Thursday, August 4, 2005

Cute Picnik Quotes Friends

The universal monarchy already the Iron Curtain crumbled, like puree, and military dictatorships are a nightmare that many countries have left behind. Do we live, then, in a democratic world? "Opens this century the era of democracy without borders? A bright picture, with a few dark clouds which confirmed the clear sky?

Speeches pay little attention to the dictionaries. According to the dictionaries of all languages, the word democracy means' rule by the people. " And the real world of our time seems, rather, a poderocracia: a global poderocracia.

Day after day, in every country are cutting more and more the narrow margins of maneuver of local politicians who promise generally will not do that very rarely have the honesty and courage to announce what will. It's called realism to the exercise of government as a duty of obedience: the people attending the decisions made on their behalf, governments ruled by the institutions that govern us all, on a universal scale, without elections.

Democracy is a statistical error, often said Jorge Luis Borges, because in a democracy the majority decides and the majority consists of fools. To avoid this error, the world Today's decision brings the power of the few, very few, who have purchased.

The IMF and World Bank
splendor in the era of democratic Athens, one person in ten had rights. The other nine, nothing. Twenty centuries later, it is clear that the Greeks are going hand in hand with generosity.

hundred and eighty-two countries are members of the International Monetary Fund. Of these, 177 cut no ice. The IMF, which gives orders to the world and everywhere decide human fate and the frequency of flight of flies and the wave height is in the hands of five countries that are forty percent of the vote: United States united Japan, Germany, France and Britain. The score depends on the contributions of capital, which has the most, more possible. Twenty-three African countries joined, together, 1 percent, the United States has 17 percent. Equal rights, translated into action.

The World Bank, the IMF's twin brother, is more democratic. There are five decision makers, but seven. One hundred eighty countries comprising the World Bank. Of these, 173 accepted that sent the seven owners of 45 percent of the shares of Bank: United States, Germany, Japan, Britain, France, Italy and Canada. United States also have veto power.

United veto power means, in plain language, all the power. The Organization of the United Nations is like the big family that brings us all together. At the UN, the United States shares veto power with Britain, France, Russia and China: the five largest arms manufacturers, who thank God watch over world peace. These are the five powers to make decisions when burned potatoes in the highest international institution. Other countries have the opportunity to make recommendations that will not be denied to anyone.

The World Trade Organization
rights granted are not to be used. In the World Trade Organization, all countries can vote on equal terms, but never vote. "Majority voting is possible, but has never been used in the WTO and it was very rare in the GATT, the body that preceded it," reports their official website. The resolutions of the World Trade Organization are taken by consensus behind closed doors, if I remember correctly was the system used by leaders of the Stalinist order to avoid the scandal of dissent before the victory of democracy in the world .

Thus, the WTO runs in secret, with impunity, the slaughter of hundreds of millions of small farmers around the world, on the altar of free trade. No so secret or so with impunity, though: until recently, nobody knew what it meant to the WTO, but things have changed since that fifty thousand disobedient took to the streets of the city of Seattle at the end of last year and stripped to the public one of the kings of the universal monarchy. The protesters in Seattle were called bandits, mad, confused, prehistoric and enemies of progress by major media. There must be some.


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