Sunday, September 18, 2005

Bejan Daruwala Astrologer

BUSINESS. "This war will be long", announced the president of the planet. Bad news for the civilians who are dying and will die, good news for gun manufacturers.

wars No matter what effective. What matters is that they are profitable. Since Sept. 11, shares of General Dynamics, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and other defense industry companies have gone straight into Wall Street. The stock market loves them.

As happened during the bombing of Iraq and Yugoslavia, television rarely shows the victims, is busy showing the runway of the new models of weapons. In the era of the market, war is a tragedy, but an international fair. Arms manufacturers need wars, as manufacturers need winter coats. HOLLYWOOD

. Reality imitates the movies: everything explodes, the children receive the movie Atlantis missiles Happy Meal at McDonald's, and it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between blood and ketchup.

Now the Pentagon has commissioned some writers and film special effects experts to help figure out new terrorist targets and also imagine how to defend themselves. According to Variety, one of which is that's the screenwriter of Die Hard.

CLOTHING. In one of the most widespread image, hard to kill Osama bin Laden wearing a turban but has on a coat of army fatigues United States, and the doll wears a Timex watch, made in the USA.

He is also made in the USA, like other Islamic fundamentalists that the CIA recruited and armed, from forty countries, against atheistic communism in Afghanistan. When the United States celebrated its victory in that war, the president of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, warned in vain for Bush: "You have created a monster, like Dr. Frankenstein."

And it has proven once again that the ravens tear the eyes of the young. But the sponsor's still used. Now, fans will provide a perfect excuse to make war against whomever and however and to consolidate its universal domain. And also to give explanations indisputable. During the month of September, U.S. companies left in the street to two hundred thousand workers: "Call them the numbers of bin Laden," declared Labor Secretary Elaine Chao.

A couple of weeks before the collapse of the towers was collapsing world economy, and the magazine The Economist advised its readers: "Consíganse a parachute." Since becoming what happened, who did not get a parachute can find at least a guilty made to measure.

PANIC. All humanity is feeling the Anthrax attack symptoms, chills, headache, that stain on the skin that seems to bruise ... We are all afraid of opening letters, not because they contain some priceless tax bill or light, or the fatal news that we regret that we have decided to dispense with his services.

were Ukraine's military maneuvers, when an SA-5 missile shot down a passenger plane, killing 78 people. Was it by mistake or because they knew that the smart bombs airliners are enemy weapons? Smart bombs, "attack the post office now?

WEAPONS. A U.S. aircraft carrier, the Nimitz, came to our shores for a day. The visit worried me, because in my neighborhood there is a building that has the appearance of a mosque, and the smart bombs you never know.

Fortunately, nothing happened. Or almost nothing: a few fellow politicians were invited to meet the aircraft carrier, floating city of death, and almost killed. The plane that had landed awkwardly and was left with one wing in the water.

Thanks to the visit, we learned that this carrier has cost 4,500 million dollars. According to estimates by UNICEF and other United Nations agencies, with three aircraft carrier Nimitz as could be given food and medicine for one year, all hungry and sick children of the world, who are dying at a rate of thirty six thousand per day.

WORKMANSHIP. Not only Islamic terrorism has its 'sleeping' also terrorism of State. One of those involved in Operation Condor in the years of military dictatorships in South America, Colonel Manuel Cordero, said that the dirty war "is the only way" to combat terrorism, and that are necessary abduction, torture , killings and disappearances. He has experience, and offers its workforce.

The colonel says he heard the speeches of President Bush, and that this will be the third world war that is advertising. Unfortunately, he listened well. BACKGROUND

. As the colonel, the ambassador also has experience. John Negroponte, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, threatening to bring the war "to other countries, "and knows what he speaks.

few years ago, he led war on Central America. Negroponte was the godfather of terrorism of the contras in Nicaragua and the paramilitaries in Honduras. Reagan, then president, said the same thing now say President Bush and his enemy Bin Laden: anything goes.

VICTIMS. This new war, is waged against the Taliban dictatorship or against the people affected? How many civilians murdered by the bombings?

Four Afghans working for the United Nations, were the first "collateral damage" for which it was reported. A symbol: they were engaged in digging mines.

Afghanistan is the most mined country in the world. Under the ten million land mines are ready to kill or maul to whom the step. Many were planted by the Russians, when the invasion, and many were planted against the Russians, ceded by the U.S. government to the warriors of Allah

Afghanistan has never accepted the international agreement banning antipersonnel mines. United States, either. Now the caravans of fugitives trying to escape, on foot or donkey, of missiles raining down from the sky and exploding mines from the ground.

TEARS. Rigoberta Menchu, the daughter of the Maya, a village of weavers, warns that we 'Hopes hanging by a thread. "

And it is. In a thread. In the global asylum, including a man who is believed Mohammed and another man believed to Buffalo Bill, including terrorism attacks and the war on terror, the violence we are unraveling.


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