaint. Ensures that the Pope will not delay in placing the halo, "the merit of their heroic virtue."

named Pierre Toussaint Louverture Toussaint Like his contemporary, who was also black, slave and Haiti. But this is a mirror image in the mirror, while Toussaint Louverture led the war for freedom of the slaves in Haiti, against the army of Napoleon Bonaparte, the good of Pierre Toussaint practiced self-denial of the easement. Licking until the end of his days his feet white owner, he practiced "heroic virtue" of submission: an example for all black people in the world, was born a slave and slave died in the odor of sanctity, happy to have done good with Dick and Jane. Besides the perpetual obedience, and the many sacrifices he made for the welfare of his mistress, other miracles attributed to him.

2. The Saint of the Broom
San Martin de Porres was the first dark-skinned Christian admitted to the whitest saints of the Catholic Church. He died in Lima, three and half centuries ago, with a stone for a pillow and a skull on the side. Had been donated to the convent of the Dominicans. As the son of black slave, never became a priest, but was highlighted in the cleanup. Embracing with love the broom, sweeping everything, then shaved the priests and tended the sick, and spent nights kneeling in prayer. Although

was specialized in the services sector, San Martín de Porres also could do miracles, and many made the bishop had to be banned. In his rare spare time, took advantage to whip back and tore blood while shouting to himself: "vile dog!". His whole life apologizing for impure blood. Holiness rewarded him in death.

3. Bad skin
early sixteenth century, in early years of European conquest, racism was imposed on the islands of the Caribbean. Alibi and safe conduct of the colonial adventure, racist contempt fully realized when he became the self-hatred of the despised. Many indigenous people revolted and many committed suicide, for refusing to slave labor, by hanging or drinking poison, but others were resigned to another form of suicide, suicide of the soul, and agreed to look at themselves through the eyes of love.

To become white women of Castile, some Indian women and black entire body smeared with an ointment made from the roots of a shrub called wow. Wow paste burned skin and cleaned, it was said, bad color. A sacrifice in vain after the screams of pain and sores and blisters, Indian and Black Indian and black remained.

Centuries later, today, the cosmetics industry offers better products. In the city of Freetown on the west coast of Africa, a journalist says: "Clearing the skin, women have a better chance to catch a rich husband." Freetown is the capital of Sierra Leone, according to official data, Pharmaceutical Board of Sierra Leone, the country legally imports 26 varieties of bleaching creams. Another 150 are smuggled.

4. Bad hair
The U.S. magazine Ebony, a luxurious impression and wide circulation, it is proposed to celebrate the triumphs of blacks in business, politics, the military, entertainment, fashion and sports. In the words of its founder, Ebony "wants to promote the symbols of success in the U.S. black community, with the motto: I can succeed."

The journal publishes few photos of men. Instead, there are many photographs of women: reading the April issue this year, I counted 182. Of these 182 black women, only twelve were African curls, and 170 wore straight hair. The defeat of curly hair - "bad hair" as many times I have heard, was the work of hairdressing or miracle potions. Hair straightening products occupied most of the advertising space on that edition. Had full-page ads creams or liquids offered by Optimum Care, Soft and Beautiful, Dark and Lovely, Alternatives, Frizz Free, TCB-Sense Health, Beauty New Age, Isoplus Motions CPR and Raveen. I was impressed to see that one of the remedies against African hair is called, precisely, African Pride (Pride Africa) and, as promised, "iron and smooth like no other."

a heavy legacy "seems black" or "looks Indian" are common insults in Latin America, and 'look white' is a common tribute. The blood mixed with black or India 'slows the race', the white blood mixed with "improving the species." The so-called racial democracy is reduced, in fact, a social pyramid: the top is white, or white thought, and the base has a dark color.

From the Revolution onward, Cuba is the Latin American country that has racism. Even his enemies acknowledge, recognize and sometimes regret. Have been definitely behind the times when blacks could not swim in the private beaches ("because the water stain).

But black Cubans still abound in prisons and absent in soap operas, perhaps they like to play roles of slaves or servants. A survey published in December 98 by the Colombian magazine black America, reveals that racial prejudices in Cuban society survive, despite 40 years of change and progress, and prejudices survive especially among their victims: in Santa Clara, three out of ten young black men feel that blacks are less intelligent than whites, and in Havana, four out of ten blacks of all ages think they are intellectually inferior. "Blacks have always been little given to study," says a black man.

Three and a half centuries of slavery are a heavy legacy and stubborn.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Microsoft Flight Simulator X Air Brakes

When any guesses offered to read the destination, you'd better ask him to choose another victim: let me think, ma'am, that the future is a surprise and not a bore.

Fortunately, the world continues to offer amazement. Even the professional football industry runs scheduled for power, contains unexpected rabbits in the hat.

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More than a quarter of humanity attended by television, the first surprise 2002 World Cup. It happened at the opening night at the stadium in Seoul. Against all odds, France, the champion Previous World Cup, was defeated by Senegal, which had been one of its African colonies and for the first time attending a World Cup. France was on the road in the first round, without putting a single goal. Argentina, another country favorite in the betting, also fell at the first hurdle. And then left Italy and Spain, robbed at gunpoint by the arbitrators. But all these powerful teams were mainly victims of the obligation to win and the terror of losing, they are twins. The current football stars had reached the Cup overwhelmed by the weight of fame and responsibility, and exhausted by the fierce pace of the demands of the clubs where they work. Mundialera
Without history, without stars, without the obligation to win or lose the terror, the selection of Senegal played in a state of grace and was a revelation. Invicta reached the quarter-final, could not get past, but their incessant bailito us back a simple truth that scientists tend to forget the ball: football is a game and who plays, when playing for real, feel joy and gives joy. Senegal was the work of the goal that I liked in the tournament, go to taco of Thiaw, accurate shot from Camara, and one of its players, Diouf, made as much dribbling, averaging eight per game, a tournament in which the pleasure of the eyes appeared prohibited.

The other surprise was Turkey. Nobody believed. He wore half a century of absence in the world. In its opening game against Brazil, the Turkish national team was treacherously cheated by the referee, but continued to travel and ended up winning third place. His football, great enthusiasm, good quality, made mute with the experts who had despised.

Almost everything else was a long yawn. Fortunately, in their final matches, Brazil recalled that it was Brazil. When triggered, and played the Brazilian players walked out of the cage of mediocrity where the coach, Scolari, had them locked up. And then, finally, after so fiasco, Brazil could be a party.

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Played with nothing. Or almost nothing: one ball hits, or anything that rolls of cloth, rubber, leather or plastic. Soccer is the world's cheapest sports. But the ball has magical powers and can bring out a lot of money from grass. Adidas released the ball in the World is a high technology: a latex bladder surrounded by a mesh screen covered with foam gas, which is a white skin polymer layer decorated with the symbol of fire. She moves fortunes. -------------------------------------------------
The business of football, like all businesses, is organized to reward the strongest. Sometimes, however, unforeseen countries and small clubs with no market value, break the routine of power.
a couple of years ago, the club Calais, a team of amateurs with little experience and little swollen, it was almost champion of France. He lost the final by a hair, because of a dubious penalty. It was beyond belief: Calais players, employees, laborers, gardeners, teachers, had left the road to the French teams of highly professional.

Cerquita just in Italy, a dwarf is disrespecting the world's richest clubs. Never in Italian history had happened: a picture of small town has entered the series A. This year he played the top, came fifth, one point behind Milan, and qualified for the European Cup. The stone guest called Chievo. Comes from a parish in 1500 three people, farmers who produce kiwis, peaches, salami and wines. In the cafe of the village where Mary Queen pants, fans celebrate, cry, discuss and decide: Chievo belongs to everyone. The entire team and alternate and everything else, is fifty times less than the money he received the club Juventus for the sale of a single player, Zinedine Zidane, Real Madrid. At

Italian football big companies do not like one bit the meteoric rise of these nobodies who play football loose, bold, daring. Their neighbors, the city of Verona, the look askance.

Supporters of the barra brava of Verona club, who made the fascist salute, have a habit of insulting and between African rivals Chievo players shine black immigrants.

Across the sea, in Brazil, the novelty is called San Caetano. This club was born in a working-class suburb of San Pablo City in the industrial ring which incubated the new unionism and the party of Lula.

The San Caetano, whose symbol a wild bird blue, play attacking football and fulminant, true to the profession of faith made by the club president: "Today the European football dominates, that is pure markup. But the Brazilian football should not change his style, his seal: play forward. " Has not fared badly, so to speak. In its thirteen years of life poor, the San Caetano has made its way to the first division and the top of the table, and this year is contesting for the second time, the Copa Libertadores, against the best teams in Latin America.

And that despite the problem of always, the drama club kids and poor countries: the San Caetano players and creates lost. The best ones are purchased by the big clubs in Brazil (Corinthians, Palmeiras) or go to Europe, Stuttgart, Lazio.

--------------------------------- Power says the story ended. And he says I am the target. But in football, like everything else, there are intruders. Not covered in the script and yet, they get where they are called, without permission, contraband, and act. They are consolation and prophecy. Is appreciated. Joke