Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How To Build A Poduim

Duero Fascination

Library of the Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León

Everyone that has ever happened, almost without our even notice as we were captivated watching the waves break over and over again on the shore ...
Deep in the comings and goings the tide we were mesmerized by the dance and let us cradled between the powerful arms of the sea while listening to the rhythmic beating of the waves as if it were a lullaby. If you are lucky and run some air, perhaps we notice as millions of particles of salt water cooling we face, enveloping energized in an atmosphere filled with negative ions.

no doubt that the sea has a dual power attracts us and we love while you have a fear and awe. This unique fatal attraction has raised a host of legends, superstitions and beliefs, almost as many as the number of mythological beings who inhabit waters.
Bullet 'El Faro', Paco Roca
Bathing in the sea in the most magical night of the year, San Juan, provides vitality and health for the entire year. That night the women who wish to become pregnant have to jump nine waves, no more no less. Also, sailors are able to keep his head under water for seven consecutive waves know that will never die by drowning.

In the past, when sailing, the sailors were reincarnated in dead gulls albatrosses and petrels or if one of these birds perched on the ship at sea meant that the deceased partner alerted by an approaching storm.
These same fishermen on the hot days, can see the sea out a kind of mist in the shape of a woman, is to the sea lma. It is very difficult to see but it is easy to hear her sweet wailing, just come to hear a conch shell that was walking along the beach.

For its part, mermaids, women with fish tails, are still catching sailors with their songs and then devour popular ballad ... Says: The siren of the sea / singing in the salty sea, / up is half woman / half fish ... below is

the north of Spain, is believed to be caused due to a curse of parents to their children spend all day running around dangerous cliffs and high bluffs along the sea. Of course, with the nuber close you never know ... Mounted in a bundle clouds gales that pa why!.

Interestingly, in the Mediterranean Sea are the Marés and the Meresa the sea creatures that are being naughty children played by the sea without understanding the danger. Are said to be a huge octopus that moved continuously with long tentacles that grab and never let go of the poor kids.

In Island of La Cabrera , also in the Mediterranean, Vell Marí, character body and hairy man who accompanied the boats while singing beautiful melodies, it was very appreciated by the fishermen in the area because when a storm approached the skin hair is bristling ... In any case, this Vell Marí bears an uncanny resemblance to the almost extinct seal monk who lives in the area ...

In fact, wealth in real and imaginary parts of the sea is so great that you can only compare with the pleasure of diving into it on a sunny summer day ...


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