Monday, May 5, 2008

Will Varicose Veins On The Labia Go Away

Paint, quantum mechanics and mirrors to penetrate ... A speculative theory about art and love ...

last Sunday discussed with Mark, Eva, Irene and Victoria Antonina about painting, art, and the role of critics and theorists on collective reflection on the fact of creation. Irene Marcos and reproached me the inconsistency of our arguments, our subjectivity, when judging a work of art. How odd that artists are just pure subjectivity, those who complain of the alleged subjectivity of his critics, claiming they scientific interpretations, opinions of 'objective' ... So these days I have been preparing this response text (do not know if also justification) ... Would you like science, Mark? As science and quantum mechanics takes a tube ... Hopefully a little better and understand what my position and what is yours in this triangle that compose artistic lovemaking you, me and our mutual lover, art, painting ... Art, Science, Love ... "what a beautiful triangle without feet or head ...

A painting is only " painting" to the painter before being seen by someone other than their creator ... When we see, observe and contemplate, it is still painting but with our eyes adjust; we call it a " box" has certain limits from our point of view. The boundaries of a painter to paint and the observer are different, do not match. All this has to do with the teachings of quantum mechanics and complex theories and hypotheses that are doing their damage "embedded" in their authority. Topically it has been considered that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle -one of the pillars of quantum mechanics would mathematically that the very fact of observing disrupt the reality, that is instant and the state of the thing. Therefore we can not know the exact position of a particle-physics main theme, "only its likely trajectory. The nature of our gaze, strictly visual, modify to some degree the observed object, its space-time.

Uncertainty Principle comes from the need to measure any phenomenon to objectify their phenomenological reality. To see something, an electron, for example, requires that a photon colliding with him, which is changing its position and velocity. By the very fact of the "measure" the experimenter-observer adjust the data, introduces an error can not be reduced to zero, however small their displacement. And yet for all we must see to size measure-physical reality. The physics does not study the "reality" in the abstract but observable phenomena. In the words of physicist Niels Bohr, one of the fathers of quantum " Nothing exists until it is measured " ... The reality is that each observer measures ... I mean that our thinking that a painting exists only as a reality "picture" when viewed observed, provided ... the reality is that each observer sees "the reality of a painting" view "is that of the observer, which is very different course to that of his creator, and there are many other realities as onlookers observers have ... What a somersault interpretation would mean that each painting is for each one tailored to your questions, or answers specific, differentiated / as and different / as. View a painting, interrogated, an oracle without universal validity.

also not possible to observe simultaneously the velocity and position of a particle, something like that is not possible to "measure" the material reality of the thing and feeling, or one or the other, and alter or pollute more if possible our perception already subjective ... We must therefore give up our pretense of looking at the universe in a painting, the universe itself as an image? I think not ... - " insist, therefore I am " - Einstein also seemed absurd because there are separate realities the observer. For example the reality of a painting for a painter is a reality independent of the observer who does not see as you create it, we might even venture the possibility that there are realities fragmented moments, stadiums, in which the artist herself does not see what paints but is carried away by a kind of external stimulus and / or interior paint makes unknowingly, abandoned to their fate or what do I know ...

esoteric back to the viewer-voyeur: the Principle of Complementarity as Bohr says it is not possible to see something " to view as particle and wave" at a time. If we do a visual experiment: to see something, its complementary is hidden behind ... According to the uncertainty relation of one thing, the more you look at one more thing the other becomes blurred, the complementary ... The universe would therefore be a blur, the closer you are more dispensable its contours - as that happens to a painting. From Greek scientists and philosophers believed that we could understand the universe, look, observe, think about it, their laws and exemptions, to understand its operation (mechanics). But this does not hold water with Quantum, we can not know what it is one thing, where it is, how fast it moves, etc.. It seems that the Maybe we can see, with the evolution of our physical and mental prosthesis-worst observe "the other" ... The universe is hidden from us? A painting is hidden, hides, falls back, as our eyes are presumably more accurate? Is this the entropy of an art critic: the more and deeper look at the painting, it falls back and see nothing but blurry? The critic is one who judges with discretion ... which means that is provided with adequate methods and tools to analyze complex the complexity of a work of art ... But I can not "measure that" it is called art and also "Restless, disturbing" their reality by simply trying, what to do ...

That is the question ... To describe it is pointless, and serves very little since my data would necessarily be wrong. Criticize-gossip its interlinings no sense, has nothing to do with the painting itself but with its creator, and that is the preserve of Lacanian psychoanalysis and become a beast made when someone gets in their forbidden (or confuse them with verbiage ) ... I only have two operations on the other hand I think that at face value: "seismography" Castilian, which phonetically resembles "chismografo" but it's another thing: detect state changes, "catastrophes, earthquakes and especially concern-WRITE-which is my particular way of creating specularly in dialogue with the artwork object of my curiosity and wonder ... That's what critics do-writers-creators : think and write our reflections in the hope that the unstoppable creative mechanics of the universe, art, painting, maintaining their constant movements, beyond the inertia of your first impulse, and ensure their indefinite existence ... Everything is mirror boundaries and inside, everything is reflected, because everything is and surfing ever crosses on our eyes ... "And I want to speak here and now of the Gorgon Medusa, that it has more to do with the representation and the figure with the indeterminate abstract painting. Luckily

-back to quantum mechanics and mathematics definitions and principles have been more accurately reread and reinterpreted away from his first radical: for example say "Uncertainty Principle occurs because the measuring position of an electron changes its state "is incomplete, so false ... The more accurate interpretation of the uncertainty relations would be there" a fixed limit for accuracy joint measurements of position and momentum of the electron "... Something like that displacement of the center of our gaze is minimal (if different), but yes, this displacement is passing for different dimensions, the work and its observer - the sole reconciliation occurs in the experience of the mirror ... Things are not identical, nor of course the reality and its mirror image. Say you need each other, eye contact, but not "love" can not merge into one thing identical "to themselves." Just one thing, a painting, is identical to itself, the other is an experience to the mirror like, similar to a degree sufficient for our needs, clonic or interchangeable, plagiarism, symbols, linguistic signs that represent them ... "all that, but not identical ... As each observer is only identical to itself, each painting is only identical to itself ... and each one tells it differently regardless of what you mean ... In painting, and especially of abstract, it is not important and substantial "which means" the work, but "how you say" ...

Well, there are the painters who created them and say they have wanted I do not know what to say ... But they / as they have had their time, their opportunity. Now is another time and another place other than their creation. There have been expropriated, of course, they are moral rights, the materials, the right of first refusal ... But when the artist chooses to display his creature must understand and accept that opens a new fatal triangle "amatory" artistic ", which requires setting a new status of "love / belonging" and Coexistence: a) the wife / husband operator / a; b) the "work" seductive (which attracts the eye); c) lover observer, whether whatever their gender and sexual status ... In the "home" of the artist's studio is inviolable status of partner, you are the creator and his work. Outside this territory marriage, is a paradise for lovers who look and reflect, point by point, symmetric, but not identical, inverted, ie, they need to penetrate and complement to form an all-least-a black hole in the center of the universe that appeals to the light that would escape its gravity ... Love is all that "black spot" that create, penetrated, two blind and invisible beings. More or less what happens when you have two mirrors face to face, surface area, nothing is reflected, nothing is seen, nothing is said ...
know love is like writing ... A Taoist aphorism says: " can not see the color of the pitcher because we're in it " ... these metaphors-what disconcerting Taoists. Similarly, we can not continue, "know what's inside the jar if we looked ..." even at risk of dying in the attempt drowned in the well-pot, something like the myth of Narcissus. But the most common account, but in the version of Pausanias, the Greek geographer and writer, who relates that Narcissus had a twin sister who died young, leaving his heartbroken brother. One day Narcissus thought see his sister at her own reflection (were twins) and not knowing of this experience specular mirror image fell into the well trying to get his sister is an act of love, compassion and melancholy ... Life is that no more no less: to love, remember, enjoy and / or suffer alone and / or with ... While I recognize in the mirror you're alive ... To live is to look in your eyes every morning when you wake ... "a" miracle ". Where else will remember only your thoughts and your pictures written've reflected long dead ... Death is transformed into a "miroir " ...

(This text is dedicated to the PorteƱa Malena and students that I know I read and discussed in their classes, to Pauline, who participates in an exhibition which opens next Thursday in Lima and all that ... have made the art and writing about art its particular way of being and being in the world ... Oh, I forgot ... and Mark and Irene who married in July).

Photos: Rome Mirall ", May 2007. " Tokyo Night Mirror," June 2004


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