Sunday, August 28, 2005

Compliants Against Vein Clinics Of America

James M. Barrie.

Matthew Barrie and the games secrets. James Matthew Barrie was a Scot, born in 1860. His father was a weaver manual. His mother was Margaret Ogilvy. Barrie had nine children, Margaret's favorite, David, died at the age of thirteen because of an accident while skating on the ice. That death very depressed Margaret and Barrie did everything he could to cheer her up. He tried to resemble his brother to the point where not notice the difference, Barrie came to wear the clothes of his brother, and imitated the whistle in the hope of deceiving her mother with this disguise. The result was that deepened the horror. AA
Barrie 25 years and was a journalist in London, wrote reviews of matches cricket, I loved that sport. Had a team including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, began shortly after the books, or writing. The first books were simple and quickly achieved success. He became an immensely rich and famous man. That only children have always felt comfortable with Barrie, bullying behavior almost always the largest because it seems it was a very quiet man, was able to spend long hours in absolute silence.
With women did not have a life too stormy, he married Mary Ansell whom he met at auditions for the premiere of "Walker, London." Many years later Barie learned through the confession of his gardener had seen it all, his wife Mary was with a lawyer friend of the family. There was divorce. In an attempt to avoid upsetting his advertising career as a writer, he prepared a petition, which asked the press to try that case with discretion. The petition was signed by, among others, Henry James.
At one point in his career Barrie wrote a biography of his mare which he titled "Margaret Ogilvy", this book contains the revealing phrase of all their literature: "The horror of my childhood is that I knew I was approaching the time that should Give up my game and that seemed intolerable, I decided to continue playing in secret. " In all games, all his books, the most famous was "Peter Pan." Barrie died at age 77 in 1937.
But back to the phrase "I decided to continue playing in secret." Let me say something about "decided to continue playing in secret." The world we live tempts us with personal progress with the entry to the circuits of consumption and in full possession of the rights of adulthood. Certainly promote the admiration of precocious children we love live adult situations. Now ... What is an adult situation? It appears to have sexual desires and longings of possession. Or perhaps gain some worldly aplomb that lets you use words such as "equally" "Greetings from your home" or "very kind of you." Well, this answer that to be an idiot there is no rush. The precocity of a child pianist is admirable, the precocity of a miserable too soon learned the risks of lending books, it's garbage.
Either way the world demands to leave the game and progress, and those who are playing are scorn and derision. So there are those who, as Sir James Barrie, resolve to continue playing in secret. Some people without anyone knowing through the streets, and play. Do not step on the tiles blue angels not to kill themselves to kill the red devils or play to die if they come across a blonde in the next block, or scream in the hallways, or tread dry leaves to enjoy the crunch.

But make no mistake, we are talking about something else, not merely fun hobby. This is followed, in secret, professing a heroic moral, to continue believing. Not believe the stupidity of the commies, but with the madness of those who will never learn to settle into a world of petty bourgeois, insurance against theft, and domestic appliances such as parameters. James Barrie
would not grow up, Peter Pan would not grow. They would not grow in the worst sense, would not that mediocre resignation that some call maturity.
I have decided to continue playing in secret: a good bet that saves a verse life, pretend that love is more important than prosperity, I play a chord with me crazy, to believe that the best of life not yet happened.
course, there are reasonable people can despise me, and tell me Peter Pan, and laugh at our games and our dreams. Very well. For them it is all over the world. The adult world and the bourgeoisie, the world of television. The world of competitions or rating, care, nor is the gaming world. Because the games, the secret dream of youth, are a thing ... serious people.


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