Friday, March 25, 2011

How Can I Insert A Jpeg File In Autocad


Perón signed the Status of Professional Journalist
The March 25, 1944 Juan Domingo Perón signed the first decree granted employment rights reporters. Why a statute and not a collective agreement? The interpretation of sector associations and the media reaction to Santa Fe .

The First Congress of Journalists, held in Córdoba in 1938, caused a upheavals in both groups that gather journalists and media owners. It is envisioned that some workers were not prepared to be pampered by their employers with praise about his dedication to service and the importance of their role in society.

Specifically, as is often written in the newspapers, the journalists also had some more mundane needs, such as stop working at certain ages, or a receipt if it was fired. Trifles as the owners of the papers address the magnitude of the role of journalists to the story.

That the First Congress Journalists' union took a turn, divided the nascent Argentina Federation of Journalists (FAP) and from one side were the workers, and other patterns. Santa Fe did not attend the Congress did not have a guild itself but several attempts to construct temporary associations that gather either to the owners and journalists.

Only in 1940, is the first group of dye in the union, the Association of Journalists of Santa Fe, composed of leaders socialists, communists and anarchists. Since

that Congress laid the groundwork for what later become the Status of Professional Journalists, the first compendium of rights attending press men as workers.

By 1943 a precarious retirement law for journalists was about to become obsolete, and businesses pushed in that direction. In Buenos Aires, the leader of the FAP Octavio Palazzolo, said the situation in the sector with national and began a series of meetings with Secretary of Labor and Welfare. Juan Domingo Perón

take to it the draft statute presented by the FAP, said: " I look good, let's give handle."

different interpretations are open: Peron wanted to "co-opt the FAP, Luciano Losada analyzed by the offer the leader made a few positions in the lists of deputies, or a building to turn in House of Journalist. Palazzolo, who can not be accused of being "coopted", made another observation: " Our reality was clear ... What we were doing us a weak trade union, whether to apply the collective agreement depended on our own strength. The point was clear, a guild as journalists, could not achieve their goals through negotiation. Legislative regulation was required to give general support to the demands . "

But outside of the FAP were other journalists away from fear of relationship with Perón created the Argentine Union of Journalists (SAP), clearly Peronist and the leaders grouped in the Association named "Frog" Argentine Union of official newspapers. In Santa Fe, just would create the SAP in 1952.

The truth is that the Statute of Professional Journalists was signed into law on March 25, 1944 and December 1946 was endorsed by the National Congress. Peron said the Statute: " The social panorama offered by the media showed the tremendous contrast between businesses too rich too poor journalists. [...] We had not only the duty but also the right to demand for them a decent salary, as year after year out of public funds destined for the coffers of media companies millions of dollars in advertising concept and are granted franchises or cancel customs duties in a real state subsidy, which could not be an exclusive benefit employers, but to all who contribute their efforts fruitful to the betterment of our press . "

From then until 1955, was held March 25 to Labor Day holiday releases, certainly a lot more content up with union on 7 June that is commemorated as the day the journalist since 1938.

Santa Fe reactions

When the sanction of the statute was only a rumor, the media companies screamed to the sky. Already had some bugs that definitely beginning to change their legal status: in 1936 he met the two federal judges ruling against claims for dismissal without compensation of journalists and Oscar Manuel Sofovich di Leo, News Charts and The Press respectively. The defense of business was to invoke the public good news, which could not in any way be classified as trade. Judges, however, said that newspapers were business establishments and therefore was legally considered journalists as workers with rights protected by the Code of Commerce.

companies in 1944 threatened to go to court a statute was approved, and accused the journalists of the profession " as a means and not an end ." A means to live and not an end to educate "people."

Shortly before the signing of Decree 7618, Littoral said their share. The main problem of the Statute of the Journalist was its origin. Had to do, then, a "quiet reflection ":" Press freedom shall not be affected because it set a minimum of economic security to workers in journalism, but will be in serious danger if you continue to create barriers of all kinds and on the pretext of ensuring public character is subordinate, companies and journalists, a kind of political or state that can not really have a popular character that ensures not only their sovereignty, but the total and absolute legitimacy of its resolutions. "

recognizes it, the prosperity of many newspaper companies, but such was not the goal bonanza. The purpose of the newspapers, even in times of economic boom, was still teaching. The commercial success was an unintended bonus.

The passage of a statute for journalists violated, according Littoral, freedom of expression. Not in all respects, clarified. Who could defend " the freedom to exploit others without pretense ? Objected to this newspaper, in a text with the signing of Fermin Ponce, which does not contemplate situations, including hours and wages, which in common trades were discussed at the offices of Labor " without creating a statute Special each guild or profession. "

July 14, pursuant to statute, met at the Regional Directorate of Labour's first joint committee of the sector. Attended by representatives of the Society for Industrial Graphics RP Juan Corti ( Morning Santa Fe), Fernando Estrada ( The Order ), Rafael Garcia ( The Tribune ) and Riobó Caputto ( El Litoral ), and the AP Antonio Miser, Joseph Benedetti, Manuel Dominguez Neira and Amadeo Carlen. At that meeting, they discussed and agreed salary scales for the day of first and second category. At the end of the month, the president of the FAP visited the cities of Santa Fe and Paraná to meet with employers, employees and officials of the Labour delegation to oversee the development of the joint and application of the statute.

By October, there was a new Congress of the FAP. Is the opportunity for that, with the Statute in full force, Littoral express its opinion and make an assessment of the short years of unionization of journalists. Reinstall

a distinction between those for whom journalism was not a profession but a vocation, on the one hand, and those who, although they exercise such a ministry, "wished to engage in the business of writing with some economic independence that would ensure, in turn, journalists' ethics effectively. "

and shows a new current of thought about the profession, vocation, profession, which will be discussed for some time. " The latest trend, clearly in favor of the journalist's profession is in some ways incompatible with any other employment or public or private agency, said an ethical concern that should be duly appreciated by the public, who is also eligible to rely on private moral writing in the newspapers that, in some sense will guide its opinion or report on events or things that matter to be clearly interpreted . "

The journalists' union problems are few and unimportant, says the paper. But unionization has helped to permeate the thoughts of not only journalists, but also the organs in which they exercise their vocation.

The emerging divisions within the FAP against the role of Colonel would deepen even more and more.

Sources: Cintia Mignone
. The ministry of trade unionism. A history of the guild's press Santa Fe. Santa Fe, 2010. Parcero
Daniel. press workers. Ladrilleros journalism . Corregidor, Buenos Aires, 2010. Journal
El Litoral, 1944.
Argentina Federation of Journalists. Ten years Trade Organization. FAP, Buenos Aires, 1949.
Cane, James. 'Workers of the pen. " Journalists, owners and state in the transformation of the press in Argentina, 1935-1945 . In: Da Orden, María Liliana and Melon Pirro, Julio Cesar (ed.). Press and Peronism. Discourses, practices and companies. 1943-1958. Rosario, Prohistoria, 2007

Monday, March 21, 2011

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A step towards justice

After almost thirty-seven, the family of Marta Zamaro and Nilsa Urquía decided to ask the courts to reopen the case for the death of the lawyers. An assembly of members gave the approval to the Board of the Associated Press of Santa Fe to become as a prosecutor. This is the first cause to investigate crimes committed by the local AAA. A story about the first investigations, the context and reasons for Santa Fe pending . New

Journal was the brainchild of Mark Bobbio who used the work of graphic and journalists who came from the unprecedented experience of a strike by more than 20 days on the coast in 1968. This highly unionized campus was the architect of a newspaper renewing the journalistic language of the city, stagnant since disappeared The Order in 1955.

And also starred in numerous conflicts with his employers, the most serious of which - prior to its closure on March 24, 1976 - occurred from late July 1973 when Bobbio decided to implement the off-set system. The new technique involves a restructuring of the morning and dismissal of many workers graphics. The newspaper closed for several months, during which there were protests and footage of the building. For the preparation of the new technology would appear Color New Journal on 13 December, was called Mary Angels "Pocha" Pagano, who was working, among others, Martha Adelina Zamaro.

Both had been student activists and after the Revolutionary Workers Party (PRT). Zamaro Marta was also counsel and shared with Nilsa Urquía department, a colleague who was acting on the Defense Committee of Political Prisoners.

sentenced and executed

In October 1974 came to New Journal the "sentence" handed down by the Anti Coastal Command (CAL) to a significant number of workers, both editorial and workshops. This list was composed, among others, by Alcira Ríos de Cordoba and her husband Luis "Tatin" Córdoba, Marta Zamaro and "Pocha" Pagano. The list had a feature that drew attention from that time until today, including a person who was not part of the newspaper staff, Nilsa Urquía.

The conviction began to be implemented in the early hours of Thursday 14 November. Marta Urquía Zamaro and Nilsa, 29 and 32 years respectively, were abducted from his home in Diagonal Aguirre 2533. New Journal slogan that "according to eyewitnesses "," a group of unknown s "captured them and placed them in a car that was waiting. Some days later reports: " is known for the fact they felt cries and pleas for help, but why let the murderers to meet its target and bring both by force." It was estimated then that the operation had been carried out by "outsiders our province."

At 7 am that day, Julian Mattiozzi, owner of the apartment they rented the lawyers and resident of the floor, telephoned the police to the front door had been violated and that he had papers scattered on the floor. The visual inspection of the mess officer found a woman's shoe and breaks on the way to the department, called repeatedly to the tenants, but no one answered. Then, he made inquiries in the neighborhood looking for witnesses, but did not find them. The Seventh Section began an investigation for "damage" to the door of the residence. Considered

that documents found on the way to the department's lawyers and the record says, " presumed could be related to communications between extremist leaders " was notified of the new Information Service of the Regional Unit I and the Chief of the Association of Special Units. Staff of this unit joined the department's lawyers, a federal judge's order Elbio Cano. Letters were seized "various tenors , a recorder, several tapes, a copy of World Trade , cuts New Journal of violence, death penalty and economy, copies of New Man , Peronist , Front, Popular Information Booklet and a book on the Cuban Revolution of Silvio Frondizi.

At 1415 hours on Saturday, November 16, Daniel Castro traveled to Hope, and when passing bridges Cululú Arroyo saw a person, presumably drowned. He communicated the news to the First Station of Hope from where he sent the police and fire department. Past 16 hours removed two bodies from the creek.

There were two women. The first, thin, black hair, long and straight, wearing a white and orange shirt, red pants and blue slippers. His face was completely covered, except the nostrils, cloth and adhesives, and hands tied in front. The second, of medium height, straight hair and graying, wearing a robe and a petticoat underneath, she was barefoot. He also had his face covered with adhesive tape, arms extended above your head and hands tied. In the area found tire marks, entry and exit, that were drawn by hand to the police summary.

November 17 come to expect the results of the fingerprint identification of both bodies. It was Marta Urquía Zamaro and Nilsa. The same day, Grace and Miguel Urquía Zamaro recognized the bodies of their sisters.

The autopsy determined the cause of both deaths was drowning. Signed by Dr. Jorge Alberto Allin and Miltiades César Echagüe describe Zamaro's body had three puncture wounds and multiple contusions " produced by a blunt, rigid " on the front of the legs and the inside of both thighs, and also abrasions on both elbows, arms and forearms, as well as in the thoracic anterior, posterior, frontal and nasal. The external genitalia, doctors say, no signs of violence. In the body of Urquía, there were signs of violence or injuries. Had died between 24 and 36 hours before the discovery of their bodies. Reactions

newspapers were not published in Santa Fe on 17 November. Came to our country the body of Eva Peron and the CGT had declared a strike for that reason. Nuevo Diario published nor next day, although a special edition in the circumstances.

The Coast states on its cover the crimes, including photos of victims and the limited versions of them were weaving. New Journal also discloses a sketch of his company Zamaro Marta, the words uttered than a worker in the burial chart, the repudiation of different organizations and moving text, without signature, reflecting the wonder that among workers had caused the news.

(Click to enlarge)

This was not the only reaction that occurred in the morning. Former newspaper worker and writer Carlos María Gómez recreated in his novel "The jackals of the stream" a situation that would have happened in those days: " At that time, along with a man who is not the Journal, (Mirta / Marta ) voiced his joy at the news of the murder of Joseph Rucci (...). remember very well the incident that occurred immediately when a journalist named Charles was bitterly reproached his attitude, ensuring that it would pay dearly ... Later, when Mirta found murdered, was extremely remorseful. But it was public knowledge that belonged to the ultra-right sectors and that, personally, I hated every expression, whether political or even artistic, that has to do with progressive ideas, or simply to go aside the common denominator of their own and immutable values. So nobody believed him. "

The other reaction was the CAL, which had served the sentence, but went for more. At 2:15 am on Nov. 21, four people traveling in a Citroen van were two gun shots against local Nuevo Diario. The watchman of the building said that minutes before had received an anonymous call in which it was made known to undermine the newspaper, citing Anti Coastal Command.

The record

What the police investigated and justice in 1974? Investigated what was the mood of the victims, who visited them at what time, why Urquía would travel to Mexico, who spoke by telephone, who cleaned the apartment, if they had heard strange noises the night of the abduction. This wording of questions were siblings, neighbors and employees of the travel agency which operated Urquía. Nobody had heard anything, although the information published in newspapers.

trades also were sent to places of work of both, seeking to reveal the last day to attend work, time and payroll who withdrew their immediate peers. Rizuli Salvador, director of the Land Registry of the Province, and Alfredo Sahd, director of Nuevo Diario quickly responded to all questions in court.

The last movement of research which is based on the record is April 30, 1975.

crimes in context

Police and Justice ignored, first, previous threats and attacks after receiving a group of workers Nuevo Diario, where Martha Zamaro was a delegate to the International Commission . Also ignored the "withdrawal" that occurred in the morning. They ignored the letters "CAL."

Zamaro ignored the action and Urquía as advocates for political prisoners and their union membership and neighborhood.

also ignored the two women belonging to the TRP and the escalation of violence that existed in the country and the city, in response, by the People's Revolutionary Army, the Slaughter of the Chapel of the Rosary and the replica which was manifested by the Triple A and his "delegations."

On August 9, 1974, members of the ERP began an operation to steal military supplies in the Airborne Infantry Regiment 17 of Catamarca. The plan failed and 16 other guerrillas were captured and executed while in custody. The organization has already been declared illegal, announced it would retaliate. In Santa Fe two of them were implemented.

October 10, was executed Lieutenant Juan Carlos Gambandé and 7 November, the largest Nestor López. Both deaths were claimed by the Red Star ERP , your body releases (numbers 43 and 44).

diaries record the arrival times of " personnel Federal Police" from Buenos Aires and the Army Intelligence Service to conduct the investigation.

The deployment came to fruition just two days after the burial of Martha and Nilsa Zamaro Urquía: two men and two women from the ERP were arrested and were found a "people's prison" and a clandestine printing press, as well as explosives, weapons and publications of all kinds. There was a " general stampede, in the words of Nuevo Diario, palpable in the hastily abandoned homes that were raided on subsequent days. With its staff decimated and frightened in the morning is analyzed as "auspicious widely " the fact that residents cooperate with the authorities to observe suspicious movements.

Zamaro crimes and Urquía were losing presence in the media. No published the belief that many of his colleagues and friends had from day one. The kidnapping, torture, murder, exposed bodies, the modus operandi that was beginning to repeat itself, the death sentences the notice, all as a sign of something, as an indication, as a warning. Warning that many took notice.

The killings were for those who took note of them, the work of the Coastal Command Anti. Were the answer to the answer. The response of paramilitary forces who answered 16 shootings to the execution of members of the "counter-revolutionary army." Display: Marta Zamaro and Nilsa Urquía, two lawyers, two workers, two political activists in area, with visibility enough that no one was left in no doubt of the message. Message that, at the risk of undue repetition, noted many, many media workers.

Why now

Why almost 37 years later to reopen the case. There is an explanation

quite intimate family. Zamaro Grace was 23 when she had to recognize the maimed body of her older sister. Recounts today, as if it were a dream, how her father took her head and repeated: "Tell me where is I'm going to find ." He died a year after her daughter. How his mother spent months in bed. And how the years kept passing, and how fear did not stop and how to Dona Adelina news is they are reluctant that will rub Marta. You have to listen to Grace giant step Zamaro talk meant to tell Mrs. Adeline, now 94 years old Pisa, Marta's name was on a city street. You have to listen to Grace saying that accepting the reopening of the case is that her mother and her friends have not spoken to Martha.
And thank

have found: "There had that peace of mind that her body, knowing that I was no longer among us, but we knew what had happened ."

And say with a tinge of guilt, that Martha also seek justice if the corpses had been in other and not himself: " but she had not missed so much time ."

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Halloween Costume For Someone On Cruches

we said yesterday: Santa Fe before the coup press

Nuevo Diario left alone once more, The Coast in the days when that occurred the last military coup. The owner asked "permission" to edit the morning, remind workers. Before the assault of the Armed Forces, the evening was hopeful with the figure of Jorge Rafael Videla .

I'm not original in the title of this post. That's the name of a great book by Eduardo Martin Blaustein and Zubieta: "We said yesterday. The press in Argentina under the Process. " The book carries a caption that says: "The 3,000 days of the tragic history of Argentina. Texts and pictures with all the newspapers and magazines of the time said, silenced or misrepresented. "

What happened, what they said our print media in this city? This is not to walk the seven years but only a few days. Ranging from the pre-March 24, 1976 until the end of this month but it serves an arbitrary cut small sample.

The map of the print media in Santa Fe was just a little map, away at the time of the dozen daily newspapers in the first decades of the twentieth century. The newspaper El Litoral had many competitors in its existence, only two managed to upset her and both the policy helped remove the medium.

The first was The Order, which appeared in 1927, Santa Fe cooled journalism with popular language and the preponderance of local information, police and photographs. As if something was missing from The Order to win the preference of the readers of the popular sectors, pleaded Peronist and their fate was tied to the movement. He disappeared in 1955.

The second was Nuevo Diario, whose first issue was published on 22 December 1968. We told stories and promised more, which will see the light, about the birth and development of this morning. Suffice to state that Mark Bobbio pitched his writing with much of the strikers who had stopped for more than 20 days to evening to meet in those days fifty years. New Journal also renewed the language, was a popular paper, graphics and journalistically superior to the journal of Vittoria and the Caputto.

But Nuevo Diario financial difficulties since its inception. The technology shift towards off-set in 1973 caused a long conflict and by October 1975 against the possible closure, initiated an unprecedented experience of co-worker business but failed.

The newspaper and was decimated in a stampede that began in October 1974 when Coastal Command Anti threatened journalists and graphics on your campus and then kidnapped, tortured and murdered Zamaro Marta, an employee of the newspaper.

Taken by his staff, abandoned by employers, the newspaper was closed on March 24, 1976. Some workers point out that Bobbio consulted every afternoon if I could get it out the next morning.

Littoral, however, had disciplined workers in 1968. And their pages particularly the editorial continued taking care of a kind of moral superiority that is tradition in some newspapers, that bestowal duty to indicate, warn, congratulations. And never back down. Editorials

What they said less any manual defines a newspaper editorial as a genre consisting of a text is not signed, because it expresses the view of a means of communication on a story or fact relevant.

These are positions that assumes El Litoral between 20 and 31 March 1976.

On day 20, the evening welcomed the Festival of Guadalupe, held days earlier. " quality and popular support are by no means mutually exclusive: on the contrary, they complement " he said. Had attended mostly young men who had behaved "properly ." The organization was contrasted with other types of shows that were made " a misguided approach that should be broadcast on a massive scale culture."

To El Litoral " popular by no means easy to be confused with the schemes of a subordinate effect that instead of raising, uniforms, confuses and distorts . "

was to highlight the Festival of Guadalupe because the city, otherwise "enlightened center" had left her standing under a "mistaken policy " in the cultural field, that " was characterized by an exaltation of the lower and disdain, if not outright hostility, towards all that meant real quality, levels of demand and selective rigor. "

21 and 22 publishers refer to the end of the diplomatic rift with Bolivia and bad road conditions.

On Tuesday 23, the newspaper is in favor of true national unity, which are not only in speeches. He recalls that many times the country was divided and threatened by conflicts, but also often "knew emerge strengthened from these anxieties, assimilating experiences and progress in a way maturity."

" Since the early days of the struggle for independence, through confrontations and federal unit in the complex process of the National Organization and many major events, some people beyond the divisions sometimes circumstantial, deep-failed to see the path of unity, synthesis capable of marrying the opponents and how to find the foundation of the permanent values \u200b\u200b, "he wrote.

Who or who would be in 1976 would drive that way? He does not say clearly Littoral. Yes clarifies that harmony should not imply weakness or based on acceptance of the machinations of those who " through crime, corruption, intolerance and fanaticism, do everything possible to break the ties that bind together to people, tired of fighting and sterile divisions. "

"The End of an era" is the title chosen for the March 24 editorial. The determination of the Armed Forces course "was" the result of a serene analysis "and the responsibility assumed upon taking office was a" logical to mismanagement, the contradictions, anarchy, economic chaos, the arrogance, relentless subversion and general destruction that marked the existence of citizens in the latter period . "

Is the newspaper that he was hopeful that "real definitely has closed the subordinate and despicable way to understand the high political role "and bet because" firmly but dispassionately, brought to light many wrongful acts committed under the civil . "

not expect magic solutions, but to ensure " least order and justice", to be achieved among all who were willing to "overcome the negative and work for national greatness in a climate of respect, faith and joint effort. "

In three days, begin the claims sector. Claims shy in two cases, as is known, was too much anarchy and no could expect magic solutions.

"The health hazard" is an editorial intended to highlight the crisis in the health system had no equal in history. In "Claims of agriculture" states that " field" is waiting to changes in government, confident that their aspirations " must be taken into account their special status wealth generator."

Complaints " leaders contend that over ninety percent of the foreign exchange entering the country are rooted in agriculture, and for decades is that the main recipient of measures directed officials to shore up the economy, whether by way of stifling tax charges, withholdings on exports of its products or so-called political prices, among others. And the movement has repeatedly pointed out that agriculture is forced to subsidize other sectors of activity. Added to this is the disproportionate increase operating costs by way of the continued increases in input prices, ranging from a tractor to bale wire . "

And the warning, the industry had already left " attitudes that characterized him, letting go without complaining. " makes your eyes now to the new authorities, in the desire to be taken into account because they are certain that, once again, will be invited to make a contribution towards economic recovery. "

The other sector is in charge of Justice. Process decision to dismiss members of the Courts " appears consistent with a radical purpose of complete reorganization of public life." However, should not be prejudiced nor the dignity and stability of the judges, but not all, but those "real men of law, that are not in their offices as makeshift or as mere functionaries of a regime corrupt. " In Santa Fe there were these judges and between calls, should be sought which would be " jealous guardians of fairness in this Republican rigor period has now been opened and many with confidence expect. "

"You have to give it time" is perhaps the most telling editorial aspirations Littoral.
It stresses the passivity with which the public attended the overthrow of Esetela María Martínez de Perón. And that looks to the citizens: " The observer in 2000 might think that in our political vicissitudes, the Argentines of the twentieth century we behaved like spoiled children . In accordance with an alternative government changes, the major sectors of production, the state, business or work-think the time has come to realize "the dream of the boy ', taking advantage of its legendary opponents."

be verified " abusive behavior" resulting from " civic immaturity" of the Argentines. Choose to prove one of his favorite targets: the union sector. Removed from the shelves the Employment Contracts Act to remember that employees should " adjust their behavior to what is characteristic of a good worker " and " act in good faith" and that " the worker must provide the service on time , regular attendance and commitment. " In contrast, spoiled children tried to " exceptions to cash in on the conquered, not importársele that indiscipline and absenteeism would lead to low productivity that decisively influenced the crisis."

then analyzes some articles of the "Act setting the purpose and main objectives for the process national reorganization "of the military junta and notes that reflect" clearly " the disposition of armed forces to lessen the conflict between hegemonic vocation factors hungry."

will come a time of austerity and sacrifice, he says. But we all must "renounce the whims of spoiled children in a fictional wealth that could not sustain production ." " To regain squandered inheritance we accept the imperative of effort and sacrifice. In the meantime, do not expect miracles overnight. Because, as the saying goes native: 'There to give it time '. "

March 29, Jorge Rafael Videla assumed the presidency of the nation. The next day, the editorial of El Litoral reveals his commitment to democracy: the fall of the government of "Isabelita" was the "final happier and more equality possible, as was the takeover of government by the Army Nation and not the substitution of a political force in the governmental function of the other that neither essential nor formally, given the circumstances, would have been by no means the most convenient . "

" Taking the post of president by General Videla is an auspicious act an incentive for the country that pays, because it considers it legally from comprehensive intelligence," he concludes.

To end the month and this arbitrary traveled for what he said the only figure of Santa Fe 35 years ago, a week after the military coup Littoral published "Call unavoidable." Videla's speech was "demagogic antithesis of cheap, informal promises of biased language so often used-rulers who failed or could not-meet 's word. "

His words were " simple, without any bombast, reflected not only the reason for military action against the constitutional authorities, but the program that the military is willing to take to the nation railroaded toward goals prosperity with the help of all good men . "

spells out some of those promises that, at face value, create: the harmonization of capital and labor, the establishment of a just order, the promotion of culture, " open to all currents of thought but staying true to country tradition and the Christian conception of man and the world. " "It was promised honesty, efficiency and justice and invoked God to grant wisdom, prudence and humility. no a priori reason to call into question the commitment to citizenship and country "he said. Cree

reliance on these proposals. The order of faith and sacrifice should not be ignored Videla says El Litoral " The national non revanchism reordering, while respecting individual rights requires detachment and general solidarity for a work in which we all have obligation to be honest players. "

Everyone will want to read about these texts, I do mine. The problem is not a mistake in the analysis, but persist in them, not looking back on itself and continue, decades later, in the same pedestal as if nothing had happened. Not even 30,000 missing.
(From the last year for the Press Association)

* All the highlights are mine .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Statue Of Liberty Niagra

Campora the government ... Women and journalist

On the anniversary of the presidential elections Hector Campora won in 1973, a Santa Fe look at the news.

For now, this is what there. There will be more.

Littoral Journal, March 11, 1973

By being closed electoral act, the public has begun to refine their ears to hear language the ballot box. Until yesterday no longer a torrent of words sought to clarify attitudes. Spokespersons from various backgrounds argued, argued and argue over all the roads of the country. With exemplary openness, citizens and the citizens were arming the composition of place. In each case, the close decision was preceded by that swarm of measurable factors and uncertainties that sting the man in his fundamental alternatives. (...)
The certifying democracy has come to an end. Behind this corner of our republican history, harmony ahead.

Nuevo Diario, a day before taking Campora (24 May 1973)

The return of Peronism to the responsibilities of government does not give rise to doubts about the popular extraction their equipment and anticipates very clear guidelines on the direction to print the official action. The public call to the common work for achievements that are a shared aspiration, ignoring insults and rejection criteria sectorizantes invites lay mental reservations and are a generous and patriotic call to start a path of peace, justice and accomplishments for the province and its people. So be it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pain In Testies And Inner Thigh

Carlota Garrido de la Peña was the first journalist to Santa Fe. And although his ideas were far from libertarian or feminist notions, founded and directed in 1895 the magazine Thought. Enjoy reading weekly, customs, religious and social affairs, features and fashion games, bibliographies, etc.. . The rescue of her figure as saying The Order and some of their ideas .

The journalistic side of Charlotte Garrido de la Peña is almost forgotten. Not mentioned in his article on literary magazines José Rafael López Rosas (1), does not register his role as director of this magazine site santafesina the province's cultural information (2), no such data is collected in the Biographical Dictionary Argentine Women (3) or the Encyclopedia of the Province of Santa Fe (4). It is the diary

The Order who nominates "first journalist to Santa Fe" in 1951. The paper was then pressed the government embarked on Santa Fe to create hemerotecas guarding the journalistic heritage of the city.

In April of that year one of the press associations of the city, organized the first exhibition of Journalism and at his inauguration Santafesino Edmund White Boeri, head of the Journalists Association of Santa Fe, urged to safeguard these treasures. Took up the gauntlet The Order, whose director Fernando Estrada said it was a "debt of honor" and a "historic debt" to create these archives and ventured that the initiative would be "provided with a fresh spirit and the current Peronist provincial government, who must immediately acquire all the collections of newspapers, magazines and other publications to form the background material and the organic institutions to be created. "

is in this context that the paper back from oblivion to Charlotte Garrido de la Peña. "We talk Carlota Garrido de la Peña, the first journalist in Santa Fe. Supporting an initiative, "says the caption. Had then 81 years old and lived in Rosario, where he traveled to a chronicler of the Order to seek their support for the new archive. "I understand he told us that the enduring work of journalism found in libraries, specialized institutions that are needed for the study of journalism in a comprehensive Santa Fe. The idea is to raise awareness among authorities of the province and realized the benefit of general culture. "

funny thing is that the newspaper itself claims to have heard at that time that Charlotte was founded on 14 July 1895, "the first publication run by a woman in the province, under the title 'Thinking' is the testimony of the spiritual quest of a group of women working against the stagnation that had happened to die in Buenos Aires the writer Juana Manuela Gorriti. He immediately worked on their pages other American women, such as the Peruvian Clorinda Matto de Turner, Carolina Freyre de Jaime and Margarita Praxedes Muñoz Donoso Fiora Chilean and Uruguayan Gioz Ansaldo Lola Larrosa. In our country, the Santa Fe Amavet Macedonia, Mercedes Crespo and Angela Pujato Geneyro (...). Such is the plethora of these women fans who made the first weapons in the country's female journalists, next to Mrs. Garrido de la Peña. "

Carlota ideas

Cristiá is Moira (5) who brings us some features of the thought of Charlotte Garrido de la Peña through his writings in the magazine Semana graphics, appears at Rosario between 1922 and 1924.

The direction of the magazine as a writer has appreciated by a "marked tendency of religion" and adds: "It is not a defect but a virtue, it reaffirms their faith and speaks volumes about his sincerity. "

The concept of women Carlota is simple: women = mother. That is why those who make up the staff of the magazine are against, inter alia, the suffrage movement. Carlota Cristiá quoted: "... Although the Congress has the Suffragettes of Rome was established, the country does not need at this time women voters, when they have in their hands the government of the family, which in turn is well-organized country, invincible and happy ...". Obviously

Carlota was a representative of anti-modernism and criticized the role played by some women in modern life. It said in the article "On desires, "published in Graphic week in June 1924:

restrained on the wishes of love, stands the magnificent corolla of chastity. About immoderate desires of wealth under the prudent (...) The wishes are of tyrannical ways, morbid, grim end in the transgressions of one's personality as she has more noble: the honor. As a result of the rightness of the ideas and lofty sentiments, why not apply ourselves to restrain the desires if they are so capital enemies of inner peace and true friendship between men? (...) What desires are the light in the soul of the woman? Of being the most beautiful and of attract upon himself the admiration of those who can monitor, through elegance. They are burning desire to grow up and tumultuous in many modern women's souls, archimodernas: drinking liquor and go to sleep on the table, treading the excellence and destruction of his being, from drowsiness cocaine, because they may want more, go outside the orbit of life, seeking new and anxious feelings of forgetfulness.

Carlota Some biographical data

Mendoza was born on August 2, 1870, settling in Coronda since childhood. There he studied and married the English Ángel de la Peña, who was widowed when he was 26 years and four children.

worked as a teacher at a school in Coronda and published some papers in journals of Rosario. Besides
Feryre of Jaimes Carolina founded in 1902 Magazine Argentina.

published his first book in 1913 and several of his novels appeared in serial form in newspapers of Santa Fe, Buenos Aires and Cordoba.

died July 19, 1958, in Coronda. Said the newspaper El Litoral: "Goes out with her a noble life, a teacher by vocation and a writer of fine sensibility, which managed to capture in his time, all beautiful human to pour it into their works. "

Notes (1) López Rosas, José Rafael. Santa Fe, the perennial memory. Santa Fe, City of Santa Fe, 1993.
(2) The site's text is taken from "Who is it in Santa Fe" by Gloria Bertero.
(3) Newton, Lily Sosa. Biographical Dictionary of Argentine women . Buenos Aires, Plus Ultra, 1986. Yes, this author is dedicated to Charlotte and "Thought" here. This text points out that in an autobiographical account, Charles ignores his own way by thinking.
(4) Abad de Santillán, Diego. Encyclopedia of the province of Santa Fe Volume I . Buenos Aires, Ediar, 1967.
(5) Moira Cristiá 'Between tradition and innovation. Female representations in another currency peripheral (Rosario, 1922-1924) », Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, Debates, 2009, [Online], On line since November 28, 2009. URL: Retrieved on March 5, 2011.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fox Body Mustang Subwoofer


Two carnivals lived in the city of Santa Fe: the last 100 and 50 years ago. And we live in nowadays. Some notations concerning the rules of the festivities .

The March 2, 1911, Santa Fe newspaper published an extensive review intended to declare the death of the Carnival. The little enthusiasm for the holidays had been a concern of other newspapers Santa Fe. The Santa Fe he associated the state of popular finance.

However, despite the reluctance on the evening of a Corsican, that was torture for many girls-teens when we were palatable, was what caused joy among the slum dwellers: water play. "The bucket and pans have no rest, not counting the occasional soaking of humanity between the tubs served as a supplier of the liquid projectile. "

A troupe of 1879
And the exaltation of some was the anger of others. The Santa Fe daily records several incidents in the game. It is an excuse to give the exact location of the "cantons", since "as in the Anglo-Boer formed and disappear every day of fun, alternating throughout to tease best passers."

cites a case of so many: the victim had been the No. 1 distributor of dairy, "The Family, "Appenine Francisco, who in a house in Buenos Aires street, between San Martin and May 25," not wanting to stop wetting by a servant, was wet lurch by the owner of the house, without taking their protests of being ill, he left like soup. Today the poor man is in bed as the victim of unspeakable abuse. "

And another: "St. Jerome in the street, a poor Italian woman, who had a boy in her arms, was crippled with all inhumanity despite their pleas for some children to look decent, but real wild in his manner of proceeding" .

The disappointment of Santa Fe in front of the carnival , 1911 also occurred in the costumes: "We have not seen a single mask that not even deserve the honor of four lines. It was a general strike of humor, in which the crude joke or alternated guaranguería insolent fool in silence and goodbye ché!, Which is a, b, c of these costumes. "

must be true that under the mask, life feels stupid, because no other way to explain the idiotic heroism of both neighbor bent on walking through the streets, with an unbearable heat, wondering if you know or other questions equally naive, if not otherwise.

of the groups that had seen "only one or two of them deserve that title." In the Corsican, had dominated the opium "and took issue deli."

Carnival Queen of 1961
Fifty years later, the newspaper El Litoral stressed that the city had been reunited with their traditional festivals, " with the feast of the grotesque and the joy of control, with the carnival, more precisely, with the Corsican. " He warned that could not compare with the "before", but there had been news: the Corsican-show.

In the regulations, the game was banned with water, which, in most cases, the public had been given "to contemplation, to celebrate the occurrences of the masks and costumes extravaganza certain to play the role of spectator. "

Choosing the Carnival Queen of 1961 began with a parade from Tucumán and Rivadavia to the official box, located in the Plaza Spain. The president of the Tourism Commission proclaimed "Grace I" Grace Villalba, the representative of Republic Western.

And after another fifty years, will have to see how they reflect the national newspapers and popular Carnival today:


In 1877 the provincial government had to issue a decree that no one should pass over the line when the festivities. It issued a rule stating that only if they could use knobs and bombs, but not take "corrupt or foul water." You could wear costumes, of course, but first you had to get a permit at the police station and then was exhibited a card indicating authorization; is strictly forbidden to wear costumes to represent the clergy. Could only be used costumes or play water from 2 pm until finished and masked balls, which were made with knowledge of the police.

In 1931, the municipality also regulated the carnival game allowing only flowers and streamers. It is absolutely forbidden to play with water in any form whatsoever, the use of firecrackers and explosives, masks or masks of, any outfit or costume that offend morality, alluding to patriotic logos of any nationality, religious orders, military, political , etc., and the use of weapons even though the costume requires.

The move prompted protests from newspaper The Order :

Momo's sadness ...

The old and grotesque god of joy, a farce, is sad. And how could you, when municipal regulations for their parties, has taken away some of that joy characteristic of the old god of the conventional lies, of grace, the broad laughter that seems to infect their worshipers in a feeling of sincerity , and equality, which is a piece of cloth over their faces, pretty or ugly, but behind a flirtatious and soft mask or a painted cardboard, have the power to render a moral, happy and equal, and either by the short time his reign.

And so great is that sadness, that his classic bells, playful and sound, have been muted in a complete renunciation of his excellences, and so, this act was grotesque and mischievous at the same time, to make that king madman most genuine expression of unconcern, the wholesome joy, spontaneity and even d it true that conventional mask or the mask, predispose to mortals.

The old Momo is sad, as the "percanta" that suburban tango, pale and sad, waiting for the return of lost love.

And Momo, which also has lost its characteristic signs, pale and colorless, will wander through our streets, in full surrender of their personality.

Momo, dies this year, dies of grief, disappointment, sadness, sadness that he never knew and that a capricious restriction, it has been imposed today it seems that the joy of classical Carnestolendas would have gone for ever and ever.