Sunday, August 7, 2005

Flaky Skin On Dogs Back

HUMANIQUE "? Universal monarchy

. Adjective
confirms the low opinion on gender human
are the other inhabitants of this planet

This is not the dictionary definition. Not yet but soon will be, while we go. Now rely on humanitarian grounds to release General Pinochet, although his health is enviable compared with the state that he left thousands of dead and tortured. No less humanitarian, truth be told, were the reasons which had brought him to London in 1998: the former general went to buy weapons and collect commissions. Rueda

the world turns the clock. Demonstrates the human world is devoting every minute, a million dollars to militants costs. Wars are called humanitarian missions, since President Clinton and the baptized. Rambo is the Erasmus of this new humanism. As told by the war correspondents, the Russian soldiers who burned down the city of Grozny, had a Rambo by model. And while the bombs rained down, General Valeri Manilov, chief of staff, demanded the surrender of Chechen clear that this was not an ultimatum. "This is a humanitarian act," he said.

A Putin did not want anyone when Tsar Boris gave up his throne. Opinion polls support him one percent of the population. Months later, when the Russian flag that was flying over Grozny, Putin is the most popular politician in Russia. Until his snake's face has been a virtue: it is the implacable and ice cream man that Russia needs. There is no better

campaign that a successful war. Chechnya has been saved from the Chechen threat. Putin has used the same humane treatment that NATO had applied, shortly before, to Yugoslavia. The therapy comes from the Vietnam War. In 1968, an American official had told the Associated Press: "We must destroy the village of Ben Tre to save it." But in the Vietnam War there were many invaders were killed and many were the victims of television showed. Since then, the great powers that share the right to kill with impunity, have made tremendous progress in the art of killing from a distance, without risk of death and technology in the service of hypocrisy, it allows executioners did not see their victims, and public opinion either. The withering military operations in Panama razed whole neighborhoods, Baghdad and Belgrade, and in Grozny have left no stone unturned, have resulted in spectacular ascents of popularity for Bush, Clinton, Blair and Putin.

"Every gun that is fired is a robbery committed against those who hunger and are not fed, and against those who are cold and are not clothes." Although it was delivered on April 16, 1953, when wars were still called just wars, the phrase is very topical in the world today and, without going any further, in Latin America, where military spending has doubled in the past decade. The author of these words knew what he was talking about. Dwight Eisenhower was not, they say, a pacifist agitator, but a professional soldier who was occupying the presidency of the United States.

"Humanitarian missions or human sacrifices? To continue running the cosmic order, the Aztecs offered human hearts to the gods. To continue working the land order, the world of today offers human sacrifices to the arms manufacturers and the warlords. Lord, the God of the Hebrews, who later became god of the Christians and Muslims, threatened a quienes no le obedecieran con azotes y plagas, sequías, hambres y derrumbamientos (Levítico, 26), y sin pestañear ejecutaba sus castigos. Pero el Antiguo Testamento queda a la altura de un frijol comparado con los truenos de la ira del Nuevo Orden Mundial. Y jamás a Jehová se le ocurrió decir que fueran humanitarias sus maldiciones y sus venganzas. El era más bien despiadado, pero no era un farsante.

Quizá las guerras son humanitarias en el sentido de que matan cada vez más humanos sin uniforme. Un artículo del New York Times (de R.W. Apple, 21 de diciembre de 1989) exaltó la invasión de Panamá como un exitoso "ritual de iniciación" del presidente Bush, que así demostraba "su voluntad de derramar sangre". En las ceremonias de cacería de nuestro tiempo, el guerrero es el cazador y el civil, la presa. A lo largo del siglo XX, que ha sido, y por lejos, el más carnicero de la historia, hubo 15 por ciento de muertos civiles en la Primera Guerra Mundial. La proporción pegó tremendo salto, hasta 65 por ciento, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Y después ha seguido subiendo, en las guerras del medio siglo siguiente, hasta llegar a las espeluznantes estadísticas actuales: nueve de cada 10 víctimas son civiles, y en su mayoría niños.

Muchos de esos niños mueren después que las guerras han terminado. Ellos estallan al contacto con las minas antipersonales sembradas en los fields - the United States continues to manufacture and sell despite the international ban - or suffer the consequences of the wars. In Iraq, for example, infant mortality has tripled in the years after the war, because of the economic blockade. "It is worthwhile," he said in 1996, Chancellor Madeleine Albright. In Yugoslavia, children and adult civilians are suffering, and after the war, cancer radiation of land contaminated by depleted uranium-coated bombs, a deadly product to discard nuclear energy. According to the Landau Center, an institute of investiga-tions made a report to the Italian government, each rocket Tomahawk can generate 600 thousand cancer patients. NATO has denied the use of uranium. Then admitted that he had used against Serb tanks. In total, the deluge of bombs destroyed 13 tanks.

United States, whose territory was never bombed anyone has bombed 19 countries throughout the second half of the twentieth century: China, Korea, Guatemala, Indonesia, Cuba, Congo, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lebanon , Grenada, Libya, Nicaragua, Panama, Iraq, Bosnia, Sudan, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. In September 1999, President Clinton said: "Unfortunately we can not respond to every humanitarian crisis occurring in the world." Less wrong.


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