Monday, February 7, 2011

Silly Things To Write On A Wedding Card

Living in Santa Fe was painful in colonial times. Also die. Without social security systems, to the late eighteenth century, health was also a matter of rich and poor .

In 1779, it was established for all the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, the price of medical work, distinguishing implicitly who had access to health, also in Santa Fe

If a physician was visiting a sick between 10 and 12 at night, were to be paid 8 reales. But if it was between 12 and 6 am, the price rose to 12 reais.

If the visit took place at a distance of one league (three miles), the price was also 12 real, but if it was two, the visit came three dollars. If a visit

exceeded the two leagues, were to be paid six reals round six back, and a weight for each visit, leaving himself a doctor or surgeon in charge of the horse and other costs that made the trip. However, if the doctor who traveled these distances remained in place for request, also charged five dollars a day.

For surgery, the ordinary, worth 8 reales, as well as a nocturnal visit. But the extraordinary, three dollars, unless particular circumstances, the surgeon will require a greater reward, which would be regulated by the Protomedicato.

For a regular bleeding, the "barbers sandflies" they took two reales. In overtime, four, but if the bleeding was "very difficult", it cost a dime.

To put caustic had paid two reales, which was the same cost of leeches. The simple suckers runs, two real, too, but "sajadas" worth three reals.

also stipulated wages of midwives and midwives: women in labor rich "or class" had to pay five dollars. The women of "less power" had a cut: two pesos. That was the same price to be paid by owners for their slaves.


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