Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Kind Of Dog Does Andy Sixx Have

caps Order and The Coast on the day of the crimes
Count In 1938 a rundown, based in Santa Fe, murdered his entire family in the south of the city. Two newspapers devoted their pages to the fact: between journalism, sensationalism and shock. And the search for his reader-model .

The February 13, 1938 the news shocked the city, unaccustomed to multiple crimes, although family violence (two examples here and here.) (Similarly, a count had starred in the previous century a terrible bloody deed.)

A 61 year old man murdered his wife, his daughter and a "little maid" of eight years and, after hurting his niece committed suicide.

The two major city newspapers carried coverage of the crimes on his way. The Order, with a modern display: large photographic production for the time and much sentimentality, sensationalism, true to its model, Critical of Natalio Botana. There was a clear objective: to win mass popular campaigns readers the benefit of marginal areas, news writing in plain language, addressing the needs of neighborhoods and giving prominence to the area police news. For some it was a few years later told a newspaper that primarily Peronist.

Littoral, however, doomed to become a political actor, continues to favor national and international news and editorials. For several decades, too, will using a graphic layout harsh, with tight lyrics and limited use of images.

Here, the different coverages of multiple murders.

crimes and coverage

Pozzo Di Borgo Alejandro
first killed his daughter Angela, 26, then wounded his niece Haydeé Marinelli, 22, later killed his wife 53, and, before committing suicide, killed the child Carlos Gonzalez, 8.

The Order gives extensive details on two full pages, the chain that followed the crimes, how they survived Haydée, how was the body of the child and who was Alexander Pozzo Di Borgo. Littoral, urged perhaps by publishing information the same day of the incident, the tragedy was loosed around 15 hours -, he says, almost stripped and two columns the chronology of events.

The newspaper founded by Don Alfredo Estrada, being morning, was unable to collect more data. But focuses also on what it considers the tragedy of a man who had lost everything. Is thus concentrated in Di Borgo.

Back in the "facts" we find that:

  • On Sunday 13 February, at the time of the siesta, the residents of Moreno Street and May 1st heard several explosions. Some thought of naughty boys. Others, more serious.
  • After lunch, where Di Borgo "showed absolute peace and quiet" each member of the family retired to their rooms.
  • few minutes before 15 pm, they heard an explosion, so Haydée Marinelli, the niece went to the room of his cousin Virginia, and thence to the dining room. "He was horrified at the table were his eyes: there was Virginia, clutching the edge of the table, struggling to keep up."
When lifting his eyes warned there, a few meters to his uncle, Don Alejandro Pozzo di Borgo, with Winchester in hand, watching the body of his daughter ...
gave a loud cry and his eyes tapóse Horrified, leaving the door to the patio. Her uncle chased and shot him. The bullet grazed the left breast, tearing the meat surface.
But she had time to run to his room where he locked himself. ( The Order )
  • After the first shots, Ms. Di Borgo went and saw the time shooting at her niece. Their cry was drowned out by more gunfire, directed against it. In this, both papers agree: its body fell next to his daughter, who eventually embraced.
  • The boy who lived there (a "maids" as Littoral, a boy picked up from the street was remember the dead son of Di Borgo according The Order ) ran from the room into the courtyard and there was reached. And the count, it concluded.
  • Close to 16 hours, Di Borgo removed the shoes, lay in bed and put the Winchester under his left ear. Then he pulled the trigger. When neighbors and police managed to enter the house, still lived.
The author

These, facts, more or less similar in both chronic.

We said, The Order focuses attention on the perpetrator of the crimes, who had been Alexander Pozzo di Borgo.

had reached our country in 1902, hired by the national government. Participated in the construction of the Cerro de la Gloria Mendoza and the works of the Congress of the Nation, among others. In Santa Fe, was president of the city council.

dynamic and enterprising man, rooted in an old lineage of Verona, Italy, that he was flattered to stress, heartburn entregóse the business and works great. A life lived without restraint, bordering on the waste, we did find in old age needs, and more recently, the misery in all its nakedness. (...)
At old age, his infirmities importunate found Pozzo di Borgo Alejandro in a very difficult situation because of his wealth had not been, nor the bitter memory, and most frustrating, most painful for the man who had amassed fortunes, which he held title, fame and ancestry, was the situation in which his wife would and daughter, where he died. About
modes of action of Di Borgo and his family, different newspapers.

To Littoral, the wife was not known by anyone. "Never saw her in the street." By count rarely saw him when he left to care for their activities as a producer of an Insurance Company, "of which drew very little profit." Your daughter and her niece knew them by "vague references."

The Order, however, said that residents often gave shelter to the three women when Di Borgo had one of their 'common' mental disorders. The


The daily bets his hypothesis that the count, beset by poverty and disease, feared for the fate of his family after his death.

The evening ensures that a professional had told him the day before the tragedy, that the courts will vacate imminently. Noticing the dismay of Di Borgo said: "The launch will be postponed. All is that you get sick tomorrow and get into bed. " The Count replied: "It is not necessary. I've already taken my precautions. "


The Order, campaigning against poverty, the brother of Count
Littoral published his second and last article on issue on 14 February. In two paragraphs indicates that the residents, authorized by the judge, took charge of the chapel. Also Luis Pozzo Di Borgo, brother of the Count, had fainted on arrival home. "Regained and after she had given some relief to their pain, showed a letter which informed him that these days would receive 62,000 lire, money that could have prevented, perhaps, the unfortunate fact", published. Also devotes a few lines to judicial declarations of the only survivor.

The Order continues for several days devoted full pages to the events. A reporter visited the brother of the earl in his home and found that living in poverty. Details such conditions of life of elderly and asked the city to return the work that had been abandoned. Haydee

Marinelli is the protagonist of these sites also: the arrival of his father Mendoza, deceptions "pious" in the subject, the disbelief in what happened.

The wake and funeral, with extensive coverage of The Order
stops also in the collection that neighbors made for the purchase of the four coffins and two children letter they send with your donation. Made

funerals and Marinelli sent to Mendoza, the case is forgotten. Both coverages hold but also prefigure the style that each of these papers hold for decades to come.

The one with ten years of life back and still 17 in front, tackles emotional win fiber of your reader, so that not only deals with crimes, but also the survivor. The other, who was 20 years old and still exists anodically deals to provide the information. His readers were elsewhere.


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