Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mouse Driver For Moakuo Gateway

Perón in Santa Fe

Photograph of Litoral, January 2, 1946
In a few days will mark 65 years devoted to the elections as president Juan Domingo Peron. The first day of January 1946, the train carrying the colonel and his wife came to Santa Fe in electioneering tour. coverage Littoral and full speech.

In our province, the election of 24 February had its merits, we will see in a few days. But before that, on 1 January 1946, Juan Domingo and Eva Peron Santa Fe arrived in the middle of the campaign.

The newspaper El Litoral already expressed its position counter the rise of Colonel while serving as secretary of Labor and

And though it was unavoidable to publicize the passage of Perón in Santa Fe, said the lateness of act, was convened for 18.15, but the train did not arrive until two hours later.

The Argentine Central Railway Station waiting for the Labour Party leaders of the Radical Civic Union Board Reorganization and numerous unions. The public, given the delay, decided to move to Park Belgrano where the ceremony would take place.

Peronist Boys in Photo of El Litoral
On arrival of the train, with its accompanying Peron went to the park in a landau, guarded by a twenty riders. Describe the paper:

Opening the progress of the cavalcade, a boy dressed as a gaucho on a pony, wearing a flag of Argentina. Isolated groups on their own initiative, held a number of posters, a group of old boys in a cane had set a calendar and a caption below. Thus, a motley crowd that had horse and chariot race just got up, went to the park Belgrano. The candidate, standing, waving to the public. Later, in a car federal police personnel guarding him. (...) He followed up the column until street Calle General San Martín López.
reach the park, "a group of riders advanced to the stage cheering the candidate and the police authorities should strengthen the cord to prevent an avalanche."

Perón's welcome was given by Manuel Diaz, president of the North Zone Central Board. According Littoral had to begin his speech several times for lack of attention to groups, many of which were removed at 21.

Then he spoke the leader of the UCR-JR Raúl Beney, followed by other speakers.

Descamisados \u200b\u200b

When Peron moved toward the microphone, greeted him a standing ovation. "From all areas broke the general request to take off his jacket to fit in a shirt, what did Colonel Peron, also greeted him waving a shirt."

said in his speech did not pursue the destruction of anyone, but "the balanced construction of the fatherland."

A year after the elections, the president and his wife,
tour in Santa Fe
also marked: "We must reindependizarse abroad, to regain the industry, albeit lung, for equitable distribution of the benefits of social justice. " He further noted the axes of his agenda: reform of rural, industrial action and social justice.

recounted the struggle Perón This matter involved, "he referred to the oligarchy, after losing the battle, which was won by the working masses, is dedicated now to buy weapons smuggling, but its directors forget that to use weapons and they needed men are not men. "

He also said that there had been no problems, no internal or international, if the government of the revolution that took part had decided to sell the country. "The movement to support our reform, reform and debugging, calls for talent, but also calls virtue. And for that reason our organic movement can not be a political mob. For this reason I waited until this trip to tell them they can not organize political mobs, but should make a perfect organization in which I have faith, because when no organization is due to the number, violence, evil and lies. "

Later, according Littoral, "attacked the press saying that they were not organs of opinion, but simply commercial bodies, which glided slander and lies."

When the speech ended, the audience tried to pass police cordons to reach out to Perón "but the police managed to avoid any problems, even if the candidate faced difficulties to reach the float with some members of the party." From there he went to the house of Dr. Antille, Earl was waiting Eve.

The full speech speech santa fe peron


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