Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Funny Names To Write On Halloween Tombstones

Enzo Child Travel will

George VI, the host, also known as "the king stutterer"
"Her Britannic Majesty" in August 1945 invited five heads of the most prestigious newspapers country after the signing of the armistice of World War II. One of the papers selected was Littoral, who sent his young assistant. Enzo farewell to children by the "society of Santa Fe" .

Vittori Enzo entered The Coast in 1940 and five years later, when it was society editor of the newspaper, was named deputy director. He was 26.

A brand new little office, was invited by the Government of His Britannic Majesty to visit London as part of the signing of the peace after the Second World War. Traveled with Professor Vittorio La Prensa, Anta Quitiano Paz, for Nation, Manuel Mujica Lainez, for Capital Néstor J. Lagos and La Voz del Interior Juan Remonda.
those days

Littoral needed, as needed even more a few months later, the institutional and political support of the city. Darius
As noted, the government emerged from the revolution of 1943, Littoral "is transformed into a major political actor" and is involved in the political and social "without identifying with a party, but on behalf of all political forces that are referenced in the tradition of liberal democracy. " His position allows him to "refine their speech and gain legitimacy in representing the exercising of the multiparty political conglomerate and culture that is defined in its opposition to military rule" ("The press in the political sphere, in: Supplement 80 years of El Litoral, p. 111) .

In this context, all that interested in this newspaper said.

August 25 hosted a "demonstration" to dismiss Enzo Vittori before his coming trip. The "company" Santa Fe, proud that His Majesty had chosen one of their beloved children, was there.

The large audience was composed of staff of the newspaper, local journalists and nearby cities, representatives of trade, industry, banking, cultural organizations, university and neighborhood. Absent for various reasons, did get messages of support Luciano Molinas former governor and president of the UNL Joshua Gollán.

After dinner, the editor of the daily saga began Riobó Caputto speeches. First highlighted "the significance of the distinction that this newspaper has been officially visit the United Kingdom", an example for Santa Fe:

When our deputy from travelers visiting one of the most important land, an old tradition of freedom and abiding respect for the inherent rights of human personality, deseámosle, of course, good trip and we hope that his visit to England is for him useful knowledge and experience of journalistic work we are all committed to "The Coast."
Mall president, Manuel Aguado, stood by the language used in his speech, and almost dragged their concepts to the newspaper and its representative: Insigne

honor for the newspaper El Litoral "is granted by the government English, incorporating a member of its leadership among the few invited the press to visit his empire, cross it, watch it and penetrate it in terms of journalism.
We were reassured by the success of the mission entrusted to you and we will address participants of the journey through the information that will be coming to the newspaper.
When you arrive at the destination the winds of the old world will will hear a chorus of harmonious joy hopeful on peace being built by the free world. Plus, if you hear hurricane resentment, unleashing our Argentine thoughts, saying that we are busily engaged in influencing effectively all elements of nationality to give us great freedom integral formula.
And say to England, who unites secular and sincere friendship, you see, despite the many miles away, the black dot in the sea south Atlantic, which may have come the opportunity to eliminate him as a stumbling block in navigation of our hearts always sensitive. Competing with
Aguado, not in the language, but in compliments, the president of the Federation of Neighborhood Partnerships began by saying that a few times in Santa Fe "will have laid the joyous banquet tablecloths with equal justification that tonight."

John Rinaldi expressed what the newspaper meant then what it was looking to consolidate and largely succeeded: The Coast rather than a newspaper, is "an institution of law, which is to say justice, of order, which is progress, of equality, which is freedom, of democracy, which is human dignity. "

Vittorio Rinaldi embodies the evening:

Lord, we also feed our minds with the sound preaching of "The Coast" we also hope to defend our collective interests and the honesty of "The Coast" and we disseminate our ideals in the prestigious pages "The Coast." Ends
marking the invitation of His Majesty is a "victory" for the paper and therefore to Santa Fe, and recommends the traveler, "to come, sir, to Great Britain, the brave English people tell him that we the Argentines we are structuring a new home in freedom. "

Another of the speeches was the representative of the Association of Journalists of Santa Fe Manuel Dominguez Neira greeted his friend Enzo Vittori and begged to send his condolences to colleagues killed in the battle front.

Finally, the deputy himself praised the "show" and announced that his goals would "penetrate the vigorous thought these people who are ready to begin testing a new political phase to heal the wounds of this war, promote reconstruction, structuring the social security system and secure the blessings of liberty for all peoples of the earth. "

The English touch with reality I will be doubly beneficial, as an Argentine vigorizaré my feelings of attachment to our institutions and absolutely free as a journalist back with new concerns to continue collaborating in the common effort to build the prestige of our journal.
Excursus (just because)

José María Rosa says that Argentina never had the ruling class "and referring to those who ruled the country since shortly after the May Revolution, wrote:
felt no nationality: their conception policy did not extend beyond the State , ie Formally, the transient, did not see the Nation , the essence, enduring. His big problem was to import a constitution that left-in exchange for delivery to the foreign economy-intact its social and political benefits of a privileged class. (The Fall of Rosas, Buenos Aires, Punto de Encuentro, 2010, p. 49) .


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