Thursday, January 27, 2011

Beautiful Agony Movie


Every summer I complain about the same, and I will continue doing so. Always blame my grandfather had chosen to settle here centuries before the Pesso chose Lazarus, Arias Mansilla, Diego de Santucho, Bernabé Sánchez and Jeronimo Rivarola . Is what we have and complain it's still free .

Still, in these days of forced rest, I heard a few days ago a man who works in a radio interview with a meteorologist, almost begging him to say such things had never happened in the city, which had never been so hot, etc. etc. But the man did not give the taste, which is just stubborn.

The thing is hot in Santa Fe, there forever. Let's reactions to normal journalism in Santa Fe, at different times:

At 11, suicide (December 1929)

By summer 1929 the daily The Order relates the thoughts of an ordinary citizen of Santa Fe begins to suffer at 9 am, aggravates their discomfort at 10, think about suicide at 11, but finally decided to refuse to lunch at 12 and the 13, after huffing and puffing leaves the nap. "Then came the parade of vicious times."

When these things happen, the victim must ask: Do we really need such excess temperature? ... And the usefulness of remote summer appears questionable.
shelters for warmth (December 1930)

The same newspaper devoted a shout to describe the plight of a Santa Fe a year later, after suffering 31 ° in the shade, as he had registered the Observatorio del Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepción.
During the afternoon, said "the heat intensified in such a way that life became almost impossible."

A wave of fire, heavy and sticky, had invaded the city, making the miserable death in a twisted wool and distilling water from every pore ...
The "famous", the "bars", and confections were during the day, the precarious refuge for those with pennies, found in the consolation a fan or a "chopper" artificial paradise that implied by these establishments.
Other, the eternal "ducks" only had to conform, to the late afternoon, to make an incursion into the Park Avenue Orono and the Seven Heads, "the lung of the city", looking for a little the golden air and the Laguna Setúbal ...
At dawn, the rain brought a freshness and optimism to the city. But the landscape was transformed, Santa Fe appeared to be "drowned", "as large and extensive lagunones that have formed in different neighborhoods, whose residents must work miracles in order to balance overcome the danger and inconvenience that this situation has created. " Can not live

(March 1931)

Asphalt fire that gave off in March and this was "almost impossible life." And the water, only relief available to most residents, was defective.
fluid element has become scarce at certain times and in certain neighborhoods have missed. Needless to say that the complaint of the neighbors are well justified. We have to improve that service then doing everything possible to not miss at any moment the water. (...) Santa Fe is a progressive city and public service must be perfect, they do not fail and do not give rise to protests.
A joke (January 1934)

"It's a joke too heavy this heat wave," called one of several notes a warm day in January 1934 daily The Order .

The picturesque first article describes how to live on hot days in different countries around the world, which had previously been branded as exaggerated in their complaints. Thus, in the U.S., crowds fleeing "to the beaches or parks, consuming unbelievable quantities chufa soda, ice bar, electricity for fans or small screens of hand, among the less affluent. "

In Berlin, Munich, Zurich and Hamburg, had broken records for beer consumption. In Paris "part of the population had taken possession of the tables of the boulevards and would not abandon them for the world, while the other hand, furiously attacked those who were already seated, mad bombers to conquer a place to take a soft drink. " In Madrid, meanwhile, "people are anxious to fresh pursuit, begging for charity, for permission to stand beside them. And the fresh charged by law neighborhood to his people, naturally. " In Portugal, "people would not go, or free, to theaters" and Italy "was in danger the power of the Duce, because his speeches were too impetuous ..."

And in Santa Fe, a reporter

then sitting (in a time where there was no heat waves) front of our typewriter, smoking a cigarette at hand, either buttoned shirt and knotted tie. Impeccable hair, his face placid, serene temperament could dedicate, in writing, to the task of earning a living, without too many bad words to pronounce.
who had seen us then and we saw this afternoon in January 1934, typing the paunch, disheveled and angry, would have the best chance of a lifetime to be convinced that, within each of us there are two personalities.
A for normal times and one for heat waves ...

is that in those days was about 41 º in the shade. The writer left written under the torrid temperature, some "ideas": We live

wishing for rain. This desire has become an obsession in all our senses. Suddenly, amid the torpor that dominates us, we heard a noise that causes us to incorporate gladly. Rain!
Leaving the courtyard and the bright sunshine all things part. But the noise made us believe that it rained, continues. Quickly investigate what happens, and it is that our women are doing a fried egg ...
*** (...) The traditional color of hope is green. These days the hope is gray, white or black. Color that is the little puff that were able to see on the horizon. ***
The writers, when they want to talk about the difficult times of life, referring to the days without sun, the dense clouds ...
do they know about these things! ***
A great deal: buy thermometers in winter when they come down and sell when they rise. Upload
ice consumption (September 1944)

already know, the Santa Fe comes heat at any time of year. By the end of September 1944, the temperature touched 42 degrees. And besides, north wind.

The heat, coupled with the discomfort of wind and earth, led, of course, the desire to cooling. The fans, in order to provide facilities for the work to employees and the public were put in place.
ice factories increased production and increased consumption in the offices of cool drinks and beer.

But the ice did not reach production, although those days are about 10,000 bars produced in all factories in the city.

Water consumption was another issue. The recommendations made then Obras Sanitarias de la Nación to restrict it, fell on deaf ears. "The bathrooms of rain, waiting for relief, were common in every home. Refrain from the bath, even for the few that still exist refractory tantamount to an act of heroism. "

also multiplied the number of people that the sun dropped, settled in the villages.

With a profusion of chairs, tables, chairs and even entire families spent long hours in front of their homes. In the public squares and parks, in general, there was no bigger audiences. Sidewalks, among others, offer fellow members, the advantage of using light clothing, to savor some evil or to circulate from hand to hand the pitcher of water with lemon.
A Peronist summer (January 1948)

41 6 on the second day of the year 1948. Like a gigantic oven is described in the city.

The Order takes pity on the Santa Fe, but especially for workers:

If the average citizen will feel crushed by the air of fire, what about the workers whose jobs he was forced to work under the burning rays of the sun? Hours devoted to seeing their regular duties with stoic calm, these men who daily contribute to the strength of his arm to build the nation's greatness, we seemed true heroes burning their energies on the altar of the fatherland. Fortunately for them has come the recognition of the State through the redemptive figure of General Perón, economic well being to their homes will be allowed to recover from these and other sacrifices, which until recently received no compensation, because those who exploited lost all sense of humanity, their hearts hardened by the gold rush.
To make matters worse, he adds at the bottom of a photo of a worker carrying out their work in the sun:

WORKING UNDER ONE SUN FIRE. - To the workers and all those who worked yesterday in similar conditions, 41 degrees 6 / 10 does not preclude jurisdiction by force of arms, to continue forging the greatness of the country. True unsung hero, this modest employee raises, shovel in hand, under a blazing sun, the admiration of all who know understand the value of hard proletarian newly cleared in recent years by the redemptive work of the humble Argentina, General Juan D. Perón.
Drought (November 1955)

November 1955 Ending Littoral which deals with heat, with a maximum of 40 º 3 had suffered from the city.

The people moved from early to spas and clubs to mitigate the absence of its most popular resort: Guadalupe, affected by a drought.

popular streams are dumped in other directions and an extraordinary influx of public records in the keel, the Yacht Club beach on the banks Salt of the neighboring town of Sao Tome and pools of Union. Gimnasia y Esgrima and the University of the Immaculate College. The truth is they are so large and so comfortable these places against the expansion of water channels that temporary cessation of Guadalupe spa has only its impact on what is uncomfortable for the inhabitants of the northern part of town, forced to search in the south and in the pools of sporting bodies in contact with water.
After "Axe Brava" (January 1968)

was early this decade when the mayor was won for Ramón Lofeudo always the nickname "Axe Brava", by logging Grove Avenue Freyre.

By this January, El Litoral decide to interview the veteran journalist Antonio Zamboni, remembered for taking notes in his notebooks throughout his journalistic career. Of them concluded: "Of course that changed the climate of Santa Fe, safe and has become the hottest ...."

Some Santa Fe do not forget to curse Juan de Garay on the site he chose to lift the city, "says Zamboni - but, of course, he had other more important reasons to think the problems would to mean, for future generations this area is extremely low, where there are mosquitoes and other insects also upset. "
Increased vehicle fleet, paving plans and modernization in general lead to Santa Fe, according to the newspaper, to produce more heat, making Santa Fe "seems doomed to rising temperatures that will be relentlessly over the course of year. Unless, of course taken some substantive measures designed to mitigate these hardships. That is not what is being done in the city. "

is particularly exotic
the position that supported the municipal authorities of our city than ten years now: Pruning of trees on the grounds upgrades and renovations of streets and public parks, plazas processing in pseudo English gardens. Both Zamboni and technicians consulted the Forestry Division (division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock) and in general most of the population, agree in emphasizing the unusual cruelty, the "fury arboricide" unleashed in the city in last decade, placing the tree in a role of "enemy undesirable" who believe absolutely unfair.
to sleep outside (January 1977)

The center of the city appeared desert in the photo illustrating the note referred to the Coastal high temperatures in 1977.

The oppressive heat is escaping fighting, to the pools and beach clubs of Guadalupe, South Park, Laguna Bedetti, Sauce Viejo, Rincon, Sao Tome and Colastiné.

After cooled, it was time for ice cream parlors, bars, cafes and outdoor grills.

The cold beer, ran by the liter and "chopped" once-inseparable companions in similar workshops, reminded many a feint to deceive the prevailing temperature, that hot flashes were before. "
For its part, the barbecues on the Coast, Sao Tome and did not supply were to ultra night shelter for those unable to sleep was almost impossible.
The last resort for many was the mattresses out to the terrace and sleep under a starry sky and a temperature just relaxed at dawn.
Those days went past practices, some of which still apply: beer and snacks, because, simply, relate. The mattress to the yard, because if at the time the fan was a luxury appliance, today, no longer reaches without electricity there is no way make it work.


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