Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ezetrol Muscle Ache Side Effects

Documentary is it who makes documentaries? Amazing

By Library Fundación Rei Afonso Henriques

On Sunday, the 15th, has closed the INDIE LISBOA, which began on 5 May. What is INDIE LISBOA? It is the largest Independent Film Festival in Portugal.
In these eight years, this independent film festival has managed to forge a niche in the international festivalero very tight schedule. The recipe is the same as applies in other places, such as Gijón or Rotterdam: escape from the red carpet and apply a rigorous selection of titles, new formal proposals and focusing on the younger artists and / or more risky.
This festival highlights the quality and variety of documentaries that are presented in. I have spoken often of the Film but also wanted to highlight the strength of the documentary. When sometimes in our profession is said "I am Documentalist studied Documentation" people really believe that you actually do the documentary, I hope! So travel to different places ...
But in the end the documentary is another means of information, a documentary by Wikipedia is "the representation of reality as seen by some audiovisual. The organization and structure of images, sounds (text and interviews) as the author's point of view determines the type of documentary. The timing of the materials, treatment of the narrator, the nature of the material, completely real, recreation, youth club, etc., give rise to a wide variety of formats so today, ranging from pure documentary to creative documentaries, through models reports varied, reaching docudrama (format in which real characters will play themselves), reaching the fake documentary sometimes known as mockumentary. [ 1] . "
Documentary Sometimes that is related perhaps to a public intellectual with a profile like a taste of the genre away from the common spectator. Much less so. There is a great deal in this genre that can really meet the expectations of everyone. In the Library, I have to say, we have always been very fond of documentaries, and so can be found from those who speak of the Portuguese Language (Língua , we project publicly for two years), historical documentaries, like other literary.

IndieLisboa This year has presented a new tape of Sergio Tréfaut, Viagem a Portugal (not to be confused with Saramago's book) his first feature film with Maria de Medeiros . Tréfaut Sergio is a producer and director, led the International Documentary Festival DocLisboa, was for several years president of Apordoc (Associação Portuguesa de Documentaries) and was also in the direction of EDN - European Documentary Network.
His documentaries have been exhibited in more than 30 countries and have received numerous international awards, highlighting Country Outro (1999), Fleurette (2002), Lisboetas (2005) and A Cidade dos Mortos (2009). Lisboetas was the first documentary to be Portuguese in three months in the commercial circuit and holds the record for cinema viewers.
At the time we call Sergio Tréfaut to see the possibility of projecting Lisboetas the Foundation and manage the rights of Design, to our surprise gift to us two copies of Lisboetas we have in the library at no cost and other reasons but not project we could do it anytime.
So from here today to thank for this gesture and invite you to discover the documentary.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How To Get The Golden Puppfle


For the Library Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León

Today, 18 May, International Day of Museums. About my partner's Library Museum and Zamora told you Monday that ICOM is the supranational entity convenes this holiday in museums and what is the theme for this edition, "Museums and memory. "

today are not going to explain what a museum, its functions and activities. I think they are known by all, although it seems that from time to time should be recalled ...

is also known that in the template for almost any museum world is a series of figures or departments that are essential to its operation. In a chart type we find the figure of the director and technicians of the Department of Conservation, the Department of Teaching with guides and teachers and the administration area ... With a little luck, the Museums have Library and Documentation Centre, as the case of Zamora and the Museum of Ethnography of Castile and Leon.

But of course, behind all this, that a museum opens every day there are plenty of workers who make the work of technicians as possible and that a Museum can be accessed by users.

I refer to the cleaning staff, guards, security or maintenance.
are many tasks that these partners are involved every day, facilitating our work.
They take care of the facility is clean as a whistle, they work the number of things that break into a museum, a visitor is safe and enjoy your visit and welcome in the entrance, visitors meet in the halls and to serve us offices ...

I think the best conclusion of the Museum Day today in this blog is to make this little tribute to my colleagues at the Ethnographic and presentároslos ...

Started on the left, Patricia and Jose Luis (porters), Pilar (cleaning), Teo (maintenance), Josefa (Administration), Susi (Warden), Marisa (reception) and Joseph Manuel (security).

some are missing, according to turn, but this picture serves as a thank you to all that are essential in this museum ...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Frustration Card Game Two People

Legends Museum in comic

by Library of the Institute for Zamora

As my colleague the Ethnographic Museum in last week's entry in the special libraries is not common to find literature on children.

Rarely, an author committed to do something specific local issue, but dedicated to small, this is the case of Fernando Gonzalez, who wrote comic mode for children's four booklets dedicated to the legends of Zamora. These are: Our Lady Traffic, Plaza of Grass, San Atilano The Ring and the Legend Lake Sanabria, the County published by de Zamora.
IEZ In the library we have this publication, and although the young audience in this library is conspicuous by its absence, are among our shelves to complete the local library.
Certainly a good and fun way to encourage smaller interest in learning about local history.

I present illustrations of the booklet are devoted to the legend of the Plaza of Grass, which tells the legend of the now famous Plaza de Sagasta of our city, and where they have family squabbles and Monsalve Mazariegos and how after the dispute comes reconciliation.

In this link you can read some of the legends of our city and in the library of IEZ can consult other publications that pick them up.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Precision Creatine Loading Phase

Zamora in the windows memory

By Zamora Museum Library

Next Wednesday, May 18, marks the International Day Museum. Like every year the ICOM, International Council of Museums (international non-governmental non-profit aimed at preservation, maintenance and communication of cultural and natural heritage) proposes a motto, usually inspired by current trends, around which the activities are the celebration around the world. This year's theme is "Museums and Memory ."

Poster ICOM's International Museum Day
Museums, according to the agency, and many other definitions are in the service of society, with the roles of others, to conserve and raise awareness of the tangible and intangible heritage they contain. This heritage is our memory. And for each we can evoke a series of memories. Maybe where you only see a picture of a family of early twentieth century, or the rarity of their size, others reminiscent of his childhood, which differs greatly from the lives of kids today, how and how much has changed. The cabinets of pottery ware of Olivares you can carry on past your grandmother's house, eating a good salad in a dish similar.
Olivares pottery platter

I myself I have memories of the church of Santa Lucia was open for worship and went to kiss the relic to 13 December (not scary walks the image of the Virgin and the plate on the hand ...)
O memory wrong, as there are many who believe that both vanes, the Govern and Parkers were in the towers that rose in the past at both ends of the stone bridge in Zamora, it was only the Govern , as the Parkers was until the late nineteenth century the tower of the church of San Juan.
Zamora Stone Bridge, early twentieth century

In recalling these objects and include them in our life we \u200b\u200bgive them the value they deserve, giving meaning to their need for care and conservation.

Zamora Museum joins in this celebration and activities, with special tours, concerts and workshops.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Save Pokemon Games Gb4iphone

The reign of free speech human beast

write lies, but they complain that they can express. They say terrible things, but say there is censorship. With true global gag rule in place, the daily La Libertad did not complain and say what he meant .

Governor Manuel María Zavalla had a special feature was a priest. He had celebrated his first Mass in 1859, the church of La Merced. Another thing to consider is that it was brother of his predecessor, Simon de Iriondo, a man much in politics gravitated to Santa Fe late nineteenth century. Zavalla

took office in 1882 and, after a recurrence of his weak health, took leave in office. He was replaced by Candido Pujato until Iriondo's death unleashes a year after a succession crisis. Pujato attempts to develop a game reset itself and Iriondo Zavalla in the governorate.

Although ruled a repressive press law in those years, the newspaper published Freedom in early 1885, an editorial titled " Governed by an idiot ." Zavalla was referring to the governor, thus lamented: "We do not know terrible curse hangs over Santa Fe Governed by an idiot. By God, this is done and insufferable! Govern destinations highly swindled a province and a monk who must be hot on the doorsteps of the asylum. A man dug on the edge of the tomb being the arbiter of our destinies . "

In its next edition, the newspaper run by Ulysses Mosset published another article: "The priest Zavalla ." And here says: " Everyone knows that the priest's health was broken to infinity, which does not retain memory of their acts and realizes what is going on his person. How is it that the priest still holds in its hands the reins of state unfit? "

With this vision of the Governor Freedom as all administrative acts signed by him were void. Was not responsible, he said, because the law did not recognize responsibilities to those who were prevented proper use of their intellectual faculties, " administrative acts performed during his stay in power, are invalid because he was irresponsible, his stay in the chair is obviously unconstitutional governmental . "

Freedom stirs the Santa Fe to evict Zavalla power. " Should the sovereign people be allowed to be the plaything of the political ambitions of men without conscience or dignity that they an unhappy one sick bastard bulwarks their aspirations? "he wondered. "Enough of such degradation," he answered.

" The people who come by making use of their rights and their dignity outraged returning sets out to avenge an injustice, should not stop or fear or terror. Sacrifiquémonos if necessary, but do our duty. We will not stop nor bayonets through remigton when are our freedoms and our dignity. Never a town in Argentina was allowed to trample with impunity. When despots rose to enforce the law, not with tears achieved the streets of his homeland-which with a more heroic remember who abused their awareness of tyrants. "

The preaching of this newspaper gave no results. After leaving office Zavalla continued to divide between church and politics. In a custom inaugurated the nineteenth century and is still imitated, Father Lopez left the chair for a seat in the Senate of the Nation, but he died a year later.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Soul Silver Anti Freeze Patch

By Foundation Library Rei Afonso Henriques

Yesterday I attended a speech by the architect Rafael Moneo Zamora within ZAXXI Architecture Conference taking place at this time. The first part of his speech showed the public flag Zamora your project devoted to interdisciplinary science at Columbia University in New York. The project, designed with Moneo Brock Studio with a budget of $ 200 million (134.8 million euros) was opened in 2010, has 14 floors, including 4,645 square feet of laboratories, a library for chemistry, biology and psychology , an auditorium, a cafe open to the public and street.
I intend to speak precisely of that library. Moneo showed pictures of her and explained how innovative point of this center that was designed relying on individual study spaces for students fully prepared for computer support for the work of Columbia students.

My point is that for me this detail on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect thinking when the Library is a symptom of where we go. In the Library Foundation architectural detail that most come out when the visits is the fact that the architect, Manuel de las Casas, designed the library next to the cabinet-shelf is to say, the shelves for the subsequent volumes are not but arise from the principle the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Library. Is a library designed to have a considerable volume of books and even has a spacious shelf for consultation on the idea of \u200b\u200bdesign is important.

However, today it is true that the student or researcher can not do without the accompanying computer to carry out their daily work, whether laptop, notebook, tablet , ebook, etc ... and this is what Moneo think when designing this library.
is also true that in this case the architect designed to a very specific audience, Columbia University and is therefore the space devoted to these students must have the latest technology and facilities for access to them.
To finish his speech to tell you that talked about the Castle-Museum Zamora Baltasar Lobo. He said what he thought would be the ideal project was to cover Castillo Wolf works in and devote the Home of the Giants (now the sculptures found here) as a center where the count with an auditorium, a temporary exhibition hall, a File and ... a library specializing in Lobo.
you imagine ... we could be 6 Special Libraries in Zamora.

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Towards a new Library Children's Literature in Special Libraries

For the Library Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León

In principle, s Specialist Library are not usually centers where we can find Children's Literature unless, of course, that it is a specialized library in LIJ.

is not normal in a library, a museum and the ethnographic find publications aimed at children, at least so I thought when developing for some time the classification system of the library of Ethnography.

Fortunately the day to day has forced me to include a specific category devoted to Literature Children and Youth .

is increasingly common among the packets coming into the library with brainy "tomes" of strange materials available to a few specialists, putting his head publications aimed at that, according to all experts, is the world's most demanding users, children ... In this light, does not sound so silly in a special library has books for children right?.

institutions and private publishers devote some of their collections for children. Thus, the Instituto de Estudios Altoaragonesa Library presents "Guys Larue" small format books and neat illustrations with stories, ballads and legends of Aragon. The editorial Tantin, Cantabria, published some years ago the five volumes of "Tales from the oral tradition" , which has the virtue of being of interest to both children and researchers interested in oral tradition. Galicia Edicions Xerais public library "Cabalo Buliga" , in Galicia, with a very contemporary figure, compiled in 15 booklets dozens of fairy tales, magic or animals of tradition Galicia.
few days ago we received from the Ethnological Museum of Montseny the first issue of a new children's collection, dedicated to "The bruixa Guilleuma" ...
We can continue with more examples, but we will focus now in, in my opinion, the best examples of Castilla y León.

"A village in times of Romanesque" is a publication edited by the Fundación Santa María Real the beautifully illustrated that shows what life was like in a medieval puebluco, work and tasks carried out, how were the houses or as fun ... Very, very useful.

"Castilla y León legend" , published in 2006 by the Department of Youth in the context of Days "Avila, the city of comics." 9 It is legends, one per province, with script and artwork of young artists Autonomous Community. Zamora displayed in this work with "mutiny Trout , with script and drawings by Juan Rojo. A must for lovers of comics, though somewhat difficult to find ...

mutiny trout

From Museum Ethnographic Castilla y León, we have initiated the collection "Cuentos de Castilla y León" . This collection publishes the winner Illustration of Story Contest Oral Tradition calls annually Museum and intended primarily for teachers and educators working in classrooms with intangible heritage. The first issue of this collection is "The castle and you'll never go" , illustrated by Thomas de Arriba Zamora Matas. Later this month, while making public the decision of the jury of the fifth edition, will present the second edition entitled "The Cinderella filthy."

Finally, it is fair to acknowledge the work of Foundation Villalar been doing for years in the publishing of educational materials and children's literature. Just two months have presented the teaching unit "The tradition in Castile and León" , in addition to the above dedicated to heritage, history and geography. He also recently published "My first Delibes" , with a children's adaptation of "The Road." Also noteworthy was the first volume "History of Castile and Leon in comics" .

Ultimately, titles and collections aimed at the younger members of the house ... but, I have no doubt, also enjoyed the greatest ...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Clave Activacion Sound Blaster X-fi Mb

San Javier and child sex tourism are again news. Of course, there are those who deny . But further back in time, ranchers and police were already "human beasts" that place. A case of sexual abuse by powerful, off the coast of Santa Fe, in 1921 .

As human beasts were ranked by the daily Santa Fe wealthy landowners and a police employee who insulted a woman in San Javier in 1921. Unacceptable

a thing in such modern times, he said, a " time of higher learning, wireless telegraphy, superb mechanical flight, where there are brutal scenes, wild and morbid .

It was a teacher school, " deceitfully taken to a country festival that became orgy orgy of crime, savage crime, those who deserve the hatred and loathing of all people of conscience ."

According to the newspaper, " for that money had been plotted with the police and the clever degradation. It is to imagine the horrific scene of men brutally drunk, acting as Indians, even worse, because the Indian killed and burned in the raid out of necessity or out of revenge; these men have done so out of spite, perhaps because atavism ". Note the

indignant language of the journalist: " The farmers who have participated, making your home a brothel, and the police employee that has helped no atom of consciousness, because his crime is that those who commit tarnish and to the people to the shelters. Is worse than killing in cold blood, stealing from them have died gang morality and honor have won a crazed sensuality instincts. "

Funny how you can clearly see what could be expected of both social class as saying: "If a civilian anyone, whether a standard malevo had reached these extremes there is nothing to say, is outside the law and has ceased to belong to the social environment where he lived. You pursued him, he was cornered and was imprisoned or killed him just shows among people. But those who live between honor and decency of the people have no way to explain this savagery. And the commissioner, in whose hands the government puts the lives and interests of the residents is the first enemy of social order. "

The daily passing on the ultimate responsibilities of the case the government of Enrique Mosca, who was appointed people's commissar, who had three trials for murder and some complaints of arbitrariness. And claimed that some magistrates were ex-convicts.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Big Poofy Formal Dress

La Ermita del Cristo de Morales

by Studies Institute Library Zamoranos

In a deserted place, half a league in Morales del Vino and Zamora, is a hermit who has no permanent worship, a place that has great significance in the religious history of this area and where each May 9, as today, holds a massive popular pilgrimage in honor of Santo Cristo de Morales, a space which numerous faithful to venerate the image of Christ.

The image that is worshiped is large as those of his time and the Crucified is "still" on the cross. Have some who came "swimming" from afar and the banks of the Duero was taken to a basket. Between "food" rest until he began traveling to ... here. Here was "adopted" and has been witness of the passage of time and man.
His image has been played since 1710 and it is written words that have been printed in Sacred Theology thesis P. Fr Thomas Marquis SOP in 1741, in magazine and newspaper articles in the Bulletin of the Bishop of Zamora, in books ...

On the hermitage D. Muriel Angel Mulas, natural priest Morales del Vino and last chaplain of the chapel of Santo Cristo de Morales drew a little story that was published in the newspaper in 1948.
The chapel of Santo Cristo de Morales has had several names over the centuries. These changes are reflected in the four books in the chapel that currently exist in the book of accounts of the confraternity of la Vera Cruz. Based on them, called Ermita de Santa Cruz de the Media League, from the earliest writings until 1621 (named for the distance between the Hermitage and the capital), Ermita del Santo Cristo de Half League, between 1622 and 1720, Christ Chapel of the Blessed Morales, between 1721 and the nineteenth century and developments in the twentieth century and the beginning of this century Chapel of Santo Cristo de Morales , Zamora well because it keeps calling Morales with the previous name.

The book that I present today taking advantage of the present is a work of Zechariah García Prieto, History of Ermita del Cristo de Morales ", edited by IEZ in that taking into account the above descriptions describe the history of the chapel. And it goes without saying that in any of our libraries you can find it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Poptropica To Play. Com

Eva A visit to Santa Fe

On the day of his birth, a reminder of Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, Evita. He was in Santa Fe on December 7, 1947 to launch, among other works, Children's Hospital that bore his name for less than a decade. The coverage of the two newspapers in Santa Fe and the valiant talk of "Lady of Hope" . The

of December 7, 1947 was not the first visit to Eva Peron to Santa Fe, nor the last. As the wife of Juan Domingo Peron, had accompanied the then candidate in his electoral tour on 1 January 1946.

Nearly two years later, Evita was our city to inaugurate a series of works, the most important of them, Children's Hospital to the assault of "Liberating Revolution" was called "Maria Eva Duarte de Peron" and then "Ricardo Gutiérrez".

Weeks before

Since several weeks before his arrival, the newspaper The Order anticipated each day the extraordinary magnitude that would assume the arrival of "Lady Hope." The commission was announcing the tribute that was preparing, publishing editorials about his work, soliciting the views of the Santa Fe, but especially with the release of a section that sought to " assist in its humanitarian task ."

" As Argentina's first lady has not had time during his short visit to Santa Fe to serve all who want to expose their problems, the guest computer to all those supporting physical and mental illnesses or undergoing urgent situations of any kind, to stop by our editorial staff to account for them in the assurance that, in this way, come to the attention of the wife of the chief magistrate for it, as is his wont give you the solution that corresponds "announced on 28 November.

Countless people came to leave their orders for Eva Peron and the newspaper became aware of his problems. As a general, applications are published as they came to the newsroom. A few examples of different days:

" Carlos Venke, residing at Calle 27 No Name and Cabot, district of Las Flores, requested two beds, on the grounds that, for being high on resources, can not buy them and has only nevertheless composed a family of four; Delia Leguizamón: has a brother in the army and another 22 years are unemployed, for whom a job application. She is the only house that works and has to keep his wife mother.

Haidée Aguilar, 27, lives with a little boy of three years, Catamarca 4268. Are without work and without appeal and occupation in a hospital wishes, hospital or elsewhere.

Adela M. Escher, 35. Is a seamstress and would like you to donate a sewing machine to work and maintain the household, consisting of two children and husband, ex officio porter, currently unemployed. Is domiciled in Calle Juan del Campillo 2982.

As an exception, there were special cases.

Ayer llegó hasta nuestra redacción una persona golpeada por la adversidad, que configura un caso especial digno de detenida consideración por la Dama de la Esperanza, que tanta satisfacción siente en aliviar las penurias de los que sufren. 


Se trata del señor Efraín Alejandrino Burgos, catamarqueño con residencia en Santa Fe desde el año 1923, con domicilio actual en Maipú 1467, que desde hace tres años y medio ha tenido la desgracia de perder la vista.
Efraín Alejandrino Burgos tiene 47 años de edad y ha sufrido ese cruel onslaught of luck without a single family to support him because he is alone with his misery, without more resources with a modest $ 45 monthly pension, which the Fund has agreed Provincial Social Assistance to the Elderly , Disability, Mother and Orphans.

whereas still has much to do in life, Burgos is sustained by the hope of recovering the sight to work, as has happened with other blind people. Buenos Aires knows that they have restored the sight of some who had been evicted and only asks to be defray the trip to the big city, the state for expenses and a person who must accompany and when necessary procedure for the operation that you want to submit.

As can be seen, this is a special case, according to what we say at the beginning, very worthy of being considered . "

Or this:

"Francisco Chetta, ten years old, who lives at 26 No Name and Guemes, sends us the following little note, to be read by the Lady of Hope - - "I love you, Mrs. Evita, which this year will also pass by my house the baby Jesus, who until now did not know. I'd like to bring an outfit, my length from the shoulder to below the knee, is 77 centimeters. Also I would need a pair of shoes 33. I have 10 years, going to school and this year pass through second grade. Chetta My name is Francisco and I live in the street 26 No Name and Guemes. It is a shack that has no number. I deal with shoe polish and sell newspapers. Thank you very much. "

The message a few days

Three days before arriving in the city, Eva sent a message to the Santa Fe, which was published both The Order as Littoral.

" The purpose of my trip is only one: to be useful my people picking their concerns and aspirations, feeling their needs and looking at the same stage of their sacrifices and struggles plodding, the way many of our brothers are struggling to whom fate will send you, no merit, and lacking a sad life satisfactions.

"The revolution must go where she is still waiting. The task ahead is vast and can not be accomplished in a day or a month or a year. There is a constant and renewed action and calls for our most patriotic and strong collaboration, hence, General Perón, since taking President of the Republic, merely to work and work during all hours of the day trying to bring welfare and tranquility to all corners of our country so that everyone receives the benefits of the revolution and there is no one who can feel excluded or private it. "

previous hours

We have said: Order The newspaper was openly Peronist. Well defined on December 6 Evita: The good angel modern times.

Welcome Estrada's diary discusses the figure of Eva and Peron. She brought " own sensibility of those who have lived distress, of which up to that figure appeared redemption of General Peron was, by a cruel irony of fate, real pariahs in this land of abundance, whose progress kneaded with sweat, blood and tears . "

" operators working classes, the powerful, selfish politicians expelled from the positions which it has enjoyed many years by fraud and violence, not understood. They could not understand it either, because their hearts were hardened by the gold rush. If the cry of mothers, wives, girlfriends and sisters, could not call them reality, there was no softening his expression grim and inhuman that woman who suddenly told that the exploitation of man by man had to finish in our country. "

also been published in the issue of the day when Eva came some "poems" received in writing.

To Avoid
You talisman of tenderness,
Your glorious and pure soul,
Your life crystal ...
're the flower fixed
Argentine the ladies!
Your promise is true,
and your hand so warm and soft
as the bird is a messenger of peace ...
Blessed be your name!
Blessed your heart!
Blessed be your husband
Don Juan Domingo Peron!
Casalegno Delia Alcira Morales

Respectful homage to the lady of hope
Santa Fe, you get joyous
squeeze you in hugs and loyalty.
Crowd enthusiastic and loud,
Do not doubt yourself, or doubt.

delusional Crowd going wild,
Because you are the hope in his destiny;
Today repeat your name those who love you
While covered with flowers your way.

tired of injustice and impiety
evade their civil rights ...
A shining star in the east are,
And to her, extending his hands today.

Because you're a star in the distance
That spreads its redeeming flashes,
is for you, Lady of Hope
This offering of your fans.

This is how you welcome
These shirtless you admire;
For yearn to enjoy new life,
well away from error and falsehood
A RETIRED Santafesino

The Order also announced that Eva greet in passing by the building with the sound of their sirens to " condense all the joy, hope and excitement with which the Santa Fe must cheer the woman who fortunately for all of Santa Fe, appeared on the public stage to lavish his gifts with both hands, like a true blessing . "

Eva's visit

The same December 7 Littoral published events from the arrival of Eva until 20 hours , when the newspaper had to enter machines.

stresses that since last night it was clear the atmosphere enthusiastic, which helped the flow of delegations from various parts of the province and transit "outsiders vehicles through neighborhoods distributing frequently balls, clothing items, groceries, etc. . "

The Santa Fe is grouped in the various points where Eva Peron was to pass: one in the Argentine Central Station, another front of the Cathedral, many in the Plaza de Mayo, as many in the vicinity of the Children's Hospital and also the court of Columbus.

The evening described the costumes from Evita, " Mrs. Perón had left the train just dress, a long dress, semi fancy openwork fabric, fresh as required by the day, to look out on the train, wore a colorful scarf, not used after showing her blond hair in a hair tightly pulled back " .

and stressed the good performance of the Santa Fe throughout the day: " the reception given by the people who visit the lady was characterized by enthusiasm and order, as there was at no time to regret unpleasant scenes tarnished the effusive tribute and all acts of the program were reported as planned. The people of Santa Fe gave, as expected, an example culture and chivalry does not conflict with the most fervent desire to know and applaud the host city. " The Santa Fe morochito showed that order could be given before a first lady.

The Order made another type of cover, full publishing the speech "brilliant improvised " Eva Peron gave in front of more than fifty thousand people in Plaza de Mayo. At the end of this post is reproduced in its entirety, but I note in a few sentences the fierce conviction of this woman who brought the Santa Fe shirtless Perón message: she came to remember that " the homeland and not at the service of the oligarchy that oppressed nationality "and that" the worker quintessential Creole is sentimental, but does not tolerate selfish capitalists who do not want to give them their just deserves, to prevent loss its huge dividends. Thanks to God and country Rivadavia's chair is occupied by a patriot, a shirtless, General Perón. "

Day Eve was hectic: the Argentine Central Railway Station, where the governor hoped Waldino Smith and other officials went to the Cathedral. Bishop Nicholas Fassolino there celebrated mass. Then he went to Government House, in whose interior stairs were the champions of the Santa Fe schools. White Hall went to one of the balconies, where the governor also spoke and workers through a representative. Children's Hospital opened "Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, and the new building Tuberculosis Center. With several hours late in the evening went to the Columbus Club to attend a local game against Union, which was played one time by lack of light to end the game (there are some delicious details of this "match" but you better tell my friend Nicholas Lovaisa in a book forthcoming), the dinner in honor of Evita was held at the Union Club.

There, the president of the Tribute Committee, Elio Calamante ended his speech by saying that the dinner hosted by the workers of Santa Fe was a "genuine union dinner, the Guardian Angel of all Argentine workers. In closing, I want everyone with the strength of our lungs scream: Viva la Patria! Viva Peron! Viva Evita! "Speech

December 7, 1947 Eva

Friday, May 6, 2011

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Exhibition: Ages of Man "Looking

For the Library Museum Zamora

Again Foundation The Ages of Man organizes a new sample of the treasures that are the heritage of the Diocese of Castilla y León. With the title "Passio " on this occasion, the 16 th edition, the seats are two, the church of Santiago el Real, in Medina del Campo and the Church of Santiago de los Caballeros, in Medina de Rioseco.
Opened on Tuesday, will remain open until November.

" Passio" is comprised of over 150 works by the artistic heritage of the Church , sculpture and painting, classical authors, which reflects the life and passion of Jesus Christ. New this year is that for the first time together will show art works of ancient writers and authors Castilian and Leonese twentieth century, which carried out work on religious subjects. Zamora sculptors as Baltasar Lobo, José Luis Coombe or Carlos Piñel , among other artists in the community, will add then to the Romanesque style, Gothic and Baroque are the issues of the Ages of Man in previous years.

The first exhibition was held in 1988 in Valladolid Cathedral and had an influx of more than one million visitors, according to the new page Web Foundation.
Home page exhibition catalog, 1988
From then until now, have been repeated exposures to it until 2011, spending in 2001 by Zamora, with the title of remembrance, that surely many of you will remember, he filled the city for visitors and brought Zamora magnificent pieces as Bote de Zamora , which we discussed on another occasion.
Home catalog
to exposure of 2001

One result of these catalogs are grandiose que se editan sobre las mismas, en los cuales se recogen las piezas expuestas acompañadas de una selección de escritos de especialistas. Todos los catálogos de las distintas ediciones se encuentran en las estanterías de la Biblioteca del Museo de Zamora, a vuestra disposición.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Toddler Has Worts All Over Is This Normal

Por la Biblioteca de la Fundación Rei Afonso Henriques
Mi compañero ayer nos habló del mar, mirando al mar…yo hoy miro al Duero, realmente todos los días desde donde trabajo miro al Duero. Este río que I see here in front of me in low Zamora Portugal and ends impressive road in the city of Oporto. It is a river Hispano-Luso, really radiates throughout the Iberian spirit that so often we try to exemplify in many projects and nature offered to us as water.
This weekend I had to travel and my path was the river, my destiny was to Aragon and for that I had to travel across the Bank. Aranda de Duero passing thought different was there on that cross this river every morning to come my work, a few kilometers later I was already Tordesillas impressive in its volume (say the Duero has Pisuerga fame and water ...) Duero-Douro the border that acts as irons and true border of the Douro Vinhateiro with flooding his vineyard terraces landscape, to get to Porto, the gorge, and its mouth where the river merges with sea.
And ran the Bank also kept thinking of himself in the wine cellars in numerous ways, de Ribera (Roa, Peñafiel, ...) go to Toro, and would continue up to reach the vineyards Portuguese aforementioned wine that have been universally known that even became the PDO world's oldest, Porto. "Wine Trail del Duero is one of the publications of the foundation that makes this wine tour by one of the most important in Europe in terms of quality and quantity of wine.
The landscape, wine, and literature ... I also thought it was here or in Portugal has been the subject of the greatest writers, Machado, Unamuno, and Miguel Torga we even called Doro. "Cuadernos del Duero" by Julio Llamazares is another of the books we have in the Library, where another writer follows this same path that I've done.

Many books can be consulted on the Douro, and all I have to say that your images stand out, "Living Duero", "Douro Vinhateiro", "The Douro Siza" , etc ... playing various fields of activity Rio also highlight work on the dams or the Saltos del Duero that were built in the 50's and that the border has become real landscape composed of engineering structures and worth visiting noted. Recently the Provincial Museum of Zamora gave a presentation on the Saltos del Duero Iberdrola Foundation and published a catalog for this exhibition really nice, this is accompanied by another edition of Iberdrola "Luces del Duero" and "no Douro Barragems" dams on the Portuguese side, they see the river from another point of view.

Such important is the river that I recently had a query from Lisbon to inform them about the English Constitutional Court ruling in favor of an appeal by the Government of Extremadura in anti-establishment the Statute of Autonomy of Castile and Leon on the powers of river.

Even in the controversy involving this Rio Duero ...


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How To Build A Poduim

Duero Fascination

Library of the Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León

Everyone that has ever happened, almost without our even notice as we were captivated watching the waves break over and over again on the shore ...
Deep in the comings and goings the tide we were mesmerized by the dance and let us cradled between the powerful arms of the sea while listening to the rhythmic beating of the waves as if it were a lullaby. If you are lucky and run some air, perhaps we notice as millions of particles of salt water cooling we face, enveloping energized in an atmosphere filled with negative ions.

no doubt that the sea has a dual power attracts us and we love while you have a fear and awe. This unique fatal attraction has raised a host of legends, superstitions and beliefs, almost as many as the number of mythological beings who inhabit waters.
Bullet 'El Faro', Paco Roca
Bathing in the sea in the most magical night of the year, San Juan, provides vitality and health for the entire year. That night the women who wish to become pregnant have to jump nine waves, no more no less. Also, sailors are able to keep his head under water for seven consecutive waves know that will never die by drowning.

In the past, when sailing, the sailors were reincarnated in dead gulls albatrosses and petrels or if one of these birds perched on the ship at sea meant that the deceased partner alerted by an approaching storm.
These same fishermen on the hot days, can see the sea out a kind of mist in the shape of a woman, is to the sea lma. It is very difficult to see but it is easy to hear her sweet wailing, just come to hear a conch shell that was walking along the beach.

For its part, mermaids, women with fish tails, are still catching sailors with their songs and then devour popular ballad ... Says: The siren of the sea / singing in the salty sea, / up is half woman / half fish ... below is

the north of Spain, is believed to be caused due to a curse of parents to their children spend all day running around dangerous cliffs and high bluffs along the sea. Of course, with the nuber close you never know ... Mounted in a bundle clouds gales that pa why!.

Interestingly, in the Mediterranean Sea are the Marés and the Meresa the sea creatures that are being naughty children played by the sea without understanding the danger. Are said to be a huge octopus that moved continuously with long tentacles that grab and never let go of the poor kids.

In Island of La Cabrera , also in the Mediterranean, Vell Marí, character body and hairy man who accompanied the boats while singing beautiful melodies, it was very appreciated by the fishermen in the area because when a storm approached the skin hair is bristling ... In any case, this Vell Marí bears an uncanny resemblance to the almost extinct seal monk who lives in the area ...

In fact, wealth in real and imaginary parts of the sea is so great that you can only compare with the pleasure of diving into it on a sunny summer day ...