Monday, March 21, 2011

Is There A Rainbow Puffle On Club Penguin

A step towards justice

After almost thirty-seven, the family of Marta Zamaro and Nilsa Urquía decided to ask the courts to reopen the case for the death of the lawyers. An assembly of members gave the approval to the Board of the Associated Press of Santa Fe to become as a prosecutor. This is the first cause to investigate crimes committed by the local AAA. A story about the first investigations, the context and reasons for Santa Fe pending . New

Journal was the brainchild of Mark Bobbio who used the work of graphic and journalists who came from the unprecedented experience of a strike by more than 20 days on the coast in 1968. This highly unionized campus was the architect of a newspaper renewing the journalistic language of the city, stagnant since disappeared The Order in 1955.

And also starred in numerous conflicts with his employers, the most serious of which - prior to its closure on March 24, 1976 - occurred from late July 1973 when Bobbio decided to implement the off-set system. The new technique involves a restructuring of the morning and dismissal of many workers graphics. The newspaper closed for several months, during which there were protests and footage of the building. For the preparation of the new technology would appear Color New Journal on 13 December, was called Mary Angels "Pocha" Pagano, who was working, among others, Martha Adelina Zamaro.

Both had been student activists and after the Revolutionary Workers Party (PRT). Zamaro Marta was also counsel and shared with Nilsa Urquía department, a colleague who was acting on the Defense Committee of Political Prisoners.

sentenced and executed

In October 1974 came to New Journal the "sentence" handed down by the Anti Coastal Command (CAL) to a significant number of workers, both editorial and workshops. This list was composed, among others, by Alcira Ríos de Cordoba and her husband Luis "Tatin" Córdoba, Marta Zamaro and "Pocha" Pagano. The list had a feature that drew attention from that time until today, including a person who was not part of the newspaper staff, Nilsa Urquía.

The conviction began to be implemented in the early hours of Thursday 14 November. Marta Urquía Zamaro and Nilsa, 29 and 32 years respectively, were abducted from his home in Diagonal Aguirre 2533. New Journal slogan that "according to eyewitnesses "," a group of unknown s "captured them and placed them in a car that was waiting. Some days later reports: " is known for the fact they felt cries and pleas for help, but why let the murderers to meet its target and bring both by force." It was estimated then that the operation had been carried out by "outsiders our province."

At 7 am that day, Julian Mattiozzi, owner of the apartment they rented the lawyers and resident of the floor, telephoned the police to the front door had been violated and that he had papers scattered on the floor. The visual inspection of the mess officer found a woman's shoe and breaks on the way to the department, called repeatedly to the tenants, but no one answered. Then, he made inquiries in the neighborhood looking for witnesses, but did not find them. The Seventh Section began an investigation for "damage" to the door of the residence. Considered

that documents found on the way to the department's lawyers and the record says, " presumed could be related to communications between extremist leaders " was notified of the new Information Service of the Regional Unit I and the Chief of the Association of Special Units. Staff of this unit joined the department's lawyers, a federal judge's order Elbio Cano. Letters were seized "various tenors , a recorder, several tapes, a copy of World Trade , cuts New Journal of violence, death penalty and economy, copies of New Man , Peronist , Front, Popular Information Booklet and a book on the Cuban Revolution of Silvio Frondizi.

At 1415 hours on Saturday, November 16, Daniel Castro traveled to Hope, and when passing bridges Cululú Arroyo saw a person, presumably drowned. He communicated the news to the First Station of Hope from where he sent the police and fire department. Past 16 hours removed two bodies from the creek.

There were two women. The first, thin, black hair, long and straight, wearing a white and orange shirt, red pants and blue slippers. His face was completely covered, except the nostrils, cloth and adhesives, and hands tied in front. The second, of medium height, straight hair and graying, wearing a robe and a petticoat underneath, she was barefoot. He also had his face covered with adhesive tape, arms extended above your head and hands tied. In the area found tire marks, entry and exit, that were drawn by hand to the police summary.

November 17 come to expect the results of the fingerprint identification of both bodies. It was Marta Urquía Zamaro and Nilsa. The same day, Grace and Miguel Urquía Zamaro recognized the bodies of their sisters.

The autopsy determined the cause of both deaths was drowning. Signed by Dr. Jorge Alberto Allin and Miltiades César Echagüe describe Zamaro's body had three puncture wounds and multiple contusions " produced by a blunt, rigid " on the front of the legs and the inside of both thighs, and also abrasions on both elbows, arms and forearms, as well as in the thoracic anterior, posterior, frontal and nasal. The external genitalia, doctors say, no signs of violence. In the body of Urquía, there were signs of violence or injuries. Had died between 24 and 36 hours before the discovery of their bodies. Reactions

newspapers were not published in Santa Fe on 17 November. Came to our country the body of Eva Peron and the CGT had declared a strike for that reason. Nuevo Diario published nor next day, although a special edition in the circumstances.

The Coast states on its cover the crimes, including photos of victims and the limited versions of them were weaving. New Journal also discloses a sketch of his company Zamaro Marta, the words uttered than a worker in the burial chart, the repudiation of different organizations and moving text, without signature, reflecting the wonder that among workers had caused the news.

(Click to enlarge)

This was not the only reaction that occurred in the morning. Former newspaper worker and writer Carlos María Gómez recreated in his novel "The jackals of the stream" a situation that would have happened in those days: " At that time, along with a man who is not the Journal, (Mirta / Marta ) voiced his joy at the news of the murder of Joseph Rucci (...). remember very well the incident that occurred immediately when a journalist named Charles was bitterly reproached his attitude, ensuring that it would pay dearly ... Later, when Mirta found murdered, was extremely remorseful. But it was public knowledge that belonged to the ultra-right sectors and that, personally, I hated every expression, whether political or even artistic, that has to do with progressive ideas, or simply to go aside the common denominator of their own and immutable values. So nobody believed him. "

The other reaction was the CAL, which had served the sentence, but went for more. At 2:15 am on Nov. 21, four people traveling in a Citroen van were two gun shots against local Nuevo Diario. The watchman of the building said that minutes before had received an anonymous call in which it was made known to undermine the newspaper, citing Anti Coastal Command.

The record

What the police investigated and justice in 1974? Investigated what was the mood of the victims, who visited them at what time, why Urquía would travel to Mexico, who spoke by telephone, who cleaned the apartment, if they had heard strange noises the night of the abduction. This wording of questions were siblings, neighbors and employees of the travel agency which operated Urquía. Nobody had heard anything, although the information published in newspapers.

trades also were sent to places of work of both, seeking to reveal the last day to attend work, time and payroll who withdrew their immediate peers. Rizuli Salvador, director of the Land Registry of the Province, and Alfredo Sahd, director of Nuevo Diario quickly responded to all questions in court.

The last movement of research which is based on the record is April 30, 1975.

crimes in context

Police and Justice ignored, first, previous threats and attacks after receiving a group of workers Nuevo Diario, where Martha Zamaro was a delegate to the International Commission . Also ignored the "withdrawal" that occurred in the morning. They ignored the letters "CAL."

Zamaro ignored the action and Urquía as advocates for political prisoners and their union membership and neighborhood.

also ignored the two women belonging to the TRP and the escalation of violence that existed in the country and the city, in response, by the People's Revolutionary Army, the Slaughter of the Chapel of the Rosary and the replica which was manifested by the Triple A and his "delegations."

On August 9, 1974, members of the ERP began an operation to steal military supplies in the Airborne Infantry Regiment 17 of Catamarca. The plan failed and 16 other guerrillas were captured and executed while in custody. The organization has already been declared illegal, announced it would retaliate. In Santa Fe two of them were implemented.

October 10, was executed Lieutenant Juan Carlos Gambandé and 7 November, the largest Nestor López. Both deaths were claimed by the Red Star ERP , your body releases (numbers 43 and 44).

diaries record the arrival times of " personnel Federal Police" from Buenos Aires and the Army Intelligence Service to conduct the investigation.

The deployment came to fruition just two days after the burial of Martha and Nilsa Zamaro Urquía: two men and two women from the ERP were arrested and were found a "people's prison" and a clandestine printing press, as well as explosives, weapons and publications of all kinds. There was a " general stampede, in the words of Nuevo Diario, palpable in the hastily abandoned homes that were raided on subsequent days. With its staff decimated and frightened in the morning is analyzed as "auspicious widely " the fact that residents cooperate with the authorities to observe suspicious movements.

Zamaro crimes and Urquía were losing presence in the media. No published the belief that many of his colleagues and friends had from day one. The kidnapping, torture, murder, exposed bodies, the modus operandi that was beginning to repeat itself, the death sentences the notice, all as a sign of something, as an indication, as a warning. Warning that many took notice.

The killings were for those who took note of them, the work of the Coastal Command Anti. Were the answer to the answer. The response of paramilitary forces who answered 16 shootings to the execution of members of the "counter-revolutionary army." Display: Marta Zamaro and Nilsa Urquía, two lawyers, two workers, two political activists in area, with visibility enough that no one was left in no doubt of the message. Message that, at the risk of undue repetition, noted many, many media workers.

Why now

Why almost 37 years later to reopen the case. There is an explanation

quite intimate family. Zamaro Grace was 23 when she had to recognize the maimed body of her older sister. Recounts today, as if it were a dream, how her father took her head and repeated: "Tell me where is I'm going to find ." He died a year after her daughter. How his mother spent months in bed. And how the years kept passing, and how fear did not stop and how to Dona Adelina news is they are reluctant that will rub Marta. You have to listen to Grace giant step Zamaro talk meant to tell Mrs. Adeline, now 94 years old Pisa, Marta's name was on a city street. You have to listen to Grace saying that accepting the reopening of the case is that her mother and her friends have not spoken to Martha.
And thank

have found: "There had that peace of mind that her body, knowing that I was no longer among us, but we knew what had happened ."

And say with a tinge of guilt, that Martha also seek justice if the corpses had been in other and not himself: " but she had not missed so much time ."


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