Friday, March 4, 2011

Fox Body Mustang Subwoofer


Two carnivals lived in the city of Santa Fe: the last 100 and 50 years ago. And we live in nowadays. Some notations concerning the rules of the festivities .

The March 2, 1911, Santa Fe newspaper published an extensive review intended to declare the death of the Carnival. The little enthusiasm for the holidays had been a concern of other newspapers Santa Fe. The Santa Fe he associated the state of popular finance.

However, despite the reluctance on the evening of a Corsican, that was torture for many girls-teens when we were palatable, was what caused joy among the slum dwellers: water play. "The bucket and pans have no rest, not counting the occasional soaking of humanity between the tubs served as a supplier of the liquid projectile. "

A troupe of 1879
And the exaltation of some was the anger of others. The Santa Fe daily records several incidents in the game. It is an excuse to give the exact location of the "cantons", since "as in the Anglo-Boer formed and disappear every day of fun, alternating throughout to tease best passers."

cites a case of so many: the victim had been the No. 1 distributor of dairy, "The Family, "Appenine Francisco, who in a house in Buenos Aires street, between San Martin and May 25," not wanting to stop wetting by a servant, was wet lurch by the owner of the house, without taking their protests of being ill, he left like soup. Today the poor man is in bed as the victim of unspeakable abuse. "

And another: "St. Jerome in the street, a poor Italian woman, who had a boy in her arms, was crippled with all inhumanity despite their pleas for some children to look decent, but real wild in his manner of proceeding" .

The disappointment of Santa Fe in front of the carnival , 1911 also occurred in the costumes: "We have not seen a single mask that not even deserve the honor of four lines. It was a general strike of humor, in which the crude joke or alternated guaranguería insolent fool in silence and goodbye ché!, Which is a, b, c of these costumes. "

must be true that under the mask, life feels stupid, because no other way to explain the idiotic heroism of both neighbor bent on walking through the streets, with an unbearable heat, wondering if you know or other questions equally naive, if not otherwise.

of the groups that had seen "only one or two of them deserve that title." In the Corsican, had dominated the opium "and took issue deli."

Carnival Queen of 1961
Fifty years later, the newspaper El Litoral stressed that the city had been reunited with their traditional festivals, " with the feast of the grotesque and the joy of control, with the carnival, more precisely, with the Corsican. " He warned that could not compare with the "before", but there had been news: the Corsican-show.

In the regulations, the game was banned with water, which, in most cases, the public had been given "to contemplation, to celebrate the occurrences of the masks and costumes extravaganza certain to play the role of spectator. "

Choosing the Carnival Queen of 1961 began with a parade from Tucumán and Rivadavia to the official box, located in the Plaza Spain. The president of the Tourism Commission proclaimed "Grace I" Grace Villalba, the representative of Republic Western.

And after another fifty years, will have to see how they reflect the national newspapers and popular Carnival today:


In 1877 the provincial government had to issue a decree that no one should pass over the line when the festivities. It issued a rule stating that only if they could use knobs and bombs, but not take "corrupt or foul water." You could wear costumes, of course, but first you had to get a permit at the police station and then was exhibited a card indicating authorization; is strictly forbidden to wear costumes to represent the clergy. Could only be used costumes or play water from 2 pm until finished and masked balls, which were made with knowledge of the police.

In 1931, the municipality also regulated the carnival game allowing only flowers and streamers. It is absolutely forbidden to play with water in any form whatsoever, the use of firecrackers and explosives, masks or masks of, any outfit or costume that offend morality, alluding to patriotic logos of any nationality, religious orders, military, political , etc., and the use of weapons even though the costume requires.

The move prompted protests from newspaper The Order :

Momo's sadness ...

The old and grotesque god of joy, a farce, is sad. And how could you, when municipal regulations for their parties, has taken away some of that joy characteristic of the old god of the conventional lies, of grace, the broad laughter that seems to infect their worshipers in a feeling of sincerity , and equality, which is a piece of cloth over their faces, pretty or ugly, but behind a flirtatious and soft mask or a painted cardboard, have the power to render a moral, happy and equal, and either by the short time his reign.

And so great is that sadness, that his classic bells, playful and sound, have been muted in a complete renunciation of his excellences, and so, this act was grotesque and mischievous at the same time, to make that king madman most genuine expression of unconcern, the wholesome joy, spontaneity and even d it true that conventional mask or the mask, predispose to mortals.

The old Momo is sad, as the "percanta" that suburban tango, pale and sad, waiting for the return of lost love.

And Momo, which also has lost its characteristic signs, pale and colorless, will wander through our streets, in full surrender of their personality.

Momo, dies this year, dies of grief, disappointment, sadness, sadness that he never knew and that a capricious restriction, it has been imposed today it seems that the joy of classical Carnestolendas would have gone for ever and ever.


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