Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What Is Best Facial Soap By Consumer Reports


If the military machine does not kill, it rusts. The president of the world the finger goes walking maps to see which country will drop the next bomb. It has been a successful war in Afghanistan, which punished the punished and killed the dead, and already need new enemies.

But they have nothing new flags: the will of God, the threat of terrorism and human rights. I have the impression that George W Bush is not exactly the kind of translator that God would choose, if I had something to say, and the terrorist threat is becoming less convincing as an excuse for the military terrorism. What human rights? Will they still be useful pretexts for those who make mash?

over half a century ago the United Nations adopted the Declaration Universal Human Rights, and there is no international document most frequently cited and praised.

is not criticizing, but at this point it seems clear that the statement will take much more than what you have. For example, there appears the most basic of rights, the right to breathe, which has become impossible in this world where the birds cough. Neither is the right to walk, which has already moved to the category of achievement now that there are only two kinds of pedestrians, the quick and the dead. Nor is the right to indignation, which is the least we can demand of human dignity when the sentence to be worthless, or the right to fight for another possible world where it has become impossible el mundo tal cual es.

En los 30 artículos de la declaración, la palabra libertad es la que más se repite. La libertad de trabajar, ganar un salario justo y fundar sindicatos, pongamos por caso, está garantizada en el artículo 23. Pero son cada vez más los trabajadores que no tienen, hoy por hoy, ni siquiera la libertad de elegir la salsa con la que serán comidos. Los empleos duran menos que un suspiro, y el miedo obliga a callar y obedecer: salarios más bajos, horarios más largos, y a olvidarse de las vacaciones pagas, la jubilación y la asistencia social y demás derechos que todos tenemos, según aseguran los artículos 22, 24 y 25. Las instituciones financieras internacionales, las Powerpuff Girls of the contemporary world are imposing the "labor flexibility", a euphemism that refers to the burial of two centuries of workers' achievements. And the big multinational companies require agreements "union free", free trade unions in countries that compete with each other by offering lower labor submissive and cheap. "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude in any form," says Article 4. Thank goodness.

listed no human right to enjoy the natural assets, land, water, air, and to defend against any threat. The bomber also no right to exterminate the wild, which by the way they exercise, and with enthusiasm, countries that have purchased the planet and are eating. The other countries foot the bill. The nineties were baptized by the United Nations to a name given by the black humor: International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. Never has the world has suffered so many calamities, floods, droughts, hurricanes, climate mad in such a short time. "Disaster" natural "? In a world that has a habit of condemning the victims, the nature is to blame for the crimes committed against her.

"Everyone has the right to travel freely," says Article 13. Enter, is another matter. The doors of the rich countries are closed in the face of the millions of fugitives pilgrims from south to north and from east to west, fleeing the destroyed crops, poisoned rivers, forests destroyed, ruined prices, wages stunted. A few die in the attempt, but others manage to sneak in under the door. Once inside, into the promised land, they are less free and less equal.

"All men are born free and equal in dignity and rights", says Article 1. Birth, can be, but a few minutes apart makes. Article 28 provides that "everyone is entitled to a just social and international order." The United Nations itself, tell us in their statistics, that the increased progress, but fair results. The distribution of the loaves and fishes is much more unfair in the United States or Britain than in Bangladesh or Rwanda. And in the international order, also the antics of the United Nations reveals that ten people have more wealth than all the wealth produced by 54 countries combined. Two-thirds of humanity survive on less than two dollars a day, and the gap between the haves and those in need has tripled since the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Inequality, and to safeguard growing military spending. Obscene wealth fuel the war fever and promote the invention of demons for good cause. Article 11 we that "everyone is innocent until proven guilty." As things go, a little while terrorism is guilty of any person who does not walk on their knees, even if proven otherwise.

The war economy multiplies the wealth of the prosperous and performs functions of intimidation and punishment. And while the world shines on a military culture that sanctifies violence against people "different", which boils down to racism subgente category. "No one shall be discriminated against because of sex, race, religion or other status," says Article 2, but the new Hollywood blockbusters, issued by the Pentagon to glorify imperial adventures preach racism resounding inheriting the worst traditions of cinema. And not just movies. These days, by chance, I came across a magazine of the United Nations November 86, English edition of the Unesco Courier. There I learned that a former cosmographer had written that the Indians of the Americas had blue skin and a square head. It was called, believe it or not, John of Hollywood.

Statement proclamation betrays reality. "No person shall remove any such rights," says Article 30, but someone might well say: "Do not you see I can?". Someone, that is: the system universal power, always accompanied by the fear that spreads and imposed resignation.

According to President Bush, enemies of humanity are Iraq, Iran and North Korea, leading candidates for his next shooting exercises. I guess he has reached that conclusion after deep thought, but I think its absolute certainty, at least, worthy of doubt. And the right to doubt is also a human right, the end of the day, but did not mention the United Nations declaration. Humanitarian


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