Sunday, March 20, 2011

Halloween Costume For Someone On Cruches

we said yesterday: Santa Fe before the coup press

Nuevo Diario left alone once more, The Coast in the days when that occurred the last military coup. The owner asked "permission" to edit the morning, remind workers. Before the assault of the Armed Forces, the evening was hopeful with the figure of Jorge Rafael Videla .

I'm not original in the title of this post. That's the name of a great book by Eduardo Martin Blaustein and Zubieta: "We said yesterday. The press in Argentina under the Process. " The book carries a caption that says: "The 3,000 days of the tragic history of Argentina. Texts and pictures with all the newspapers and magazines of the time said, silenced or misrepresented. "

What happened, what they said our print media in this city? This is not to walk the seven years but only a few days. Ranging from the pre-March 24, 1976 until the end of this month but it serves an arbitrary cut small sample.

The map of the print media in Santa Fe was just a little map, away at the time of the dozen daily newspapers in the first decades of the twentieth century. The newspaper El Litoral had many competitors in its existence, only two managed to upset her and both the policy helped remove the medium.

The first was The Order, which appeared in 1927, Santa Fe cooled journalism with popular language and the preponderance of local information, police and photographs. As if something was missing from The Order to win the preference of the readers of the popular sectors, pleaded Peronist and their fate was tied to the movement. He disappeared in 1955.

The second was Nuevo Diario, whose first issue was published on 22 December 1968. We told stories and promised more, which will see the light, about the birth and development of this morning. Suffice to state that Mark Bobbio pitched his writing with much of the strikers who had stopped for more than 20 days to evening to meet in those days fifty years. New Journal also renewed the language, was a popular paper, graphics and journalistically superior to the journal of Vittoria and the Caputto.

But Nuevo Diario financial difficulties since its inception. The technology shift towards off-set in 1973 caused a long conflict and by October 1975 against the possible closure, initiated an unprecedented experience of co-worker business but failed.

The newspaper and was decimated in a stampede that began in October 1974 when Coastal Command Anti threatened journalists and graphics on your campus and then kidnapped, tortured and murdered Zamaro Marta, an employee of the newspaper.

Taken by his staff, abandoned by employers, the newspaper was closed on March 24, 1976. Some workers point out that Bobbio consulted every afternoon if I could get it out the next morning.

Littoral, however, had disciplined workers in 1968. And their pages particularly the editorial continued taking care of a kind of moral superiority that is tradition in some newspapers, that bestowal duty to indicate, warn, congratulations. And never back down. Editorials

What they said less any manual defines a newspaper editorial as a genre consisting of a text is not signed, because it expresses the view of a means of communication on a story or fact relevant.

These are positions that assumes El Litoral between 20 and 31 March 1976.

On day 20, the evening welcomed the Festival of Guadalupe, held days earlier. " quality and popular support are by no means mutually exclusive: on the contrary, they complement " he said. Had attended mostly young men who had behaved "properly ." The organization was contrasted with other types of shows that were made " a misguided approach that should be broadcast on a massive scale culture."

To El Litoral " popular by no means easy to be confused with the schemes of a subordinate effect that instead of raising, uniforms, confuses and distorts . "

was to highlight the Festival of Guadalupe because the city, otherwise "enlightened center" had left her standing under a "mistaken policy " in the cultural field, that " was characterized by an exaltation of the lower and disdain, if not outright hostility, towards all that meant real quality, levels of demand and selective rigor. "

21 and 22 publishers refer to the end of the diplomatic rift with Bolivia and bad road conditions.

On Tuesday 23, the newspaper is in favor of true national unity, which are not only in speeches. He recalls that many times the country was divided and threatened by conflicts, but also often "knew emerge strengthened from these anxieties, assimilating experiences and progress in a way maturity."

" Since the early days of the struggle for independence, through confrontations and federal unit in the complex process of the National Organization and many major events, some people beyond the divisions sometimes circumstantial, deep-failed to see the path of unity, synthesis capable of marrying the opponents and how to find the foundation of the permanent values \u200b\u200b, "he wrote.

Who or who would be in 1976 would drive that way? He does not say clearly Littoral. Yes clarifies that harmony should not imply weakness or based on acceptance of the machinations of those who " through crime, corruption, intolerance and fanaticism, do everything possible to break the ties that bind together to people, tired of fighting and sterile divisions. "

"The End of an era" is the title chosen for the March 24 editorial. The determination of the Armed Forces course "was" the result of a serene analysis "and the responsibility assumed upon taking office was a" logical to mismanagement, the contradictions, anarchy, economic chaos, the arrogance, relentless subversion and general destruction that marked the existence of citizens in the latter period . "

Is the newspaper that he was hopeful that "real definitely has closed the subordinate and despicable way to understand the high political role "and bet because" firmly but dispassionately, brought to light many wrongful acts committed under the civil . "

not expect magic solutions, but to ensure " least order and justice", to be achieved among all who were willing to "overcome the negative and work for national greatness in a climate of respect, faith and joint effort. "

In three days, begin the claims sector. Claims shy in two cases, as is known, was too much anarchy and no could expect magic solutions.

"The health hazard" is an editorial intended to highlight the crisis in the health system had no equal in history. In "Claims of agriculture" states that " field" is waiting to changes in government, confident that their aspirations " must be taken into account their special status wealth generator."

Complaints " leaders contend that over ninety percent of the foreign exchange entering the country are rooted in agriculture, and for decades is that the main recipient of measures directed officials to shore up the economy, whether by way of stifling tax charges, withholdings on exports of its products or so-called political prices, among others. And the movement has repeatedly pointed out that agriculture is forced to subsidize other sectors of activity. Added to this is the disproportionate increase operating costs by way of the continued increases in input prices, ranging from a tractor to bale wire . "

And the warning, the industry had already left " attitudes that characterized him, letting go without complaining. " makes your eyes now to the new authorities, in the desire to be taken into account because they are certain that, once again, will be invited to make a contribution towards economic recovery. "

The other sector is in charge of Justice. Process decision to dismiss members of the Courts " appears consistent with a radical purpose of complete reorganization of public life." However, should not be prejudiced nor the dignity and stability of the judges, but not all, but those "real men of law, that are not in their offices as makeshift or as mere functionaries of a regime corrupt. " In Santa Fe there were these judges and between calls, should be sought which would be " jealous guardians of fairness in this Republican rigor period has now been opened and many with confidence expect. "

"You have to give it time" is perhaps the most telling editorial aspirations Littoral.
It stresses the passivity with which the public attended the overthrow of Esetela María Martínez de Perón. And that looks to the citizens: " The observer in 2000 might think that in our political vicissitudes, the Argentines of the twentieth century we behaved like spoiled children . In accordance with an alternative government changes, the major sectors of production, the state, business or work-think the time has come to realize "the dream of the boy ', taking advantage of its legendary opponents."

be verified " abusive behavior" resulting from " civic immaturity" of the Argentines. Choose to prove one of his favorite targets: the union sector. Removed from the shelves the Employment Contracts Act to remember that employees should " adjust their behavior to what is characteristic of a good worker " and " act in good faith" and that " the worker must provide the service on time , regular attendance and commitment. " In contrast, spoiled children tried to " exceptions to cash in on the conquered, not importársele that indiscipline and absenteeism would lead to low productivity that decisively influenced the crisis."

then analyzes some articles of the "Act setting the purpose and main objectives for the process national reorganization "of the military junta and notes that reflect" clearly " the disposition of armed forces to lessen the conflict between hegemonic vocation factors hungry."

will come a time of austerity and sacrifice, he says. But we all must "renounce the whims of spoiled children in a fictional wealth that could not sustain production ." " To regain squandered inheritance we accept the imperative of effort and sacrifice. In the meantime, do not expect miracles overnight. Because, as the saying goes native: 'There to give it time '. "

March 29, Jorge Rafael Videla assumed the presidency of the nation. The next day, the editorial of El Litoral reveals his commitment to democracy: the fall of the government of "Isabelita" was the "final happier and more equality possible, as was the takeover of government by the Army Nation and not the substitution of a political force in the governmental function of the other that neither essential nor formally, given the circumstances, would have been by no means the most convenient . "

" Taking the post of president by General Videla is an auspicious act an incentive for the country that pays, because it considers it legally from comprehensive intelligence," he concludes.

To end the month and this arbitrary traveled for what he said the only figure of Santa Fe 35 years ago, a week after the military coup Littoral published "Call unavoidable." Videla's speech was "demagogic antithesis of cheap, informal promises of biased language so often used-rulers who failed or could not-meet 's word. "

His words were " simple, without any bombast, reflected not only the reason for military action against the constitutional authorities, but the program that the military is willing to take to the nation railroaded toward goals prosperity with the help of all good men . "

spells out some of those promises that, at face value, create: the harmonization of capital and labor, the establishment of a just order, the promotion of culture, " open to all currents of thought but staying true to country tradition and the Christian conception of man and the world. " "It was promised honesty, efficiency and justice and invoked God to grant wisdom, prudence and humility. no a priori reason to call into question the commitment to citizenship and country "he said. Cree

reliance on these proposals. The order of faith and sacrifice should not be ignored Videla says El Litoral " The national non revanchism reordering, while respecting individual rights requires detachment and general solidarity for a work in which we all have obligation to be honest players. "

Everyone will want to read about these texts, I do mine. The problem is not a mistake in the analysis, but persist in them, not looking back on itself and continue, decades later, in the same pedestal as if nothing had happened. Not even 30,000 missing.
(From the last year for the Press Association)

* All the highlights are mine .


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