Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Desmume Settings For Pokemon Heart Gold

Towards a new Library Children's Literature in Special Libraries

For the Library Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León

In principle, s Specialist Library are not usually centers where we can find Children's Literature unless, of course, that it is a specialized library in LIJ.

is not normal in a library, a museum and the ethnographic find publications aimed at children, at least so I thought when developing for some time the classification system of the library of Ethnography.

Fortunately the day to day has forced me to include a specific category devoted to Literature Children and Youth .

is increasingly common among the packets coming into the library with brainy "tomes" of strange materials available to a few specialists, putting his head publications aimed at that, according to all experts, is the world's most demanding users, children ... In this light, does not sound so silly in a special library has books for children right?.

institutions and private publishers devote some of their collections for children. Thus, the Instituto de Estudios Altoaragonesa Library presents "Guys Larue" small format books and neat illustrations with stories, ballads and legends of Aragon. The editorial Tantin, Cantabria, published some years ago the five volumes of "Tales from the oral tradition" , which has the virtue of being of interest to both children and researchers interested in oral tradition. Galicia Edicions Xerais public library "Cabalo Buliga" , in Galicia, with a very contemporary figure, compiled in 15 booklets dozens of fairy tales, magic or animals of tradition Galicia.
few days ago we received from the Ethnological Museum of Montseny the first issue of a new children's collection, dedicated to "The bruixa Guilleuma" ...
We can continue with more examples, but we will focus now in, in my opinion, the best examples of Castilla y León.

"A village in times of Romanesque" is a publication edited by the Fundación Santa María Real the beautifully illustrated that shows what life was like in a medieval puebluco, work and tasks carried out, how were the houses or as fun ... Very, very useful.

"Castilla y León legend" , published in 2006 by the Department of Youth in the context of Days "Avila, the city of comics." 9 It is legends, one per province, with script and artwork of young artists Autonomous Community. Zamora displayed in this work with "mutiny Trout , with script and drawings by Juan Rojo. A must for lovers of comics, though somewhat difficult to find ...

mutiny trout

From Museum Ethnographic Castilla y León, we have initiated the collection "Cuentos de Castilla y León" . This collection publishes the winner Illustration of Story Contest Oral Tradition calls annually Museum and intended primarily for teachers and educators working in classrooms with intangible heritage. The first issue of this collection is "The castle and you'll never go" , illustrated by Thomas de Arriba Zamora Matas. Later this month, while making public the decision of the jury of the fifth edition, will present the second edition entitled "The Cinderella filthy."

Finally, it is fair to acknowledge the work of Foundation Villalar been doing for years in the publishing of educational materials and children's literature. Just two months have presented the teaching unit "The tradition in Castile and León" , in addition to the above dedicated to heritage, history and geography. He also recently published "My first Delibes" , with a children's adaptation of "The Road." Also noteworthy was the first volume "History of Castile and Leon in comics" .

Ultimately, titles and collections aimed at the younger members of the house ... but, I have no doubt, also enjoyed the greatest ...


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