Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pain In Testies And Inner Thigh

Carlota Garrido de la Peña was the first journalist to Santa Fe. And although his ideas were far from libertarian or feminist notions, founded and directed in 1895 the magazine Thought. Enjoy reading weekly, customs, religious and social affairs, features and fashion games, bibliographies, etc.. . The rescue of her figure as saying The Order and some of their ideas .

The journalistic side of Charlotte Garrido de la Peña is almost forgotten. Not mentioned in his article on literary magazines José Rafael López Rosas (1), does not register his role as director of this magazine site santafesina the province's cultural information (2), no such data is collected in the Biographical Dictionary Argentine Women (3) or the Encyclopedia of the Province of Santa Fe (4). It is the diary

The Order who nominates "first journalist to Santa Fe" in 1951. The paper was then pressed the government embarked on Santa Fe to create hemerotecas guarding the journalistic heritage of the city.

In April of that year one of the press associations of the city, organized the first exhibition of Journalism and at his inauguration Santafesino Edmund White Boeri, head of the Journalists Association of Santa Fe, urged to safeguard these treasures. Took up the gauntlet The Order, whose director Fernando Estrada said it was a "debt of honor" and a "historic debt" to create these archives and ventured that the initiative would be "provided with a fresh spirit and the current Peronist provincial government, who must immediately acquire all the collections of newspapers, magazines and other publications to form the background material and the organic institutions to be created. "

is in this context that the paper back from oblivion to Charlotte Garrido de la Peña. "We talk Carlota Garrido de la Peña, the first journalist in Santa Fe. Supporting an initiative, "says the caption. Had then 81 years old and lived in Rosario, where he traveled to a chronicler of the Order to seek their support for the new archive. "I understand he told us that the enduring work of journalism found in libraries, specialized institutions that are needed for the study of journalism in a comprehensive Santa Fe. The idea is to raise awareness among authorities of the province and realized the benefit of general culture. "

funny thing is that the newspaper itself claims to have heard at that time that Charlotte was founded on 14 July 1895, "the first publication run by a woman in the province, under the title 'Thinking' is the testimony of the spiritual quest of a group of women working against the stagnation that had happened to die in Buenos Aires the writer Juana Manuela Gorriti. He immediately worked on their pages other American women, such as the Peruvian Clorinda Matto de Turner, Carolina Freyre de Jaime and Margarita Praxedes Muñoz Donoso Fiora Chilean and Uruguayan Gioz Ansaldo Lola Larrosa. In our country, the Santa Fe Amavet Macedonia, Mercedes Crespo and Angela Pujato Geneyro (...). Such is the plethora of these women fans who made the first weapons in the country's female journalists, next to Mrs. Garrido de la Peña. "

Carlota ideas

Cristiá is Moira (5) who brings us some features of the thought of Charlotte Garrido de la Peña through his writings in the magazine Semana graphics, appears at Rosario between 1922 and 1924.

The direction of the magazine as a writer has appreciated by a "marked tendency of religion" and adds: "It is not a defect but a virtue, it reaffirms their faith and speaks volumes about his sincerity. "

The concept of women Carlota is simple: women = mother. That is why those who make up the staff of the magazine are against, inter alia, the suffrage movement. Carlota Cristiá quoted: "... Although the Congress has the Suffragettes of Rome was established, the country does not need at this time women voters, when they have in their hands the government of the family, which in turn is well-organized country, invincible and happy ...". Obviously

Carlota was a representative of anti-modernism and criticized the role played by some women in modern life. It said in the article "On desires, "published in Graphic week in June 1924:

restrained on the wishes of love, stands the magnificent corolla of chastity. About immoderate desires of wealth under the prudent (...) The wishes are of tyrannical ways, morbid, grim end in the transgressions of one's personality as she has more noble: the honor. As a result of the rightness of the ideas and lofty sentiments, why not apply ourselves to restrain the desires if they are so capital enemies of inner peace and true friendship between men? (...) What desires are the light in the soul of the woman? Of being the most beautiful and of attract upon himself the admiration of those who can monitor, through elegance. They are burning desire to grow up and tumultuous in many modern women's souls, archimodernas: drinking liquor and go to sleep on the table, treading the excellence and destruction of his being, from drowsiness cocaine, because they may want more, go outside the orbit of life, seeking new and anxious feelings of forgetfulness.

Carlota Some biographical data

Mendoza was born on August 2, 1870, settling in Coronda since childhood. There he studied and married the English Ángel de la Peña, who was widowed when he was 26 years and four children.

worked as a teacher at a school in Coronda and published some papers in journals of Rosario. Besides
Feryre of Jaimes Carolina founded in 1902 Magazine Argentina.

published his first book in 1913 and several of his novels appeared in serial form in newspapers of Santa Fe, Buenos Aires and Cordoba.

died July 19, 1958, in Coronda. Said the newspaper El Litoral: "Goes out with her a noble life, a teacher by vocation and a writer of fine sensibility, which managed to capture in his time, all beautiful human to pour it into their works. "

Notes (1) López Rosas, José Rafael. Santa Fe, the perennial memory. Santa Fe, City of Santa Fe, 1993.
(2) The site's text is taken from "Who is it in Santa Fe" by Gloria Bertero.
(3) Newton, Lily Sosa. Biographical Dictionary of Argentine women . Buenos Aires, Plus Ultra, 1986. Yes, this author is dedicated to Charlotte and "Thought" here. This text points out that in an autobiographical account, Charles ignores his own way by thinking.
(4) Abad de Santillán, Diego. Encyclopedia of the province of Santa Fe Volume I . Buenos Aires, Ediar, 1967.
(5) Moira Cristiá 'Between tradition and innovation. Female representations in another currency peripheral (Rosario, 1922-1924) », Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, Debates, 2009, [Online], On line since November 28, 2009. URL: http://nuevomundo.revues.org/57686. Retrieved on March 5, 2011.


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