Sunday, January 9, 2011

Triglyceride Level Highest On Record

daily cover The Order
time ago I published this story in Out of Focus: a case of cannibalism in the Department islands Garay. The raising, the broad and I'm going to reread "The stepson" .

happened on an island Garay department in 1936. The cannibal was moved to Santa Fe and then to a hospice alienated in Buenos Aires. The newspaper The Order made a sensational coverage of one of the most gruesome of Santa Fe criminal history. Littoral contributed his, from another location. Volume

facts The Order, which performs the best newspaper coverage: send a special envoy, publishes numerous and lurid photographs, entitled to the Review and even speak with the cannibal. Littoral handled with his usual correspondent, who transcribed offices and, although the issue has important areas, most of them are devoted to analyzing and commenting on the particular case.


Let's go The Order :

Garay receives The Order
"There is an evil man who eats guys! She cooked and ate a child of eleven years! ", is the special title that appears on the cover the May 22, 1936.

Besides the title, the newspaper deployment of information recalled how much working these cases the daily Review: the largest part of the story is told by journalists who could interview Aparicio Garay, criminal, and it testifies to a photograph.

day before that headline, on page 6, the daily hits in big letters: "A cannibal in Helvetia?" , and a brief preview of the information that had not been developed for the telegraph offices have closed known shortly before the event.

The May 22 issue is sensational on multiple pages, and with a profusion of photographs, that Garay had kidnapped killed and then devoured a boy on an island near Helvetia. Towards
there was the reporter and described the criminal as well:

opens the door and see a small man, barefoot, with a blue jacket on meat and some pants and weathered by water use. Gray hair, disheveled and messy, dry lips and prominent in some gestures, bulky and crude in others, the elusive and sometimes incisive look . Garay

told The Order that the boy had gone with him voluntarily and that after a time wanted to leave. He persuaded:

See fellah ... you can not me. We come together, you are my classmate, we must stay together. How I'll leave you alone?

stayed a few days, but one morning he saw a canoe, going. Garay said the voice of "schedule" told him to fetch, and he took his rifle, took aim and shot him in the head.

"What is that the" schedule "? Asked the reporter. "The schedule is my God," he said.

He commands, I am your servant. Commandeth all men. In the hours are the hours. The hours are long. It is the life of men. Without time, no life. Schedule I said, do not let go! ... And I did not let him go. What could I do? I am a servant.

The horror story is just beginning. When Garay rescued the small body of water, "the schedule" told him he had to eat. And he did.

First I opened ... with a machete. I cleaned it well. I know cut. Learned in the hospital (...). Thoroughly clean the bones. First was to save, to work. Pretty bones. Had made some chips. But inside he served. They were fluffy. Jumped in the river then. And the flesh hung up. I did and hung meat hooks from the arbor near the ranch.

To make matters worse, the reporter keeps asking him: what he ate, how much you eat? Garay Aparicio said that not all meat is good, but it also had lunch with fear, because "one is addicted. Always wants to eat and then eat. " He roasted, fried and then other pieces with melted fat and made oil.

The police gave some more details:

the boiled head ... brains could not eat and gave them to the dogs. But the meats were good.

In the following days, Aparicio Garay, the name by which it is identified, lacking documents, moved to Santa Fe The Order is then devoted to trying to understand the case: in the past, it was as though he was possessed by a demon, intended to stake, mark, but today, the case belongs to science. It is truly remarkable how the writer discusses the pieces of the life of a man seeking to understand how they arrived at the folly to conclude that "contact with men and in a normal, been corrected." Before the judge

Salvador Dana MontaƱo, Garay repeated almost the same words to the chronicler of the Order. However, it remains to clarify how the child died, as there is in addition to the criminal version of the hypothesis that had been stuck.


Coverage Littoral
The Coast, he said, publishes dispatches from its correspondent in Helvetia after giving similar space its analysis and opinion. On 21

briefly reviewed the criminal history of Argentina and the few similar events in the country. Why do they occur? Concludes, almost condemning the "men of the islands, which

The Helvecia cannibal would, in effect, a normal feature border, semi-idiotic, as denoted wildlife flee their attachment to the molds of civilization. He was a apparent unclassified common types of the islands of our coast, so rich, moreover, in typical specimens. People living in the islands not usually prolong their avoidance of codes beyond a simple theft caused by hunger. The cannibal, Helvetia, however, inhabited a floating city that his canoe was constantly living on the islands in the robbery, pillage, in macular degeneration. It was, in short, a man-beast, according to the information transmitted by our correspondents.

The next day, but your correspondent could interview him, and playing parts of the police statement of Aparicio Garay brings his "conviction", not without further stigmatization: that Garay

is a moron of the worst kind, the subject of extraordinary danger, suitable to the inhibitions that lead to crime and always willing to be the protagonist of events like that has given notoriety. Is in some sense, a hallucination. Sensory formations depend solely from the instinct. The brain does not act on such subjects but in the lucid intervals, and only as an element of control on their actions. Is uneducated. If you ever had the lost culture on the islands.

May 23, and editorial space, Littoral reports that although it is an exceptional, must be prevented. That there is "thousands of individuals of races due to alcohol and disease" that could "save" and "still be useful" if they are incorporated into the world of work, "which would lead them neatly on practical ways of mental and manual education and heal them physically in order to prevent their offspring carry accumulated evils of centuries, which are under the gaze aghast crisis of culture. "

There are not many individuals, he says, claiming assistance moral urgency. He adds, are well known traditions, the strengths and weaknesses of the few Indians left in the country also known as the inclinations of mestizo groups abandoned to fate, most illiterate, without a trade, dirty farm dwellers unnerving, which operates as bad politics electoral meat in exchange for a public indifference that could logically be classified as crime. "

Garay Aparicio's case does not justify the alarm but it is necessary to monitor other social groups. "Killing is a current appeal in certain sectors of the population. And, worse, murder as a manifestation of manhood without specification circumstances, is a widespread cult among the social hubs of reference. " Correct

that is possible, the paper said, must be "well spent taxpayers' money" in health, work and education and not bread and meat. Dismissed

In October, the judge issues his ruling. Mark on their fundamentals Garay sometimes presented as a mystic, at other times as a sexual degenerate and others seemed to be completely disordered faculties.

Given the medical and legal reports, Dana Montano dismissed it because it was "a subject that has affected his mental faculties and shows signs of senility with systematized delusions whose evolution can not be determined, adding that the acts committed by Garay, kidnapping, rape and murder, it is characterized as an extremely dangerous individual who should be placed in an appropriate facility. "

The opinion was dismissed, but ordering the detention of Aparicio Garay at the Hospice Las Mercedes de Buenos Aires, Santa Fe for lack of a suitable establishment.

Thither was transferred Garay. The last news that had him was in October 1938 when it killed a fellow not let him sleep.

Some more photos:


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