Friday, November 18, 2005

Volleyball Spandex Camle


Unknown Lovers Society Flores was perhaps the most
entity's secret neighborhood. Their very nature essential to the discretion.
few years ago, whenever anyone received an unsigned love letter
the wise men did not hesitate to attribute to the Company. Was this a mistake:
hidden love have always existed, without the need to invent.
On the other hand, it is reason that the work of the unknown lover
just might have good effect on the extent to which they would not be allocated.
is estimated that in the years of his performance, the Company set more than two thousand
love stories.
The usual procedure was simple. Without further ceremonies
elegy to a person either. Most of the time it was lonely, melanco-
licos, disillusioned, bored or simply friends who wanted to promote
The immediate step was to create a fictional lover
the person chosen. A clever creative team took charge of the case. For the engineers
naughty teenagers were invented. At the street sewers
Moron nobles drew them ruined. A Sensitive Men
they made them romantic and tragic lovers, but also quite busty, which were a delight
Once established the general characteristics of fictional lover, is the first communication sent
. So, many men and women were surprising
Flores anonymous statements that filled stupor.
The following is the letter to carry the serial number 1114.
"Dear engineer Atilio D. Gallardo:
I am writing from the darkness of my solitude. Please excuse me if
usurp their precious privacy. But there, my dear engineer,
feeling inside me that I can no longer dominate.
you must know that I love engineering.
You do not know me ... or better said: you never have noticed me.
Who am I ...? do not think it worth your knowledge. Let me call
Luisa, although that's not my real name. Some say I'm young
and beautiful, but perhaps exaggerated.
Ah ... if I knew, an engineer, how many times I cried for you.
If I knew how many nights I woke up crying and saying his name:
Atilio. In my room I have a small picture of him I've cut the
journal "Issues of construction."
You may laugh at the rantings of a poor girl in love.
But I can not fight no more against my heart, engineer.
I want to propose something. Email me. Tell me about your life. Since then, still do not think
reveal my true identity, so you should contact Luisa
, PO Box 32.
A passionate kiss of Luisa. "

Then began the real story. The engineer responded, Luisa write-bia
again, the engineer called for a meeting, Luisa refused ... And among
letter and letter knowledge and interests were more and more.
Of course, the meeting was not to ever occur. And this is indeed a golden rule
lovers unknown, real or fictitious.
Any relationship must revolve around a future meeting. But it is fundamental
never find. The reasons are to come: all is perfect lover
unknown. His face you want. It is at our whim,
dark-haired, blonde, or both at once. The unknown lover
no defects, no stutters, do not bother him about everyday things. But there is a fundamental
virtue: for one is also not everyone in the world. If
commits the folly of giving a true identity , The unknown lover
shrinks, even if an angel. If it is high, and may not be pony. If
athletic, and may not be sickly. If John, and may not be Peter. Luisa
If you can no longer be Esther.

For the same reasons, the Society of Lovers Unknown
never sent pictures even if the claims of its beneficiaries.
The activity of these philanthropists was intended to combat loneliness and misery
. And it should be noted that his action would wake up in the neighbors
a healthy spirit of emulation. Upon learning of the existence of secret lovers,
many people found within it the same condition. And so, along with the illusion created
lovers by the Company, it spreads
true secret lovers.
In its heyday, Manuel Mandeb corresponded with four loves
mysterious. The thinker suspected that at least two were the work of the
Society, more than anything, the cheap paper cards. But his research led him to
check for some of the other two.
One of them turned out to be a companion to a course of guitar that I kept painfully
Mandeb. When the man came to her with letters
hand, the girl began to mourn and fled forever.
The last of the secret lovers was, it was learned much later, Beatriz
Velarde, the kid most beautiful flowers, whose-turn-Mandeb era secret love-
do another collection of letters. But he was written
Manuel and Beatrice to love ever. Admission to
unknown lover of a group of editors
humorous and malevolent provoked a series of catastrophes that marked the decline of
These professionals, pursuing only personal fun, we began
were sending letters to married ladies and concoct all sorts of intrigues droll. Thus
got that Ms. Garcia Aurora B is
Vassari present at four in the morning with a candle in the bottom of the passage
also were guilty of countless divorces, fights, players and
toletoles between marriages but refiner of Flores.
But we must mention a curious phenomenon happened to almost all members of the Society
. As he advanced
correspondence with beneficiaries, many writers
fell in love with truth. The well-known copywriter Vasallo is
Luz went crazy in love with the poet George Allen, whose case serviced during months.
To avoid this, the authorities of the agency settled a rotation
writers. But the result was disastrous. Carter lost the
consistency and plausibility, as the editors were not enough to empathize
due roles.
At the end of its activities secret lovers resorted to phone.
was not a happy experience. The language is less tolerant telephone
artistic creation and "Besides, many writers
burst out laughing in the middle of the talks, causing some perplexity in the client.
The Unknown Lover's game was definitely exciting. But even
wholeheartedly admit more or less prolonged process, after termianban extinct.
No one can resist the temptation long known. Everyone, sooner or later
, require the consummation of love letters. And so ended
all stories. Most of the time with
silence and oblivion. On some occasions, with meetings rather faded.
Ives Castagnino, musician Palermo was found after an unknown
lady had sent letters for years. When he saw the corner
, approached and said:
- Good night. I just disappointment.
Today, nobody talks about the unknown lover of flowers. But this entity nonprofit
you can let our spirits the shadow of an idea.
Why not become one in Unknown Lover? Why not help illu-sions
so many lonely souls who walk around the block?
Life is getting very boring. It would be wonderful to receive a morning
a note of these fragrant and full of kisses that come from no where.
leave worry to many writers, editors, poets and literariness that
waste their time playing billiards.