Saturday, May 7, 2011

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Eva A visit to Santa Fe

On the day of his birth, a reminder of Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, Evita. He was in Santa Fe on December 7, 1947 to launch, among other works, Children's Hospital that bore his name for less than a decade. The coverage of the two newspapers in Santa Fe and the valiant talk of "Lady of Hope" . The

of December 7, 1947 was not the first visit to Eva Peron to Santa Fe, nor the last. As the wife of Juan Domingo Peron, had accompanied the then candidate in his electoral tour on 1 January 1946.

Nearly two years later, Evita was our city to inaugurate a series of works, the most important of them, Children's Hospital to the assault of "Liberating Revolution" was called "Maria Eva Duarte de Peron" and then "Ricardo Gutiérrez".

Weeks before

Since several weeks before his arrival, the newspaper The Order anticipated each day the extraordinary magnitude that would assume the arrival of "Lady Hope." The commission was announcing the tribute that was preparing, publishing editorials about his work, soliciting the views of the Santa Fe, but especially with the release of a section that sought to " assist in its humanitarian task ."

" As Argentina's first lady has not had time during his short visit to Santa Fe to serve all who want to expose their problems, the guest computer to all those supporting physical and mental illnesses or undergoing urgent situations of any kind, to stop by our editorial staff to account for them in the assurance that, in this way, come to the attention of the wife of the chief magistrate for it, as is his wont give you the solution that corresponds "announced on 28 November.

Countless people came to leave their orders for Eva Peron and the newspaper became aware of his problems. As a general, applications are published as they came to the newsroom. A few examples of different days:

" Carlos Venke, residing at Calle 27 No Name and Cabot, district of Las Flores, requested two beds, on the grounds that, for being high on resources, can not buy them and has only nevertheless composed a family of four; Delia Leguizamón: has a brother in the army and another 22 years are unemployed, for whom a job application. She is the only house that works and has to keep his wife mother.

Haidée Aguilar, 27, lives with a little boy of three years, Catamarca 4268. Are without work and without appeal and occupation in a hospital wishes, hospital or elsewhere.

Adela M. Escher, 35. Is a seamstress and would like you to donate a sewing machine to work and maintain the household, consisting of two children and husband, ex officio porter, currently unemployed. Is domiciled in Calle Juan del Campillo 2982.

As an exception, there were special cases.

Ayer llegó hasta nuestra redacción una persona golpeada por la adversidad, que configura un caso especial digno de detenida consideración por la Dama de la Esperanza, que tanta satisfacción siente en aliviar las penurias de los que sufren. 


Se trata del señor Efraín Alejandrino Burgos, catamarqueño con residencia en Santa Fe desde el año 1923, con domicilio actual en Maipú 1467, que desde hace tres años y medio ha tenido la desgracia de perder la vista.
Efraín Alejandrino Burgos tiene 47 años de edad y ha sufrido ese cruel onslaught of luck without a single family to support him because he is alone with his misery, without more resources with a modest $ 45 monthly pension, which the Fund has agreed Provincial Social Assistance to the Elderly , Disability, Mother and Orphans.

whereas still has much to do in life, Burgos is sustained by the hope of recovering the sight to work, as has happened with other blind people. Buenos Aires knows that they have restored the sight of some who had been evicted and only asks to be defray the trip to the big city, the state for expenses and a person who must accompany and when necessary procedure for the operation that you want to submit.

As can be seen, this is a special case, according to what we say at the beginning, very worthy of being considered . "

Or this:

"Francisco Chetta, ten years old, who lives at 26 No Name and Guemes, sends us the following little note, to be read by the Lady of Hope - - "I love you, Mrs. Evita, which this year will also pass by my house the baby Jesus, who until now did not know. I'd like to bring an outfit, my length from the shoulder to below the knee, is 77 centimeters. Also I would need a pair of shoes 33. I have 10 years, going to school and this year pass through second grade. Chetta My name is Francisco and I live in the street 26 No Name and Guemes. It is a shack that has no number. I deal with shoe polish and sell newspapers. Thank you very much. "

The message a few days

Three days before arriving in the city, Eva sent a message to the Santa Fe, which was published both The Order as Littoral.

" The purpose of my trip is only one: to be useful my people picking their concerns and aspirations, feeling their needs and looking at the same stage of their sacrifices and struggles plodding, the way many of our brothers are struggling to whom fate will send you, no merit, and lacking a sad life satisfactions.

"The revolution must go where she is still waiting. The task ahead is vast and can not be accomplished in a day or a month or a year. There is a constant and renewed action and calls for our most patriotic and strong collaboration, hence, General Perón, since taking President of the Republic, merely to work and work during all hours of the day trying to bring welfare and tranquility to all corners of our country so that everyone receives the benefits of the revolution and there is no one who can feel excluded or private it. "

previous hours

We have said: Order The newspaper was openly Peronist. Well defined on December 6 Evita: The good angel modern times.

Welcome Estrada's diary discusses the figure of Eva and Peron. She brought " own sensibility of those who have lived distress, of which up to that figure appeared redemption of General Peron was, by a cruel irony of fate, real pariahs in this land of abundance, whose progress kneaded with sweat, blood and tears . "

" operators working classes, the powerful, selfish politicians expelled from the positions which it has enjoyed many years by fraud and violence, not understood. They could not understand it either, because their hearts were hardened by the gold rush. If the cry of mothers, wives, girlfriends and sisters, could not call them reality, there was no softening his expression grim and inhuman that woman who suddenly told that the exploitation of man by man had to finish in our country. "

also been published in the issue of the day when Eva came some "poems" received in writing.

To Avoid
You talisman of tenderness,
Your glorious and pure soul,
Your life crystal ...
're the flower fixed
Argentine the ladies!
Your promise is true,
and your hand so warm and soft
as the bird is a messenger of peace ...
Blessed be your name!
Blessed your heart!
Blessed be your husband
Don Juan Domingo Peron!
Casalegno Delia Alcira Morales

Respectful homage to the lady of hope
Santa Fe, you get joyous
squeeze you in hugs and loyalty.
Crowd enthusiastic and loud,
Do not doubt yourself, or doubt.

delusional Crowd going wild,
Because you are the hope in his destiny;
Today repeat your name those who love you
While covered with flowers your way.

tired of injustice and impiety
evade their civil rights ...
A shining star in the east are,
And to her, extending his hands today.

Because you're a star in the distance
That spreads its redeeming flashes,
is for you, Lady of Hope
This offering of your fans.

This is how you welcome
These shirtless you admire;
For yearn to enjoy new life,
well away from error and falsehood
A RETIRED Santafesino

The Order also announced that Eva greet in passing by the building with the sound of their sirens to " condense all the joy, hope and excitement with which the Santa Fe must cheer the woman who fortunately for all of Santa Fe, appeared on the public stage to lavish his gifts with both hands, like a true blessing . "

Eva's visit

The same December 7 Littoral published events from the arrival of Eva until 20 hours , when the newspaper had to enter machines.

stresses that since last night it was clear the atmosphere enthusiastic, which helped the flow of delegations from various parts of the province and transit "outsiders vehicles through neighborhoods distributing frequently balls, clothing items, groceries, etc. . "

The Santa Fe is grouped in the various points where Eva Peron was to pass: one in the Argentine Central Station, another front of the Cathedral, many in the Plaza de Mayo, as many in the vicinity of the Children's Hospital and also the court of Columbus.

The evening described the costumes from Evita, " Mrs. Perón had left the train just dress, a long dress, semi fancy openwork fabric, fresh as required by the day, to look out on the train, wore a colorful scarf, not used after showing her blond hair in a hair tightly pulled back " .

and stressed the good performance of the Santa Fe throughout the day: " the reception given by the people who visit the lady was characterized by enthusiasm and order, as there was at no time to regret unpleasant scenes tarnished the effusive tribute and all acts of the program were reported as planned. The people of Santa Fe gave, as expected, an example culture and chivalry does not conflict with the most fervent desire to know and applaud the host city. " The Santa Fe morochito showed that order could be given before a first lady.

The Order made another type of cover, full publishing the speech "brilliant improvised " Eva Peron gave in front of more than fifty thousand people in Plaza de Mayo. At the end of this post is reproduced in its entirety, but I note in a few sentences the fierce conviction of this woman who brought the Santa Fe shirtless Perón message: she came to remember that " the homeland and not at the service of the oligarchy that oppressed nationality "and that" the worker quintessential Creole is sentimental, but does not tolerate selfish capitalists who do not want to give them their just deserves, to prevent loss its huge dividends. Thanks to God and country Rivadavia's chair is occupied by a patriot, a shirtless, General Perón. "

Day Eve was hectic: the Argentine Central Railway Station, where the governor hoped Waldino Smith and other officials went to the Cathedral. Bishop Nicholas Fassolino there celebrated mass. Then he went to Government House, in whose interior stairs were the champions of the Santa Fe schools. White Hall went to one of the balconies, where the governor also spoke and workers through a representative. Children's Hospital opened "Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, and the new building Tuberculosis Center. With several hours late in the evening went to the Columbus Club to attend a local game against Union, which was played one time by lack of light to end the game (there are some delicious details of this "match" but you better tell my friend Nicholas Lovaisa in a book forthcoming), the dinner in honor of Evita was held at the Union Club.

There, the president of the Tribute Committee, Elio Calamante ended his speech by saying that the dinner hosted by the workers of Santa Fe was a "genuine union dinner, the Guardian Angel of all Argentine workers. In closing, I want everyone with the strength of our lungs scream: Viva la Patria! Viva Peron! Viva Evita! "Speech

December 7, 1947 Eva


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