Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ezetrol Muscle Ache Side Effects

Documentary is it who makes documentaries? Amazing

By Library Fundación Rei Afonso Henriques

On Sunday, the 15th, has closed the INDIE LISBOA, which began on 5 May. What is INDIE LISBOA? It is the largest Independent Film Festival in Portugal.
In these eight years, this independent film festival has managed to forge a niche in the international festivalero very tight schedule. The recipe is the same as applies in other places, such as Gijón or Rotterdam: escape from the red carpet and apply a rigorous selection of titles, new formal proposals and focusing on the younger artists and / or more risky.
This festival highlights the quality and variety of documentaries that are presented in. I have spoken often of the Film but also wanted to highlight the strength of the documentary. When sometimes in our profession is said "I am Documentalist studied Documentation" people really believe that you actually do the documentary, I hope! So travel to different places ...
But in the end the documentary is another means of information, a documentary by Wikipedia is "the representation of reality as seen by some audiovisual. The organization and structure of images, sounds (text and interviews) as the author's point of view determines the type of documentary. The timing of the materials, treatment of the narrator, the nature of the material, completely real, recreation, youth club, etc., give rise to a wide variety of formats so today, ranging from pure documentary to creative documentaries, through models reports varied, reaching docudrama (format in which real characters will play themselves), reaching the fake documentary sometimes known as mockumentary. [ 1] . "
Documentary Sometimes that is related perhaps to a public intellectual with a profile like a taste of the genre away from the common spectator. Much less so. There is a great deal in this genre that can really meet the expectations of everyone. In the Library, I have to say, we have always been very fond of documentaries, and so can be found from those who speak of the Portuguese Language (Língua , we project publicly for two years), historical documentaries, like other literary.

IndieLisboa This year has presented a new tape of Sergio Tréfaut, Viagem a Portugal (not to be confused with Saramago's book) his first feature film with Maria de Medeiros . Tréfaut Sergio is a producer and director, led the International Documentary Festival DocLisboa, was for several years president of Apordoc (Associação Portuguesa de Documentaries) and was also in the direction of EDN - European Documentary Network.
His documentaries have been exhibited in more than 30 countries and have received numerous international awards, highlighting Country Outro (1999), Fleurette (2002), Lisboetas (2005) and A Cidade dos Mortos (2009). Lisboetas was the first documentary to be Portuguese in three months in the commercial circuit and holds the record for cinema viewers.
At the time we call Sergio Tréfaut to see the possibility of projecting Lisboetas the Foundation and manage the rights of Design, to our surprise gift to us two copies of Lisboetas we have in the library at no cost and other reasons but not project we could do it anytime.
So from here today to thank for this gesture and invite you to discover the documentary.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How To Get The Golden Puppfle


For the Library Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León

Today, 18 May, International Day of Museums. About my partner's Library Museum and Zamora told you Monday that ICOM is the supranational entity convenes this holiday in museums and what is the theme for this edition, "Museums and memory. "

today are not going to explain what a museum, its functions and activities. I think they are known by all, although it seems that from time to time should be recalled ...

is also known that in the template for almost any museum world is a series of figures or departments that are essential to its operation. In a chart type we find the figure of the director and technicians of the Department of Conservation, the Department of Teaching with guides and teachers and the administration area ... With a little luck, the Museums have Library and Documentation Centre, as the case of Zamora and the Museum of Ethnography of Castile and Leon.

But of course, behind all this, that a museum opens every day there are plenty of workers who make the work of technicians as possible and that a Museum can be accessed by users.

I refer to the cleaning staff, guards, security or maintenance.
are many tasks that these partners are involved every day, facilitating our work.
They take care of the facility is clean as a whistle, they work the number of things that break into a museum, a visitor is safe and enjoy your visit and welcome in the entrance, visitors meet in the halls and to serve us offices ...

I think the best conclusion of the Museum Day today in this blog is to make this little tribute to my colleagues at the Ethnographic and presentároslos ...

Started on the left, Patricia and Jose Luis (porters), Pilar (cleaning), Teo (maintenance), Josefa (Administration), Susi (Warden), Marisa (reception) and Joseph Manuel (security).

some are missing, according to turn, but this picture serves as a thank you to all that are essential in this museum ...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Frustration Card Game Two People

Legends Museum in comic

by Library of the Institute for Zamora

As my colleague the Ethnographic Museum in last week's entry in the special libraries is not common to find literature on children.

Rarely, an author committed to do something specific local issue, but dedicated to small, this is the case of Fernando Gonzalez, who wrote comic mode for children's four booklets dedicated to the legends of Zamora. These are: Our Lady Traffic, Plaza of Grass, San Atilano The Ring and the Legend Lake Sanabria, the County published by de Zamora.
IEZ In the library we have this publication, and although the young audience in this library is conspicuous by its absence, are among our shelves to complete the local library.
Certainly a good and fun way to encourage smaller interest in learning about local history.

I present illustrations of the booklet are devoted to the legend of the Plaza of Grass, which tells the legend of the now famous Plaza de Sagasta of our city, and where they have family squabbles and Monsalve Mazariegos and how after the dispute comes reconciliation.

In this link you can read some of the legends of our city and in the library of IEZ can consult other publications that pick them up.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Precision Creatine Loading Phase

Zamora in the windows memory

By Zamora Museum Library

Next Wednesday, May 18, marks the International Day Museum. Like every year the ICOM, International Council of Museums (international non-governmental non-profit aimed at preservation, maintenance and communication of cultural and natural heritage) proposes a motto, usually inspired by current trends, around which the activities are the celebration around the world. This year's theme is "Museums and Memory ."

Poster ICOM's International Museum Day
Museums, according to the agency, and many other definitions are in the service of society, with the roles of others, to conserve and raise awareness of the tangible and intangible heritage they contain. This heritage is our memory. And for each we can evoke a series of memories. Maybe where you only see a picture of a family of early twentieth century, or the rarity of their size, others reminiscent of his childhood, which differs greatly from the lives of kids today, how and how much has changed. The cabinets of pottery ware of Olivares you can carry on past your grandmother's house, eating a good salad in a dish similar.
Olivares pottery platter

I myself I have memories of the church of Santa Lucia was open for worship and went to kiss the relic to 13 December (not scary walks the image of the Virgin and the plate on the hand ...)
O memory wrong, as there are many who believe that both vanes, the Govern and Parkers were in the towers that rose in the past at both ends of the stone bridge in Zamora, it was only the Govern , as the Parkers was until the late nineteenth century the tower of the church of San Juan.
Zamora Stone Bridge, early twentieth century

In recalling these objects and include them in our life we \u200b\u200bgive them the value they deserve, giving meaning to their need for care and conservation.

Zamora Museum joins in this celebration and activities, with special tours, concerts and workshops.