Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Should Ice Skates Hurt Your Feet?

MATRI ... All Power to Women!

has long interested me for a word-concept that represent certain complex cultural realities of distinct uncertainty-such as the landlocked, European, symbiosis east / west, feminine / masculine, neo nationalism in the era of "globalization", etc. Yes, I am referring to these ambiguous feelings and beliefs belong to any particular gender, culture or nation beyond the vague boundaries of our physical bodies, political boundaries or traditional patriotism ... It's "Matria" antagonistic or complementary antonym, you need as you see, "Homeland", a fascinating concept-word used very rarely, usually only by poets and writers concerned with issues of identity from unconventional positions, decidedly romantic. We also found the notion "Matria" more recent philosophers and anthropologists of postmodernism, especially in feminist thinkers, including the English highlight Victoria Sendón - Matria: the horizon of the possible .

Matria is a term used by writers like Virginia Woolf, Isabel Allende and Krista Wolf. In Classical Antiquity was used to refer to their own land of birth and feeling. Throughout the time kept by literary and poetic tradition, mainly in Galician and Portuguese. Edgar Morin used to refer to the motherland Europe, while Miguel de Unamuno was referring to the Basque motherland. Julia Kristeva identifies this term with " another space" that has nothing to do with the land of birth, nor the legitimacy of any state, but with an inner place in which to create a " own room." Also this term is frequently used by Native Americans, as the Mapuche, Aymara or Quechua. The anthropologist Andrés Ortiz-Osés opposed the English homeland motherland the Basque to try to explain the origin of ETA violence, " We have identified the nation as motherland (Basque), the state and country (English) and the community as phratry (European) . " Victoria philosopher Sendón from a feminist perspective proposes it as a new reading of concepts such as identity, race, language, religion, tradition or sex (from Wikipedia). Victoria

Sendón lucidly leads what has been called "difference feminism." Understand feminism as a radical proposal that attempts to subvert traditional assumptions of sexuality, family, employment modes, the relationship with nature, etc.., in a self-determined commitment, investment and redefinition of myth and direct action. Sendón Victoria is a look at other new concepts confluent with the notion of Matria, for example the "Ginandria" as signifier of a mythical symbol of the feminine: " Through the term" ginandria "I want to connect with deeper roots subversive, esoteric and heretical able to answer to a culture radically radical crispadamente "... In his book More Ithaca beyond Sendón Victoria also reflects on the collapse of cultural monotheism, the end of metaphysics. Through a feminist philosopher mythical background is female track both the concept of Matria, compared to our Nation, and the idea of \u200b\u200bfuture-women that opens the postmodern crisis ...

Victoria Sendón open regularly writes interesting articles and stories on his blog under the name of Cassandra , your avatar surfer. Commenting on his book Beyond Ithaca on complicity and conspiracies, the author confesses that his interest in Crete and in general by the Mediterranean culture had original starting point of documentation work to prepare a seminar on the witch: " Investigating the roots of the subject was clearing roads to Crete and the Minoan culture, the Mother Goddess of the Neolithic, the horned god of hunters and Mother Earth from the cave. Archaeological and classical texts, which are the original songs of lost cultures, were giving me some clues to solve the riddle before I had raised. But there was more. The end of metaphysics in the western world with its swan song in Heidegger, Nietzsche's prophetic vision and his followers in the so-called postmodernism, urging me deeper the new symbolic order that this change meant in the sense of a collapse of our cultural monotheism, a loss of certainties, a final farewell to the Truth, Identity, Security and, therefore, a being returned from the naive belief in "progress" God is dead. Goddess Returns "? We are on the threshold. Terrible things have happened yet, but I have no doubt that the key to the solution lies in women. They, the powerful, have not yet fallen into the account, but the need for a new symbolic order that will surprise them all has happened so fast. We will have to give new meaning to progress, a new meaning to life, survival of the species on this planet, the human dimension "... I totally agree with Victoria Sendón: the keys to the interpretation of our present and near future, perhaps also their solutions, and women go through a new feminine symbolic order (of course made up of new attributes of the feminine and renewed figures represent him).

In another of its magnificent Victoria Sendón sobering texts on their ideas of "difference feminism", resistant to any temptation to "egalitarian feminism": " The difference feminism part of the philosophy of the same name, whose logic is not a logic of the subjects, predicates, because life is not about being but becoming. With these assumptions it is not surprising that the concept of subject is raised differently. Deleuze uses this new concept of subject to charge an analysis for which the subject's history is built on the family tree. It's like our adventure of life is reduced to acting in the theater of the unconscious, a domestic small theater that always represents the same work: Oedipus. Dad, Mom and me. Explore the roots the family past to rise to the branches of a default subject boredom is a real plus unreal, because fortunately our connections, desires or experiences with many people, objects and aspects of the subject does not refer to a tree, but rhizomatic. The rhizome is a much more joyous, vital and open to the unexpected, the unknown. Its multiple rootlets, which extend horizontally with multiple lines of flight, allow us to create a perfect subject for exploring the life rather than submit to the dictates of family complexes. This real nomadic subject has nothing to do with the pipe dreams of the cogito and illustrated the "principle of individuation" in search of its shape. The new subject is of flesh and blood, desires and pursuits, joyful failures and pyrrhic victories. This subject is the subject of life and not of metaphysics "- The failure of feminism (2002)," Women network. The feminist newspaper "Victoria Sendón

also criticizes some egalitarian feminism that feeds on the principles of the Enlightenment and" waiver of entry, for reasons of that equality, freedom of action and creating a paradigm conducive to accommodate a feminist thought with their own alternatives "..." This equality feminism is concerned with advancing in the march of the world, institutional politics and society enlightened principles, but including them women. As if history had stopped two centuries, it tries to restart what began with a fundamental flaw. So his main topic is the subject, which produces fear the crisis will spray its foundations argument (...) and hopes that this approval of women in that category liberates us from the oppressive hierarchy of genres, giving us greater autonomy rather than heteronomy of the role assigned. Which is fine except for the small detail that female subjects end up being mere ghosts, free at last! of their own sex "... Victoria Sendón comes to tell us that feminism leads inexorably egalitarian a new Cartesian essentialism based on reason, which only differs from the previous to which he was subjected female and had served for centuries to justify its submission under a patriarchal male order. If this essentialism "enlightened" modern egalitarian and based on the universality of human rationality of women will have been further "undifferentiated"-that is, within the human ... Sendón reveals the face of this perverse ignorance of the feminine differentiated: "We fled an essence to fall into another, but of course, universal ... Now, women are universalized and just reason, a species of beings ghostly disembodied "... The Sendón woman claimed her body, biology, her female instinct, feelings, ways of being in the world ..." I do differently from my masculinity, heterosexual, too assertive and critical of any tyranny that is not strictly equal legal ... Stop using the Cartesian mind-body dualism to inform the thinking mind the equal rights of women and men, women and men without a body without organs, Deleuze would say ... Victoria
regard quoted French feminist philosopher Luce Irigaray, " Probably the sexual difference is the more universal issue that we face (...) This means that women must build an objective model of identity that allows them to position themselves as women, not merely as mothers or as equals in relationships with men, men . " With these words Irigaray does not refer here to an identity as an essential, but a willingness to recognize what they are, women with a body that sets them apart, but in no event can justify the stigma of inequality ... "Any emancipation movement control from its "differential fact" rather than deny it. Why would women I? "concludes Sendón Victoria. From its position of women, Luce Irigaray criticizes ruthless against traditional psychoanalysis, for Irigaray, women have lost their own identity to have forgotten his matriarchal genealogy, his own original relation to the mother. It should also be aware that our traditional symbolic order, even modern, is patriarchal, which has caused women to live and are represented as beings neutral or negative, as non-male "because to some extent symbols that have no link with reality are only effective symbols to represent women in antiquity in the beginning, when perhaps the Mediterranean world was a huge reservoir of meaning female, matriarchal realities of different women articulating their own order, without complexes or humiliating treaties. For Victoria Sendón

feminism theory can not be a more reformist or revolutionary, "as it is all calling into question: the Patriarchate, which covers the ways political, economic, cultural and even religious, but above all , modes of thought. Moreover, feminism, without being a naturalist, should come from the culture of women, namely, our experience over the course of history. But what culture? How the culture of submission, oppression, marginalization, colonization? Of course. From this hollow is where they draw their strength all the liberation movements, as from a dominant position does not change anything. So the Master is always identical to itself, is petrified by it. But neither is a crippling victimhood, but a unique position to change, that is what is "... But women also have the experience, as rightly defends Sendón feminist position" is that our most profound experience is the one we have been and are economists, educators, doctors, teachers, psychologists and managers in the domestic sphere. In this task, we could see that things do not work according to the logic of domination, but according to a logic much more supple, subtle and vital. We can only move all that baggage to the public, but only through parity, which we are socialized into the political colonialism. Make the jump to public can be made many ways. We would to solve the private sphere, which would begin by recognizing our authority, that what is currently lacking any body, institution or government running the world "...

I am convinced that this is a historic moment for women, no other motion calls into question the entire system, but some of its aspects in a global society that is fundamental. Besides the contradictions of patriarchal predatory system has become so untenable, so dangerous for men and women to natural life on the planet, that can not be disguised or hidden ... Surely the picture of his collapse and death announced the find in the collapse of the twin towers of World Trade Center in New York ... In my opinion, the collapse of the "great truths and totally" modern and postmodern Western, patriarchal and sexist, corresponds specularly point by point with the suicide of another world also sexist and patriarchal, traditional and premodern, eastern Muslim fanatic ... What a terrible show and suicide death struggle between these two orders patriarchal and sexist than before, barely had coexisted under the fallacy of multiculturalism and international economic globalization. The figures of patriarchal power and male, their symbolic phalluses, were shattered, worse still, dust and smoke, impossible to rebuild, collages, their fragments exist ... However, I doubt that will be fully aware of this transcendental event-past even the simple and conventional interpretations geopolitical-military, cultural and economic criteria, or cruel clash of civilizations as opposed and warring ... I think it was much more than an earthquake, perhaps an apocalyptic earthquake in the minds and spirits on a universal scale, the first shock after the collision of two massive tectonic plates drift patriarchal and chauvinistic instincts of death and fanaticism. See even more terrible disasters, unimaginable, if not avoid women ... It is time for women, mothers, who create life in the emptiness of their stomachs and have the power of alchemy to create the future where there is only despair. The world Matria will have to call sooner rather than later. Hopefully there is still time and women do not entertain too with stupid macho-digital games and playing ridiculous roles of little men in drag ... So be it, so be ... Amen.

Photos: " There are days that I am not at all in this world " (direct the body scanner and digital retouching), Gabriela Galindo, 2002; " Montsegur, in the Pays d'Oc "August 2005


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