Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Chemotherapy Cold Infection


This is a song that I liked it since forever, and for quite some time ago brings to mind a person who is very important to me. As I said, I feel beautiful song, I hope you enjoy it.

I sing to reach you through all the blue

I sing to show you bleed just like you
and dark in this prison
I am since I have
memory and my eyes are blind without your light

I sing to hug because I do not just turn you

I sing to get rid of the black strings
ideas and words that draw a line in the water dividing the indivisible

you and me.

One and one and one at

one by one and all in one on me.

One and one and one at

one by one and all in one in you.

I sing to listen for your voice is singing to the tune
in countless names and faces and signs
drop of water, bread, wheat fields, each spike

reflecting all the sun. Reflecting each spike

all the sun. Reflecting each spike

all the sun.

One and one and one at

one by one and all in one on me.

One and one and one at

one by one and all in one in you.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Roms Heart Gold Para Desmume


In the past, were easily frightened children.
We scared them with "cute" character appearance indefinitely night, causing panic, and fear that reveals the boy overnight.
But that was true in the past. Today
even work cuckoo is in trouble, there are many cute unoccupied.
Today, scaring kids is much more difficult than other times.
Years ago when I was a kid, there was fear of entering a dark room, fearing that someone appeared someone, usually a relative or friend, behind the door and issued a huge "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" blood-curdling.
now used technological methods.
Now the boys are able to be sent each other text messages with irrelevant content "booed."
technological methods are decidedly ineffective. When an infant was "Ghost Train", which consisted of a train, which was on dark places, and people who appeared by surprise, among the dark, a look suitably scary. Not now .. images are passed by the phones, which have nothing frightening, and even if they did, the phone will tell us a little music worthy of the game, when we have a message, it takes away any surprise lime, and of course any possibility of terror.

Surely the technology has many positive uses, but also has several negative.

Honestly ... talking about scary issues, I prefer my childhood days and not today.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Pokemon Soulsilver Online Free


A friend asked me a few days ago, "Why men are so fanatic about football and when he plays his club, women (girlfriends, wives, friends, etc.) Cease to exist for them? You are a man who "You can explain it to me?" he said, while foaming at the mouth, angry because her boyfriend was postponed to a game out of your favorite team.

first thing I did was advise him to resign (and I got a glance anger in response). Thus, should resign, because even though I try not to be able to beat the football. The reason is simple: love, passion for the favorite team does not go away, as it removes the love the couple (a guy over his life, in most cases, has had more than a girlfriend to Throughout his life). She replied that I was right and it was not true that love to a shirt out stronger than love for a woman.
Upon hearing this I said "How many known types throughout their lives have changed girlfriend or wife?". He replied that he knew many men in this situation. Then I said "How many known types of equipment have changed football? ". Absolutely none responded resigned. With which recognized that I was right.
But Why is that? Why a man's passion for soccer is unchangeable?

My theory is that because that for men, football is linked to dreams. How? is simple. All the kids wanted to be footballers because it seems a beautiful sport (which most women will never understand not having ever played ). Let us. I think (men) a beautiful sport, a sum that will generally make good money being a football player, y. .. Who would not like work at something you love and also guarantees a good money as income? Once this is understood, now we move on. We know why everyone wants to play football, but why do not we get to be players, even many years later, we were watching the game as if we were hypnotized?
The answer I have is this: Because of conscious or unconscious way you look at television and think that you want to be there, that would give anything to be there "on the green grass" (as would the great Angel Labruna), and all those condiments (like the sport, and that is the impossible dream) result that species hypnosis. It is impossible to sleep so that when one sees that a player misses a penalty whenever someone says something like "How are you going to hit it? If you kick me sure I put it." This phrase is also linked to the impossible dream. The "translation" of that phrase is: "How can they let him kick? Yo, that all life wanted to be there, that would give anything to be there, I'm here watching TV, and the idiot that actually did his dream (and mine), which also earns good money, can not even kick it a penalty? "

Another point to prove that women can never be against this is football. Few days ago another friend told me that her boyfriend seemed to be in love with his football team and not hers. And my answer is yes in love with his soccer team and she also (so it said) the difference that the club will be faithful and not always women (men too).

One of the worst or the worst thing that can happen to a fan is that his team is going to decline. Is comparable to a traumatic separation (say, for infidelity). But after the separation in many cases the type will not again speak to his former partner. A sort of break all relations (not just romantic) between the former couple.
In contrast, in the event that a club which is a fan is going to decline, the link is not broken, but on the contrary, is strengthened.

Another example of the passion that football generates in men is that football can be a matter of a conversation between two strangers (and who knows, maybe this conversation is the beginning of a friendship, as often happens when one is small .) Example, a woman enters the elevator of a building and the elevator there are several men that go to different floors of the issue. One of them is listening to the game on a portable radio. Surely one of the radio has not asked how the game goes, and that certainly strikes a little chat when we meet what is the result of the comparison. Football is a theme that embraces all men (or vast majority) and some friends of mine have been recognized with envy that women have a theme that embraces all, a subject capable of getting people to talk among themselves despite not supported, such as football for men).

So I told my friend to resign. Let's see what you think when you read this. Good afternoon.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

How To Change The Colour Of Your Clothes


tattoos are great to be permanent, so is that they have created temporary tattoos. Had as a boy child's theory that the temporary tattoos were strengthened with citrus juices. That way you could create temporary tattoos, being used to fix the different citrus juices, such as an orange.
Orange was widely used to set tattoos, she says that theory. The tattoos were usually related to positive things or "sweet", for example, the name of the bride. Of course there were also some cons. I know people who wanted to take that kind of tattoos (temporary tattoos I mean) using the lemon juice. The results were among incredibly inefficient, and pathetically unpresentable. From there came the audits that lemon juice was good for temporary tattoos.
But I will dwell on the analysis of why ... I have a personal theory
of orange juice served to fix tattoos "sweet" because the taste of the fruit, the same way, the lemon skin only states in the tattoo, if it is "bitter" like lemon. This means that the lemon is good for tattooing the name of the bride, but, for example, the name of that girl who has never returned. I tell myself, that I have done in my body, many tattoos with lemon juice

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Companies To Sponsor Wedding


This post is dedicated to all my friends. I will not mention names because I probably forgot some. You know who you are ...
This is going to read the lyrics of a song belonging to Almendra (a band that existed Argentina between 1967-1972). Enjoy.

For how is loneliness
have to see that your side is not
who never let you think you
where it was good, where evil
Loneliness is a friend who is not
is your word not to see get beaten.
If your dreams are lights around you
You realize that he now never die, never die
. Looking
as the flower dies
you will see that also killed
peace is that peace in his voice
revive the flower you give to plant the same.
Loneliness is a friend who is not
is your word not to see get beaten.
If your dreams are lights around you
You realize that he now never die, never die

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Ward's Ap Biology Book

I just got one of the hardest hits I've received in my life, actually, the hardest.

The person I love most in this world, the most loved person in my life, that why I have given my life, one that is the owner of my dreams, he left.

I erased from his life as one, almost as if I had ever known.

just want to let me be part of your life, but it seems that there is no more room in life for me.

I love her, but I want to be your friend, because the only chink I have left.

At least I thought.

But now I see that is not even that.

The pain I feel is enormous ...

It's like in an earthquake.

and see your blood, your memory, your brain, your ideas, your heart, will collapsing; ... And can not do anything!.

Hopefully someday soon as I know, know how important it is for me. Not to return to me, but you know what you did, you know the pain it caused. Voluntary or not, is a murderer. Is killing the love I feel for her, it kills the love I feel for her. Although I must admit that the feeling called love it binds me, means having an extreme poverty, the ability to find the right words. I feel one of the worst things, or rather, the worst that can feel human. I feel like dying, but I'm not dying, at least not physically. I'm dying inside, it's much worse. Physical death sometimes can be solved. That is, sometimes there are doctors who can cause you beat him, at least for a while.

internal death But there is no antidote, not even one poor that only delayed the death of a heart. And to top it off, you do not have access to your own heart, at least not touch access. That is, one can not grab the heart and surround it with "Band-Aids." That's just a figure, a poetic appropriateness. But unfortunately, not be done in real life.

is what I need at this time. People